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    I never friends at MWO. I am not going over board but I have had a few. I am well on my way drunk wise but i am going to stop. I don't want to have that awful panicky feeling I had yesterday. It is so strange. I have a few drinks and feel very chatty and confident with people, then ...the next day...I go into fearful mode and cant face people. Talk about opposite reactions!!!! Does anyone else have these quite profound reactions to alcohol? I am not entirely happy with myself and I think that is why i drink....If i can just get to the point of liking myself, then I have half a chance of not drinking too much. Am I kidding myself? Maybe I am.

    Anyway, love, Bella xxx



    Many people drink for different reasons, but I can relate to drinking to gain confidence. I'e lost count of the times I have taken alcohol with me to parties so that I don't feel self conscious, then the next day wake up worrying whether I said anything to offend anyone. Alcohol really does loosen my tongue and has got me in a lot of trouble over the years. Even with the police!!

    You need to ask yourself why you are not happy and what you can do to change it.

    As for confidence it is something that will come with time. But when you do talk to people it will be the real you.

    Mandy x



      I know the feeling Bella. I drank to give myself confidence with others. Two drinks always gave me just that boost of confidence I needed and I did great after two.

      But I have the same problem you do. Never could stop at two. I never could stop until the bottle was empty. That's why I had to stop altogether.

      Please do me and yourself a favor. Stop now. You've had enough to get that little boost. Stop now.

      Please post again and tell me that you stopped.

      Love you always. :h
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



        Bella love, please please stop now!!!!!

        I love you whatever you do, but I can promise you that you wont love yourself tomorrow if you dont stop, you will feel guilt, panic, worry and all the other stuff that you felt yesterday .......

        However if you stop now, you will feel fabulous .......

        Pleeeeaaaaaassssseeeee stop now Hon ...........

        Love ya, BB xx



          Bella....this is all fine and dandy trying to figure out why you drink....but who is watching that beautiful baby boy of yours? Who is responsible for him when you are drinking?




            Don't get on here, tell us you're drinking, and then go away

            Get back on here and talk to us!!!
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



              Chief, that is what I was thinking as reading this.

              Bella, if you are breast feeding your son, I think AL goes through the milk.

              Did you ever read 7 Weeks to Sobriety? I am on my second run through with it and it talks about different chemical types of alcoholics, which might help explain your reactions to AL.
              I have found it a good complement to MWO with similar recommendations for supps, exercise and alternative behaviors. Why don't you get a copy.

              Keep us posted. WE are routing for you.


