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Has Anyone Noticed......

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    Has Anyone Noticed......

    Hi everyone-

    I was wondering if anyone who has made it to day 13 still felt crappy? I thought it was suppoesed to be the first 3-4 days, but I am still up and down with my moods.

    I am also finding it hard to get motivated to do things. I had that problem when I was drinking. I just thought by now I would have my motivation back. When it comes to doing just the slightest bit of housework, I have to push myself to do it. Before I used to be constantly cleaning.

    My sleeping is all whacked out to. I am taking one tablet of the 5-htp, sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't.:nutso: Anyways any suggestions would be appreicated.


    Has Anyone Noticed......

    Hi there Jacy,
    Congrats on all your hard work so far :goodjob: .
    The journey is different for everyone and like you I felt crap for a little while longer than most but it's all worth while you just hang in there :h .
    You'll might find in a couple of months the crapness starts again for a little bit ( bad skin, exhaustion etc) but this is just your body getting rid of the poison you've been pumping in for some time and this too will pass.
    Just let it all take its course and you concentrate on getting healthy.Its not an easy path you've chosen so you should be proud of yourself.
    Good luck
    Victoria xxooxx


      Has Anyone Noticed......

      Hi Jacy, it does get better. I would first focus on my sleep etting better or more ordered. Have you tried warm milk and/or Calmes Forte before bed? Sound sleep will help, I'm sure. Are other things affecting your moods perhaps? Just focus on improving your well-being a little at a time, it definitel does get better, j
      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


        Has Anyone Noticed......

        Jacy, it took my a solid month of not drinking before I started sleeping through the night, so just hang in there as it does get better.
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          Has Anyone Noticed......

          Jacy, it's not the same for everyone.... The secret is, is to hang in there.... Be positive and most of all be strong... Wishing you well, good luck.
          TIGGER1 :l

          Formerly Mr Boop


            Has Anyone Noticed......

            Thanks for your support...

            I still feel the blues, but at least they are the sober blues :H I understand that this probably is normal. It has been a long while since I have been sober this long and my mind and body are not used to it.

            Seems just the little things get to me and my feelings are all over the place. :upset: Today for example I felt irritated with a co-worker of mine because she suffers from depression and anxiety (that isnt the reason I was irritated with her). She has returned to work full-time and she was really down last week and I went out of my way to comfort her. This week she has not even bothered to say good morning ect. I know that is her thing, but really if the role was reversed I would have been a least a little more grateful.

            I have been told before dont sweat the small stuff there is too much ugliness out in this world to let something like that bring you down.

            I just had to vent.



              Has Anyone Noticed......

              Jacy, I was very much like you. I am on day 23, and I really did not start feeling MUCH better until day 18 or so. Feeling bad is a normal feeling. Try to "sit" with yourself and see why your feeling this way. A lot of times when we are drinking we try to hide from why we are upset and angry and not just "feel" our feelings.

              Also, are you only taking the 5-HTP at night? I take this as well, but I take one, three times a day. If you are only taking it at night then your serotonin may be dropping during the day making you cranky. Just a thought.
              Goal 1: Today
              Goal 2: Tomorrow


                Has Anyone Noticed......

                Jacy, your doing wonderful!

                Usually the bad feelings, lack of motivation, and mood swings have a lot to do with the toxins in your system and the depletion of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that your body needs in order to regulate hormones and such.

                A strong course of high potency supplements should speed up the process a bit. NAC is great for clearing toxins. AllOne or something similar will help replenish the stuff that alcohol flushes out. For moods, maybe try adding relora or calms forte and omega-3 for a while until you feel better.

                Hang in there. We're here for you :l


                  Has Anyone Noticed......

                  Jacy, thank goodness you posted that!! I thought it was just me who was trudging through to day 13 feeling worse than ever!! I too was under the impression that we were supposed to feel far far better after day 5 but I have just felt worse and worse. I too am an emotional wreck. Today, and only today I actually feel a wee bit better, so I will carry on...for now. Nice to find someone else at the same stage as me.
                  Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                    Has Anyone Noticed......

                    Sk8grl..Hey girl I am glad I am not alone.

                    Oh wow. I feel a little better today to. I shared my feelings with others last night and felt a little lighter after that . I have a hard time expressing my feelings. I am one of those people that stuffs it in. I am learning to express these feelings and so far has helped me.

                    I am still working on sleep which has been a big problem lately. I do recall saying to myself not that long ago it is well worth the lack of sleep and bitchieness. I would rather be AF and cranky than I counting the hours till my next drink.

                    To all of us going through this. It will get better.:happy: :yay:


                      Has Anyone Noticed......

                      jacy you are expelling gross little toxins . bitchiness is a side effect of your body bugging out from detoxing.
                      it will get better and you will look fabulous
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        Has Anyone Noticed......

                        Me too, I also feel depressed and crappy. Everyone at work has noticed and are asking!
                        I'm taking Champix/Chantix to stop smoking also, do you think tablets are making me feel depressed?? I have Kudzu but haven't tried it yet, as i don't want to mix tabs. Help!!
                        Has anyone tried Kudzu and does it work? How often do I take and how many.
                        Keep well everyone and I look forward to your advice, good to be here.


                          Has Anyone Noticed......

                          Vixta, when I was detoxing I was taking Kudzu every day. Now I only take them when I have an urge to drink. It may just be a mind trick, but it does seem to help.
                          Goal 1: Today
                          Goal 2: Tomorrow


                            Has Anyone Noticed......

                            You can take quite a bit of kudzu, about 3,000 mg/day I think, divided into three doses. Same with l-glutamine. Also chantix has different mood effects on different people, and some people do get moody on it. Also, trying to quit smoking AND drinking would make anyone a tad cranky!

                            Many of our members feel good very quickly, but not all of them do, and if they don't feel depressed and crappy early on, at some point they usually do. Letting go of drinking is a big deal, physically, psychologically and emotionally. Your body may still crave it, and emotionally, it can be like getting rid of a bad boyfriend. Part of you doesn't want to let go, even though you know darn well the relationship is really bad for you.

                            I don't want to scare you, but going AF was not rewarding for me at first. I mean I felt a bit better right at first and had some pride in myself, but it took about 4 1/2 months before I really regained my energy and motivation and started feeling more positive. I think I just kept going because I was stubborn and wasn't going to let AL beat me yet again. I'm so glad I did. Now, at 7 months sober, I feel motivated, so much happier with myself and much more optimistic most of the time. I still have my down days, but they are here and there, instead of most of the time. I also lost the weight I wanted to lose.

                            Just give yourself some time and space and don't expect miracles. Things will get better. It's different for every one of us.

                            Good luck!


                            AF as of August 5th, 2012

