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wow, just found out something about moms grandma..

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    wow, just found out something about moms grandma..

    just came up randomly. My mom and i were talking and i found out that my great grandmother used to carry around a 750ml of vodka in her purse everyday for 17 years or so. It was a surprise to me because i have never met her. started drinking at 12 everyday. My mom always wondered when she was growing up why she carried huge purses aroud. I guess that would be equal to 15 or so drinks a day. i dont even understand how one would hide that.

    wow, just found out something about moms grandma..

    The "Vapours"

    Hi Ya trail,
    750ml equals 25 standard 30ml drinks, unfortunately am familiar with that amount, am 5ft 6? and light build but learnt to tuck it away. Not sure how but did. Phew seeing this on the screen makes me feel so ashamed. If some one else told me the same would suspect they were exaggerating, but tis sadly, horribly true. So poor grandma she must have felt like shit as I do/did when drinking. In those days ladies suffered from the ?vapours?, so dear old grandma would just be having the vapours, not pissed [drunk] at all. Ladies didn't do such things.... thank you muchly.


      wow, just found out something about moms grandma..

      At my last job, I was fairly close to a femal co-worker. On occassion we would go out to lunch together and have 2 drinks each with our meal. We would also go out for Happy Hour together. We always had a great time. Anyway, she carried a flask in her pocketbook. I'm assuming she would take swigs here in there during the work day. It's strange to think this beautiful, highly respected professional women, actually needed to keep her "crutch" to her side during the work day. I never questioned her flask, and if offered a swig, I declined. I guess what amazes is me, is you never know who has a problem with this disease and what extremes people go through to get through the day.
      September 23, 2011


        wow, just found out something about moms grandma..

        Gee Reenie, I didn't know we used to work together!! :H
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          wow, just found out something about moms grandma..

          Too funny Mags! I hope all is well with you. I think of you often and greatly appreciate you putting together our NYC meeting back in September. We'll have to do that again. It is so nice meeting the faces behind our aliases here on MWO. -Reenie
          September 23, 2011


            wow, just found out something about moms grandma..


            Good one!! :H :H

            AF April 9, 2016


              wow, just found out something about moms grandma..

              Trail, I think you would be surprised how many of us drank like that. I doubt any of us are proud of it. Lots of times I drank a lot more. Not good.

              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                wow, just found out something about moms grandma..

                i am just surprised how that big of a bottle could be hidden all day. I guess because i am a guy i would not have a purse to hide it in.


                  wow, just found out something about moms grandma..

                  yeh, I have a big bag for that. But I do need it for all my secret documents as well. Just hope the vodka won't swish over on the important work.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    wow, just found out something about moms grandma..

                    well how do you guys get away with taking a swig of it. Also what if you possible got pulled over driving with a open 750 and alky on your breath. I dont think that would look good in court.

