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A Way of Life?

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    A Way of Life?

    Hi Everyone: I haven't had any feelings of loss (regarding drinking) in several weeks. However, last night we went to a spur-of-the-moment dinner at our neighbors' home. They love good food & drink, & there was plenty of both. I didn't drink but felt a little hyper-vigilant. Also, they are planning their summer wedding, & there was much discussion about the food & drink they're planning on having.

    I know I have a better time AF when I'm out. I cannot drink 2 - 3 drinks & be satisfied. Also, for me, even a little would trigger a binge. I want to have a different outlook on social events that involve lovely food. I don't want to go to this wedding w/my teeth clenched. I know that I can think my way through all this, but I just wanted to put it out to MWO & see what you all have to say. Thank you very much, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    A Way of Life?

    Are you doing Topa or Kudzu, or hypno or anything to give you that extra "boost" for trigger situations? Might be worth considering for those events that you can plan for in advance....even if not all the time.


      A Way of Life?

      Oh, Mary, don't say it! I count on you to be my "model"!! But I don't suppose there's any way we can ever lose that "hyper-vigilance". I wish we could. We can't just go live under a rock; there will always be alcohol around us, ever available, ever seductive. Damn. I've been strong for 2 weeks, and little "complacency" thoughts are juuuuust starting to creep in. Wish they'd go away! I have no answers, just...wanted to offer support.
      Jane Jane


        A Way of Life?

        Teach.....I feel just as you do. Most of the time I feel like one of the "Lucky Ones", one of those people that has decided to be a non-drinker. Enjoying myself, while being myself with no regrets or fear! Knowing that I am taking care of my health reputation.

        But, the world constantly tries to lure us back to drinking.....ah....the romance....relaxation....celebration...on...and on....and...on.

        At those times, I tell myself....millions of people are just like those of us here, suffering from alcohol addictions.......and the lure that is put in our faces, is, in fact a Big Lie! It always proves to be true, those that drink too much, and there are always many, begin to act the fool, or worse! Only to wake up the next day, sick, depressed and wishing they had not succumbed to the LIE!

        Hope this helps!
        Warmest Wishes,
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          A Way of Life?

          Hey Mary,
          lately I've been thinking much about the dichotomy many of us face in our sense of Self. For example, I know inside me there is a wondrous, brilliant, good woman. But there's this other identity that knows herself as a complete wreck. What I'm trying to get into my head is that I get to choose which one of these identities I bring forth into the world.

          You say you know you enjoy being AF when you are out. And you also say you are worried about being clenched teeth while at that wedding. Are these two different voices speaking from you? If you know you enjoy being AF, and you've had such great success with it, why would you be tempted? I'm just posing these questions to ponder.

          If we were to say, Will the REAL Mary please stand up! ... I think that the one who has no interest in drinking will rise. Don't give that other voice any credence.
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


            A Way of Life?

            Hi Mary, somehow you (we) need to get rid of the fantasy of alcohol in our heads. We give thoughts of drinking way too much weight, significance, prominence, etc. If fact, drinking causes us many more problems and grief, so give up those fantasy thoughts and the clenched teeth will go away or never appear, j
            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


              A Way of Life?

              Thanks for the straight's just what I needed. I don't need these romantic thoughts going around in my brain, & in fact, I won't have them! Yes, the lovely fantasies are just that...fantasies. If I had my way, I'd be passed out behind a bush at this wedding I was speaking of. So, I'm going upstairs & cracking open a diet soda (my big treat) & remember the memorable wedding I missed (my niece's wedding...I threw up all the way home). Thanks everyone...& for all of you who count on me to be strong: I'm back on the AF horse & riding into the sunset. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012

