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An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

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    An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

    I recently went through a really rough time, My daughter has had brain surgery, my dad has had heart surgery, and still I beat the booze ........

    Recently I lashed out at a member here that I think very highly of, I'm not proud of it, but at the time I was feeling so low that I felt that it was justified ..

    I woke the following morning to several pm's some hate mail, some supportive ......the hate mail was from new people here that dont even know me, the support was from people that have known me for a year or more saying that they know that my post was out of character and was I OK????? For those people I am gratefull .....

    I've made more than 5000 posts here, and that is the only time that I was negative ....... so please newbies, give me another chance .....

    I would just like to thank the people that know me, and supported me, and Starlight I am sorry, you didn;t deserve what I said .......

    Love & Hugs, BB xx

    An apology and thanks to my good friends here .


    That had to be a very hard thing to do. I don't think there is one member here who has not done something they regret (and some like me many somethings). We at MWO are forgiving, so I say in my best Italian voice "Forget about it". :l


      An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

      Betty, it wasn't like you at all, completely out of character and those who know you know that, if you know what I mean!! Both you and Starlight have been towers of strength to newbies and oldies alike. Starlight is a strong and sensible lady, she will have made up her own mind on how to deal with the matter. Take care, and that goes to both of you. Well done for posting this, it can't have been easy, but as always you have done the right thing, bless you sweetheart.


        An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

        Hey Betty,I believe I was one of those "newbies" that left a reply something to the effect of ...'be the better person" I really wasn't even aware of what had taken place...but it seemed as though someone was being attacked and I didn't want that for anyone. Now I wish I would have kept my mouth shut since I din't know the whole story :upset: I am happy that you and your family are well . I also hope that you and Starlight have come to some kind of an understanding. :l


          An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

          Ooooh, drama? I missed it completely! What'd you say, Boops? Oh, well, don't re-open old wounds, I'll go hunt in archives. But look, we all have grouchy days. If I'm feeling "sore-headed" as our old cook Esterine used to say when we kids were fighting, I generally just stay away from the posts. When I'm grumpy, it's not pretty...
          Jane Jane


            An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

            choklyteyes;255125 wrote: Hey Betty,I believe I was one of those "newbies" that left a reply something to the effect of ...'be the better person" I really wasn't even aware of what had taken place...but it seemed as though someone was being attacked and I didn't want that for anyone. Now I wish I would have kept my mouth shut since I din't know the whole story :upset: I am happy that you and your family are well . I also hope that you and Starlight have come to some kind of an understanding. :l
            Chok, I really wish that you had the time to trawl through my last 5000 posts, and trust me that is a lot! The only negative ones are the ones that you read ....... for that I am sorry .......

            BB xx


              An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

              There are times in our lives when we say things we regret for many reasons.I know I have. And I am not talking about times when alcohol was doing the talking. We are human. We react. :h rudemama


                An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                peace people,

                Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                  An apology and thanks to my good friends here .


                  I dont know what was said as iv not been here that much...but i do know that if you said anything bad that it would have been totaly out of charector for you and that you would not have meant to hurt anyone.
                  You are a wonderfull person who has been nothing but supportive and loving to me..even when iv dissapeared and may have worried the crap out of you...your always there for me when i come back...i hope your ok hun.

                  Love you

                  Lou-Lou x x x
                  "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                    An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                    BB, admittedly your earlier post shook me to the core, but it`s all over now.......forgiven and forgotten........I accept your apology and appreciate the integrity of it.........thank you. We have all said things in the heat of the moment, myself included, only to come to bitterly regret them.

                    I am what I am, and..........I can indeed be a very emotional person, depending upon my circumstances at any given time. I am unashamedly very much an "open book" and have often posted frankly and honestly about many areas of my life, mainly because I have come to regard so many of you as my true friends. M.W.O. is no longer simply about my recovery from alcohol addiction..........this is a place where I come to share the joys and sorrows of my life.........I feel safe, warm and loved here...........and I hope others feel that I reciprocate much of which I receive.

                    May we never lose sight of the reason our paths initially crossed and acknowledge that "united we stand, divided we fall".

                    My love to you all,

                    Starlight Impress x


                      An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                      What the hell is going here, it wasn't me, thats for sure.....what can we expect we're all trying to break an F....ING bad habit....BOOZE, so anything is possible. Lets carry on and get to chat to talk things out.

                      Luv Ripple~
                      NO MORE BUTTS.......:banana:


                        An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                        Forget about it are fine!!


                          An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                          Both of you have posted to help me and I admire both of you a lot . just my 2 cents ..
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                            An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                            This is a place of healing Hon... I wish you peace and joy in your life xxx

                            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                              An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                              "May we never lose sight of the reason our paths initially crossed and acknowledge that "united we stand, divided we fall".

                     true x x
                              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

