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An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

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    An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

    Ripple, I like you now, thats all that counts.

    Luv Ripple~


      An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

      Ripple, yes I love you too ......... :H


        An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

        This is a bit lame, I know, but I just have not had the time to read trhough this thread. So I just want to say that I love you Betty and I know you have only meant well. I hope your father is doing okay.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

          I am glad this has been resolved.

          Personally, I cannot stand the drama! Everyone else is all buttery and warm with their responses, but in the grand scheme of things - it isn't a "who is hurting more in their life, than who?" competition.

          Both of you are valued members here. Betty, you have been going through some rough times, as has Starlight. I think we all had mentioned we were leaving the boards by some big announcement from time to time. Like was this thread really necessary? Was it necessary to point out 'newbies' sent you hate PM's and the more seniors sent you support?

          Anyway... just speaking my mind as it really bothers me. Let's all treat each other with tender care and kindness. A problem in one's life may seem insignificant in anothers, but bottom line - we are all human beings and bleed red blood and cry tears of pain.

          Have a good day, and again I am glad it is resolved.


            An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

            AFM, it was important for me to point out to newbies that i'm not a bad guy around here, several people got the wrong idea of me, and I didn;t like that ........

            I for one have never announced that I was leaving, and in answer to your question was it necessary? Yes to me it was necessary to remind people that there is still a good, supportive person in here.

            I am suprised at this from you AFM ....... I've never known anyone be attacked for apologising .........


              An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

              Hi Guy's,

              You dont often hear from me, Im a bit of a lurker and read lots of posts and I try to be understanding, I don't say much and tend to keep myself to myself......but AMF Im sorry to say, I think you are wrong with your comments.....I think that it took alot of guts to send an apology so publically and it should be commended, star was good enough to acknowledge the apology for what it are right to speak your mind but not to criticise when someone is trying to right a wrong!!


                An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                Personally I don't think there was anything wrong with my post, wimpey. I stand by what I said.

                This type of thing gets old after a while. I have been here long enough and have seen it often enough.

                I said I was happy to see it was resolved, and yes I will speak my mind. I also said that they were 'valued' members here.

                I pay to subscribe here and if this is what I am getting out of it is 'negativity & drama' instead of support for me and others to stay sober or get sober, then what is the point? NO ONE should be attacked for anything on here, and that was not my intention in my post.

                Peace out.


                  An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                  Oh, and one last thing.... threads like this should really be done through private messages. It doesn't have to be huge announcements - just my personal opinion. I would think that is what PM's are for?


                    An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                    I agree AFM...PMs would have been more appropriate....I am not one who is fond of drama in public display
                    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                      An apology and thanks to my good friends here .



                        An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                        Some of the most precious frienships I have today arrived through deep pain.

                        Pain is okay, but do not let it "rest on your shoulders" so to speak. Let it rest a few minutes, but then let it go. Otherwse, your back will start hurting like hell!!

                        You two are awesome.... both of you! You will probably become best friends!

                        All the best,
                        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                          An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                          Calling on Hart!
                          She is our our disappearing thread magician.
                          The hand is quicker than the eye.

                          * * I love Determinator * *


                            An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                            WOW, I am gutted to wake up this morning and find all of this.......

                            Star and I are both OK about what happened, AFM why bump a thread that has been dead for 2 days back up to the top if you didn't like it???? Doesn't that just 'add to the drama' ?

                            Wimpey, thanks for coming out of hiding to support me.

                            I am totally gutted by all of this .......


                              An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                              Our energies are better spent on more positive but often unappreciated things, like the beautiful sunrise this morning.

                              * * I love Determinator * *


                                An apology and thanks to my good friends here .

                                Wow!!! I thought everyone here to be supportive.... Looks like I may be wrong.
                                In my books, someone admitting making a mistake and making a public apology, admitting it to everyone, dosn't deserve to be slated....
                                Sorry for sticking my nose in, I've not been on the site very long, but I find it sad people can post negative on an apology..... It takes all sorts I suppose...
                                TIGGER1 :l

                                Formerly Mr Boop

