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Totally messed up! With an audience no less

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    Totally messed up! With an audience no less

    Okay, confession time.

    Last night was the company party. We had to stay overnight at a hotel and I just about drank everything in sight. Apparently didn't make too much of a fool of myself, but still showed my ass. Dammit. I really F** up big time. Woke up in my hotel room and thought, geeze can't I just stay here and pretend it all didn't happen?

    Am at work, but think I should take myself out and shoot myself! Dammit! I should know better. But I guess not.

    Feel like a real shit today.


    Totally messed up! With an audience no less

    Gloria, we all have done it. As you said you didn't do anything to bad. At least you can remember it! I have made a ass out of myself and then not remembered a thing. Forgive yourself, if anyone brings it up laugh it off and move on. Today is yours, do with it what you will. You can do this


      Totally messed up! With an audience no less

      Thanks, Mary.

      I had promised myself that just the one drink... Right. My buddy here at work was with me and he assures me that I was just fine but I feel the fool. There are in fact parts that I don't remember, just the last hour or so (after my boss had left!). My boss is in training today, so I don't have to hear what he has to say until tomorrow when I've some sleep and supplements under my belt.

      I need to remember this, though. I was having trouble getting started. Maybe this is what I needed? You're right. Today is mine. Gotta remember that.

      Thanks again,

      Gloria (need to find some tylenol!)


        Totally messed up! With an audience no less

        Gloria, you are not the first and wont be the last. Don't worry about it, it happened, you cant change that. But you can make sure that it doesn't happen agan. .........
        All the best, BB xx


          Totally messed up! With an audience no less

          Thanks, BB and More2....

          I'm sipping lots of herbal tea, trying not to beat on myself too much, and very grateful that you guys are out there. Never fails to amaze me how stupid I can be. And at my advanced years....



            Totally messed up! With an audience no less

            Try not to stress it too much G... Everyone messes up from time to time. Dont beat yourself up. Make any apologies you have to and just smile and say something like.. "Whoa.. had a bit too much... gotta watch that!"

            Youll be ok :-)


              Totally messed up! With an audience no less

              Been there done that. I think that is why I started doing my most of my drinking at home. I didn't want people to see what a.. I can be when I have had to much. I also felt embarassed how much I could drink before I felt the effects compared to others still working on their first .:blush:

              After this happening to me several times I had to hold my up high and joke about it. People tend to forget after a few days.



                Totally messed up! With an audience no less

                Thanks all....

                Am looking forward to getting home and seeing my little one. And making sure that there's no temptations around the house to make me stumble/fall flat on my face again.

                I'm so grateful that you are all out there!:l



                  Totally messed up! With an audience no less


                  I did things at the company do (years ago!) that I still cringe about .... and am probably still remembered for, more's the pity!! Joke about it and move on away from it. If, in the future, you are tempted by Al, just remember the feelings you are having today! Might be a deterrent!

                  Bessie xx


                    Totally messed up! With an audience no less

                    Gloria - Now truthfully, I did not do the things I'm about to tell you. I swear on a bible. However, they are true stories. Both these things happened at the same company I worked for several years ago. Executives from all over the country met several times a yr at the main office in FL. With our careers in sales...well the alcohol always flowed as the company was picking up the tabs.

                    One Senior Mgr got so drunk one night, she was in mid conversation and fell face flat into her dinner plate. We immediately left, trying to get her back to the hotel as soon as possible. On the way she proceeded to vomit out of the front window (with no warning to those in the backseat). The spray was disgusting. She then proceeded to get back in the car, remove her shirt, remove her bra and throw it out the window. Offered the men in the car oral sex and when she had no takers, she finally decided to put her shirt back on. (Backwards and inside out). It was a lovely walk through the hotel lobby.

                    Same company - different time. Booze flowing freely at a x-mas party (were we even flew in customers) two employees thought the coat room was a private enough place to have sex. It wasn't. A customer and his 12 yr old grandson caught them.

                    So....just how bad can your little incident be? Hope this has made you feel better.
                    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                      Totally messed up! With an audience no less


                      Thank you for that, as I hope it's made Gloria feel better.

                      But it's time to come clean about some things: All, those stories Thankful just told? The plate/vomit/shirt/sex story AND the coat closet story?

                      Both me. Yep.

                      There. I know I feel better, hope you do, too, Gloria!

                      Kidding OF COURSE, about me. But NOT kidding about you feeling better, Gloria.

                      Taking it all in


                        Totally messed up! With an audience no less

                        Thankful, thankful!

                        No, not EVEN close! Yipes! Just a happy drunk (as far as I remember and have been told). That's why I usually stay away from company parties but this was mandatory (as was the stay over). They're usually dry, but this one sure wasn't! I'm not the only one by far.

                        Still feeling the hangover (Topamax is killer!) and that awful feeling of "Sh**, what did I say to who?" Ah well, tomorrow will be face the music.

                        Thanks again all. I really, really needed to be here today. And, will be sure to be here (in ALL ways) tomorrow.:h

                        Just wish it was bath and bed time. Not quite yet.



                          Totally messed up! With an audience no less

                          Oh Middlepath: Been there....done that. Work functions can be the worse, especially when having to stay at a hotel and attended meetings and trainings the next morning. I have definately "messed" up at numerous company functions. One of which I sat on my managers lap, made out with him in the elevator (he actually carried me to the elevator having swung me over his shoulder's like a cavewoman". He came back to my room. Things did heat up. I was too drunk to do anything, and came to my senses ever so slightly. He was married. I was soon to be married. The next morning, I didn't make it to the conferances & trainings. I barfed all over the bed at the hotel. My manager stopped by my room to see if I was alive and insisted I go to the trainings. I was so ashamed of myself. I didn't care if I got fired. I never did make it to the trainings. When I finally made it out of my room the following evening for dinner, another work associate stated, "I shouldn't act the way I did at a corporate function". I was mortified. I actually wound up quitting my job several months later. I could never look into my manager's eyes. I was embarassed and ashamed for what could have happened in my room.

                          But, to make you feel better.....Only you are worried about your actions. If per chance others noticed you were wasted and showed your ass, they are grateful that it was you and not them. You see, a lot of us have done the same thing..... I doubt anyone is going to dwell on your actions and make a big deal out of it. You said it yourself. You have some memory of the night. Your guy friend said you weren't all that bad. Leave it at that. Nourish your body. Go to work holding your head up high. In a day or two, this will be a faded memory.
                          September 23, 2011

