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    hi, happy new year to you people
    it was only betty that prompted me to write really .
    i was ill gastritis , tho i dont have a ulcer prob booze realted im still going 4 days sometimes 6 days af free
    tho i im going to start taking a anti alcohol drug soon my psych wants me back on meds etx maybe the two together can work . blew a whole lot of money on bullshit over xmas and you just look around at all these materai lthings and it means fuck all .. so much for my spirituality
    personally i think god has resgined from the universe . tho i waste space pontifacting about that .
    bascially i find it difficult being alive but im here so ill make the best of it
    also a realtionship of mine broke up 9 years we were together .. she never thought imet her needs etc what about my needs? it works both ways
    somedays i thought things were good then a call etc well on that day you didnt react to me etc .. the whole point about love is the freedom to be oneself and theother to know that and if thereis a prob lets talk it out not store it up and stick it in some psychic filing cabinet and hit the other person with it etc
    .i belive in reincarnation ive been here before and im tired . but i do volunteer work and try to help in terms of mental health /animal charities
    i wish everyone well


    Big Hugs from me Jay, It worries me that you find it difficult to be alive, tell your doc that you are feeling like this .....

    Just do me a huge favour, don't just disappear after posting this will you??? Just check in and let us know that you are OK....

    BB :l :l :l



      Jay, I'm sorry to hear about the ulcers and that your relationship has ended. Sounds like enough to get you down. I see beside your name that you've posted quite a bit on this site, and you've been a member for more than a year.....please don't stop coming here now. This is the very time to read and post. I hope you feel better...and check back here soon. Thinking about you!



        Jay hi, sorry we didn't get a chance to chat in London, I was a little overwhelmed by all the lovely ladies there :bigwink: ......

        Really sorry to hear you're not doing to well, don't give up.......

        You know, when things seem like it can't get any worse, they can, but this is the time when you want things to get better. You need to work hard to get there, you also need the support of your mates. If you can't rely on your mates at home, I know that you have more mates on this site than you can handle..... Keep posting, wishing you well.....
        TIGGER1 :l

        Formerly Mr Boop



          Jay so sorry things aren't going well at the moment, but one thing I can tell you is as quickly as they went wrong they can turn around. Relationships are hard under any circumstance. We just can't give up on love though. I agree with Betty, if you feel its overwhelming to be alive PLEASE tell your doctor. Jay I have always liked you and your poetry is beautiful. You bring alot to this forum, please continue to post and let us know how you are doing.
          Hugs from across the pond!

