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    ok im not perfect but why oh why do we all have to rely on drugs from the gp???
    at the end of the day we either want to give up or we dont? im so confused and no doubt i know im gonna pee a lot of peeps now for saying this but come on , we dont need to replace booze for yet another addiction???oh gee forgive me im sorry but im trying here im now 8 days af and really find it hard but gee the answer is not in yet another bottle surely??
    gee i know u hate me already but hey im going through it too and just sometimes we need a kick up[ the arse eh???
    tell me if im wrong , im sure u all will
    sorry from a very angry and frustrated peed off lakotaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    Lakota, why on earth would we hate you ........

    The difference is with drugs, your GP is controlling them and it is monitored, whereas we can buy alcohol here in the UK anywhere ....

    BTW well done on Day 8 AF ...



      DAY *.. YOURE DOING GREAT... corny i know.. But no.. We dont hate you.. im still struggling to get through day one..



        We all really do not rely on them. I don't hate you, and I understand your anger.
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow



          The thing with taking a drug to help with the cravings is that you can equate alcohol addiction with diabetes. Both are diseases. Ours happens to be a disease of the brain and our brain chemistry is different. It is starved of essential ammino acids, vitamins and minerals.

          On top of that the years of drinking that most of us have done has made our brain chemistry change. I don't think taking a drug (campral, topa, etc.) to help with our disease is replacing one drug for another.

          I would never tell a diabetic that they just needed a kick in the ass.

          That's just my opinion.



            Hi Lakota,
            First of all we love you ---and we care about everybody who makes the effort to post here. What drugs are you upset about? Many of us have benefited from a combination of supplements/exercise/prescriptions/faith etc... and do not consider drugs to be "the" main ingredient for getting healthy. But everyone is different and what it really boils down to is for you to do your homework, and do whatever is necessary to stop abusive drinking. The human body is so complex -- we all try to deal with this reality as well as we can. Nothing really matters unless you are mentally ready to quit. Then you will. Drugs or no drugs, supplements or no supps... you get the picture.
            Wishing you a positive journey,

            Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
            - Soren Kierkegaard



              I admit, and yes maybe I am weak, but I need to switch one crutch for another, if only to break the habit. And if the replacement is far safer (and controlled as BB said) than the highly health limiting one we are trying to overcome, I see no shame in it. These meds are there for a purpose afterall
              Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy

