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To Namaste or Not to Namaste

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    To Namaste or Not to Namaste

    Meditation Mama~ you often sign off with Namaste. I know that my yoga classes often end with our leader saying "Namaste", and I mumble it in return, but could you expand on what Namaste means to you? Or anyone else for that matter? One time, she asked us if we knew what it was, and my sassy reply was: Isn't it Yoga-nese for "God Bless You"? :kudos: I could use a good dose of enlightenment about now.

    Tampa, FL

    To Namaste or Not to Namaste

    Great question I could be enlightened as well.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      To Namaste or Not to Namaste

      I was always told it meant something along the lines of:
      "the god in me recognizes and honors the god in you"
      Here is a link with more/better info:
      Namaste! How to pronouce, what it means.
      ?If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.? -Wayne Dyer


        To Namaste or Not to Namaste

        glad someone brought this one up. I was too proud to admit I didn't know. duh!
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          To Namaste or Not to Namaste

          AN even cooler link:
          [ame= ]YouTube - Meaning of Namaste Lance Secretan[/ame]
          ?If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.? -Wayne Dyer


            To Namaste or Not to Namaste

            Interesting....I never knew it was said in yoga clasess (well not that I've ever been to a yoga class) but I know it to be a salutation used by Hindus. Plams are put together and usually you bow slightly. I've been told means bow to you and is a sign of respect.


              To Namaste or Not to Namaste

              LOL- Yoga-nese! I'll have to remember that one.. Actually, I have a tough enough time not laughing in class as it is, so THANKS ...aahhh!

              Well, the term literally means "I bow to you", but it also used as a sign of respect and can be translated as:

              "I honor the Spirit in you which is also in me."
              "I salute the God within you."
              "The divine peace in me greets the divine peace in you."
              "Your spirit and my spirit are ONE."
              "That which is of the Divine in me greets that which is of the Divine in you."
              "The Divinity within me perceives and adores the Divinity within you".

              You get the idea.... :bow :bow :bow


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                To Namaste or Not to Namaste

                Thanks! So, it's acknowledging likeness found between you and me? Or diabolically opposite of what my brother used to say to me as a kid, "I know you are, but what am I?"

                I've been out of town this week, and I'm staying in a hotel with 2 other friends- this is the first time I've been around them without drinking.... I didn't think I'd feel the peer pressure (at what age does that stop???), but yes, it's there. Definitely not a Namaste attitude....Anyway, I'm back in my hotel room checking in, as Greenville SC closes early due to snow flurries.... if you live in the snow belt, you'd be laughing at the scurrying going on: "The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!"

                Thanks for being here, everyone. Meditation mama, thanks for the dose of enlightenment. :h

                Tampa, FL


                  To Namaste or Not to Namaste

                  "I know you are, but what am I?"

                  LOL -very profound, though, if you really take that statement apart, isn't it? I am going to ponder that one... :bow

                  Peer pressure can be tough at any age... stay strong! Enjoy the snow... I have more than my fair share in my neck of the woods, too! Beautiful...

                  Stay close...

                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

