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Stressful work day

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    Stressful work day

    I've been able to go AF on the w/e's, but work is soooo stressful and unpredictable, I am having difficulty going AF during the work week. Anyone else in this boat?

    Winefree, now on the w/e;s and hoping to go further during the week.

    Stressful work day

    Way to go winefree on those AF weekends - I'm sure that alone is making a difference. I'm not in the same boat (right now!) as far as stress drinking during the week, but I can sure relate. Just keep chipping away at it. Talking about it here is key, which you are doing. At some point you will feel ready to to give it up altogether, if that's your goal.

    I bet you'll get where you want to go! Let us know how you're doing.......
    love, wonder


      Stressful work day

      Winefree - Not in your boat now (but once was) and discovered I am soooooo much happier and stress free at work when I know I am AF. I lose the guilt and it turns into pride and then I don't feel the need. It's a cycle that needed breaking and now is a better cycle.

      Perhaps you could use that to help you stay AF at least today? ODAT?

      My only other question is - do you really believe folks can't tell the difference at work? Are you concerned about possibly losing your job?

      If you can do it on the weekends (seems like the biggest challenge here on the boards) trying during the week is an awesome next step.

      All the best...... Erin (on Day 14 AF and enjoying it thoroughly)


        Stressful work day


        I was in the same boat as you. I was drinking everynight as work was stressful and after all didn't I deserve a drink, but then come the weekends it was just and excuse to drink more.

        I suggest you find non-alcoholic alternatives to de-stress in the evenings. eg massages, long soak in bath, aromatherapy candles, buy some item of clothing, chocolate or even buy some non-alcoholic wine.

        Or maybe alternate the days you drink during weekday then increasing them every week.


          Stressful work day

          Winefree, I have been exactly in your shoes. I didn't drink on weekends because I was with my family, not because I didn't want to. I did drink during the week. At first just at night, then it extended into drinking the next morning. Then I moved on up to drinking at lunch too. And finally I just carried around booze in case I needed a hit. I know you are a long way from that sceniario, but it is possible. Nothing good can come out of drinking during the work week.

          I personally tried to moderate my drinking many ways. ie. only drink beer, only drink wine, no hard liquer, only drink wine, only drink vodka, only drink every other day, only drink on weekends, only buy small bottles, and others I can't remember. I finally came to the conclusion I cannot drink and continue with the things I want in my life.

          Work the MWO program, and never, never quit.

          God Bless

          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


            Stressful work day

            Hey Bear,
            Wow, we are sooooo tricky with ourselve's...aren't we?? I did the same thing, try to just choose a different form of the "Beast", different size container.....anything to be able to convince myself that I could drink successfully! But, after proving to myself over and over again that I just do not do well on ANY form of alcohol, I am not happily a non-drinker!!!

            As Chief has said many times, "The pain of drinking finally became more painful than that of being sober"!

            Have a Fantastic Day!!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Stressful work day

              AMEN Kate
              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

