Patty, My two oldest kids are girls- ages 17 and 20. When I decided to "stop drinking", I only told my husband, because if I "failed", I didn't want my 17 year old throwing it in my face. BTW, she has (rightfully) accused me of being drunk while her friends were over. Well, this past Christmas, I didn't open the usual Merlot (Smoking Loon); instead, it was a nasty Alcohol Free White Zin. My 17 year old~ yes, the same beautiful baby that was pissed off that I was DRUNK on a Friday night when her friends showed up at 10:30 pm~ she DEMANDED to know where was the "REAL STUFF????". I didn't take the bait.
My older daughter was away at college when I stopped drinking, but she noticed over the holidays that I wasn't doing the nightly tanking. :toasted: She didn't say anything to me, because she (told me later) that she didn't know what to say. After a week or so, I told her that I wanted to detox for a while- she hugged me and told me how proud of me she was. Over New Years, my youngest complained to her older sister that I was becoming a party pooper because I didn't open the REAL CHAMPAGNE, but only had the Sparkling Apple crap. Big sis set little sis "straight". I don't know how old your daughter is, but maybe she's trying to fight the old arguments by resorting to the same old/same old- after all, she's had years of practice throwing those darts, right? I, too, was hurt that my 17 year old wasn't my first cheerleader (but maybe she didn't think I'd stick with it?).
Anyway, I can't worry about what others think right now- I just have to lead by example for all 4 of my kids. I chose not to go to AA for the same reasons others have said: I don't want the public humiliation of unexpectedly sitting next to my son's fourth grade teacher, or the checkout lady at the grocery store... so that later, we'll have our secret wink

So, welcome, Patty and congrats on the 5 days.:h Stay with us!