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Something that bugs me

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    Something that bugs me

    I agree with Satori
    let's just try a little bit harder to make ourselves understood.
    love to all
    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


      Something that bugs me

      keeta;255534 wrote:
      My concern is that, honestly, there may be some people who are hurting, drunk, fucked up, etc, who want to vent, need to vent, need support. Are we/they supposed to worry about having their writing skills critiqued?
      Well, I think I am guilty of posting here in all of the identified conditions, and a few not mentioned. You know what... it never even came to mind I might not be writing intelligently. I always said what I wanted and received support when I needed it.

      I still sometimes cram a whole lot into a single paragraph. If I do it is because I meant to; not because I don't know better. If it bothers me that someone has written a long paragraph which is hard to read I just highlight it by subject and read away.

      We come up with some of the weirdest things to be upset about.

      What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
      ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


        Something that bugs me

        I freely confess to being the world's biggest grammar, punctuation, and spelling Nazi, and when I see a post tht is writtnsloppy i jsut skipit n move onto sumthin else uknowhatimean?

        It may be wrong, but I assume the perpetrator of a messy, poorly-crafted post is either hopelessly drunk, or hopelessly uneducated, or both.

        Now, about Kate's original point, long run-on paragraphs: I agree in theory, but if at a glance I see it's interesting, I will give reading it a shot. Some are worth the trouble, some aren't. After all, look at the works of William Faulkner and James Joyce---they were pretty indentation-challenged, but seem to hold readers' attention! (Satori, note the proper use of apostrophe...)

        All that said, I'd never correct or criticize anyone; it's rude, and not worth the risk of harming a fragile or shy poster on a site that is helpful to so many. Anyone who is reading this and recognizes him- or herself should get a copy of *Eats, Shoots, and Leaves* by Lynne Truss.
        Jane Jane


          Something that bugs me

          jana jane,

          I wonder, though, should a hopeless drunk, or hopelessly uneducated person not be given as much attention as a sober, highly educated one, when they are posting to a site for support in quitting drinking?

          Please understand, I am not trying to pick apart anyone, we are all entitled to our opinions, etc.

          I had a hard time posting here when I first came to this site. One of the things that made me think it was a safe place, was how wonderful and supportive everyone seemed. How non-judgemental. I just know how fragile I can be a times.

          Maybe I am taking this all the wrong way. I apologise if I am. Maybe I am just too emotional today. UGH.
          Love and hugs,
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            Something that bugs me


            I wasn't intending to cause hurt feelings by posting this thread.

            I have a hard time reading long winded posts that have no breaks.
            It's just something that bugs me, no more, no less.

            Please accept my apology

            Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
            April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
            wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
            wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
            wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
            wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
            wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
            wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

            I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


              Something that bugs me

              awwww Katie, no need to apologise, like I said, I think I am wearing my emotions too close to the surface today. For that I am sorry also.
              love and hugs,
              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                Something that bugs me

                Keeta, you have a very valid point, and in my post above I did acknowledge that I may be very wrong in judging the barely-legible posts. But with limited time to spend on the site, and with so very many people to keep track of, think about, support, and interact with, it's simply inevitable that we all discriminate a bit, and gravitate towards those who seem most like us.

                I try to simply refrain from responding if I can't say something at least marginally positive (with the exception of the "What We're Reading" section; authors make money off books, and as readers we have a perfect right to say, "This sucks bigtime!" or some similar intelligent criticism) And when I bypass a post, it isn't necessarily for grammar reasons! If a particular person seems dangerously depressed, sick, or suicidal, I tend to let others with more similar experiences, or professional credentials, answer those posts.

                We can't all be there for every single member---there are thousands! Inevitably, we're going to gravitate towards those with similar stories, attitudes, education, and even possibly socio-economic levels. That's human nature. I can and do pray daily for every person here, but there are only so many hours in a day, and I'm not necessarily going to engage personally with everyone. I think we can all say that.
                Jane Jane


                  Something that bugs me

                  Posted by jane jand: It may be wrong, but I assume the perpetrator of a messy, poorly-crafted post is either hopelessly drunk, or hopelessly uneducated, or both.

                  jane jane, shame on you! You are most definately wrong!! I rarely, if ever post here drunk and I am definately not hopelessly uneducated! I am offended by that statement. You can really be opinionated sometimes! When my posts ramble on in one paragraph as them sometimes tend to, it is because it is difficult at best to get all the ramblings that are going on in my head down as quick as my fingers can type.
                  I don't think about paragraphs and punctuations, because when I am pouring my heart out for help/sympathy or compassion, to hell with grammatics.
                  Again, I think some of you are missing the point here and should join some literary or some other sort of smart persons forum. Cause that's not what this site is supposed to be about.
                  And Keeta, bless your poor shy/insecure heart. Your not being overly emotional today, cause I feel the same as you, only I'm offended, not emotional at all.
                  Posting while under the influence can be bad for your health!


