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    A week ago I was psyched to begin an AF week. I lasted one day despite my resolve. I knew drinking daily was affecting my work and I understood that sooner or later bad results were bound to happen.

    Late last week my Dr. prescribed my Cambral. I hadn't had the chance to have the script filled and decided I would continue my current binge until this week.

    Well, late last week there was a problem at work. It was a technicality, not my job performance, but my boss said he was afraid he would loose the account because of it. Maybe it was a long time in the coming, but my hours have been drastically cut back.

    This when I'm on the verge of moderating? Today I feel as lonely and isolated as ever. This really messed me up. I need hope. I know that I will continue as planned but can I recover financially?


    Think of all the money you won't be spending when you go AF/mod!
    Pick up and get going, things will get better. May be this was the jolt you needed to get serious.

    We are here.




      Robenzo: Winefree is SO right... this damned habit eats up money. just want to tell you, I know somewhat what you are feeling. Last year I got fired from a job I had been performing awesomely at, because I had an insecure, sneaky new boss. I blamed myself, although it took me a long time to realize it was just his sad litle ego (he also tried to fire my replacement!). It was so devastating in so many ways. I know, work stuff like this can be like a kick in the gut. maybe if you work hard to do your best, they will bump your hours ..? in the meantime, part-time stuff? I am actually thinking of looking for something parttime because a.) my fulltime job pays shit, b.) I need a little less free time on my hands to help cope with this AL problem anyway, hang in there R.
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



        stay the course

        Robenzo, I believe once you start the campral and get some af time, good things will start to happen for you. You will start to feel better and more positive, and that feeling will radiate from you and draw good things toward you. This I believe!! Plus like Dexter and winefree said, you won't be spending all that money on booze. :h Suz
        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.



          K...Gonna sound harsh here.... sorry ,but the truth of the matter is that it could be this or something else..we have all been there...don't let this hold u back or give you an excuse to get started on your road to mods or a/ and believe in yourself...take care of yourself and the rest will come...:l God Bless



            don't think of it as getting "Derailed".... how about "Jumpstarted" instead?
            Look, you said twice in your post that you feared this was going to happen, and that alcohol could impact your job performance.... well, the boss may be doing a tap dance by "cutting hours" versus trying to terminate you for alcohol use.

            Step up to the plate, Robenzo, and show him what you can do!!! This is a Great Time to start over~ if you are alcohol free and focused on your job, you'll get the hours back!
            I believe in you! :h

            Have a great week starting over~

            Tampa, FL