                    Something that bugs me

                    And of course, you are all entitled to your opinion, I just think that because we have one, and we feel we need to express it, sometimes we need to stand back and ponder if this may offend anyone. And alot of these "opinions" were blatantly offensive.
                    Posting while under the influence can be bad for your health!


                      Something that bugs me

                      keeta;255562 wrote: satori,

                      you didn't do anything wrong!...and I agree, life IS too short. I just had to post because I know sometimes the silliest/stupidest things can make "me" feel insecure...

                      hart....Thanks....and hmmmm...probably only a small, black coffee...*wink*

                      Love and hugs,

                      I wasn't saying that YOU thought I had done something wrong - I was commenting on my confusion as to why I was singled out earlier for judging people and being snobbish.

                      Others have expressed their views much more strongly here than I.

                      One problem with the internet is we can't always understand the thought processes that go into others' posts.

                      I do not give a damn if folk ARE drunk or uneducated or anything else - I do not judge them - especially not on the basis of their grammar.
                      It is just my own opinion that I find massive paragraphs and non use or incorrect use of grammar difficult to read / understand.

                      I am fully aware that some people are writing like that because they are venting / hurting / and need to get the stuff down on paper.

                      It frustrates me sometimes if I am having to struggle to understand the post - because I can't immediately post back try to help.

                      Everyone come here with different backgrounds - my own livelihood depends on me writing and editing Safety procedures for use in the offshore Oil Industry in the UK.
                      I can not afford the luxury of producing unclear writing - someone's life may depend on it - so perhaps that may help explain my preference for clearly understandable writing.



                      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                        Something that bugs me

                        Let?s all get some perspective on this thread. It started with the simple statement that it is hard to read and comprehend a post, when it has neither spacing nor punctuation. That was all.

                        As we are all really busy, we nevertheless would like to respond to as many posters who are in need of venting, sharing or crying out for help. This becomes ever more difficult, as the Forum grows. This forum is host to a wonderful array of really caring, kind and incredibly diverse people, who all battle the same demons.

                        I have come to MWO for almost 2 years. Never in all that time has anyone caused me to think that my posts need to be restructured. English is not my mother tongue and heavens knows where I may have put Apostrophes ( Apostrophussies, Apostrophy, what is the plural of Apostrophe?). Apostrophes and semi-colons are my nemesis.

                        To make a long story short, I just want you to know that nobody will judge you here, but it would be nice if our rheumy old eyes get a break (paragraph) while reading some posts.
                        You and what you have to say is important to us.
                        Love Lori
                        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                          Something that bugs me

                          Satori....I luv ya...twully I do!! I did not mean to single you out. Your "opinion" suprised me, that's all. And my panties were in a bit of a wad at the time. And perhaps I have trouble comprehending "tongue in cheek" humor. That said, I'm sorry you felt singled out.

                          I hope the outcome of this thread is for us to all realize our differences while at the same time be cognizant of the real reason we are here, to help each other, when we can.

                          Obviously we can't all respond to all posts, and some may tend to annoy us, while others may simply offend us. We are free agents here, to read or respond to what we choose.
                          We just don't want to make others feel uncomfortable or inferior with the style of their posts, I think that is simply the point?
                          Posting while under the influence can be bad for your health!


                            Something that bugs me

                            keeta;255534 wrote: That and 1.50 will buy you a cup of coffee.
                            You really have to stop drinking coffee in the expensive coffee houses. I get coffee for $0.75 and I don't need an opinion; for $0.75 the waitress usually has one already.
                            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                              Something that bugs me

                              Oh! Boy! two cents....I too find long post's that rambe without "any" attempt at grammar or punctuation, difficult to read and to comprehend. I am not saying that we should become "grammar police", but at least try to make post's understandable. Grammar, like manners makes life easier for everyone.

                              As for screening every thought and every post as to whether it might offend, well, that is impossible to do. Certainly we try never to be deliberately offensive, at the same time, some with thin skin need to stop for a moment and figure out that the post was not directed to them, as no names are mentioned. In my opinion, everyone here has the right to post their sincere and honest thoughts!

                              Peace Out!
                              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                              AF 12/6/2007


                                Something that bugs me

                                Perhaps this post would have been more effective in getting the point across in stating something like "helpful tips when posting", instead of "something that bugs me". I think the title of the post must have been the most offensive to us "thin skinned" members.

                                Just my opinion.
                                Posting while under the influence can be bad for your health!

