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Semi-Annual 30-day AF

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    Semi-Annual 30-day AF

    I think it's time for another 30-day AF.

    I haven't seen any recommended "guidelines" besides the ones MM posts for doing a 30-day in the beginning. I was just thinking it seems like a smart thing to do once or twice a year. I think doing it regularly would give me a "planned" oportunity to reevaluate my goals. Sorta like a religious fasting thing, or like a New Year's resolution.

    Last time I did it by checking into a detox (back in June), then I just kept going for 29 more days. The neat thing is that during that time I was able to develop an individual plan with reasonable moderation goals. As a result, my search for holistic supports (limits, supplements, rx, forums, etc) eventually led me here.

    Anyone want to do a semi-annual with me?

    Semi-Annual 30-day AF

    Hi PJ,

    I saw your post yesterday and have been thinking along those lines myself. I did a 30-day AF in September and have been moderating since October. I've been pretty successful --I started out only drinking on weekends and about half the amount I used to drink. But I allowed myself to drink on holidays too so with Christmas and New Years falling mid-week I got kind of out of whack and had more drinking days than non-drinking days. I'm back on track now but really feel the need to "detox". I want to get that feeling of well-being and energy back and there's no time like the present.

    I had my last drink on Sunday so I'm already on day 4. I'd like to join you for 30 days AF. Anyone else?



      Semi-Annual 30-day AF


      My last was on Sunday, too. Had one on Sat, then one on Sun. I had originally planned to do a 7-day last week, but after some MAJOR drama over the weekend I didn't have the motivation. I'm just glad I was able to moderate rather than getting trashed

      So we're both on day 4 and counting. Woo-hoo!!


        Semi-Annual 30-day AF

        Woo hoo!!! There's always some drama or some excuse to put it off, isn't there? I've been thinking about doing a 30-day since Jan 1st but somehow never got around to it. Friday rolls around and my husband asks if I want a glass of wine and I think, I haven't had a drink all week, why not? But I'm ready. I just hope I can be strong tomorrow night. Committing to this will really make me stay on track. I think a semi-annual "tune-up" is a great idea

        Anyone else??


          Semi-Annual 30-day AF

          Hey PJ...

          Are you still AF? I didn't drink last night so I'm on day 6. But I've got to admit, I would love to have a nice glass of red wine about now. It's zero degrees out, we're cozy and warm with a nice fire in the fireplace and my husband has just poured himself a glass of Cabernet. I'm trying so hard to be strong. I took 2 Kudzu about 20 minutes ago, waiting for them to kick in.

          Please talk me out of it


            Semi-Annual 30-day AF

            Don't do it. It's not worth it!

            I screwed up yesterday. Well, not like I used to! I did myself proud by moderation standards. I had two at my boss's farewell party, then stopped with no problem. But that's not the point. I'm disappointed with myself for not sticking to my AF goal. Maybe I should have made excuses for not attending, since I knew it would be a trigger...

            Meanwhile, I'm still determined to do a 30-day! I'm proud of the 5 days I did successfully. Now I'm simply starting at day one again, and not beating myself up over yesterday. I can do this. Geez, I've done it before. I just have to be more determined, and not let triggers get in my way.

            I'm most proud of not getting out of control with the "well I blew it again, so I might as well just keep going" mindset. [BIG pat on the back for that!]

            Day 1 - Again!


              Semi-Annual 30-day AF

              Patti, too late:blush: I just finished my second glass. I regret it already because now I'm just tired and feel like going to sleep. I should have learned from last night...I was tempted but ate first and then I had no urge to drink. I was awake and enjoying the night while hubby was asleep on the couch.

              I so agree with you. I have done it before and didn't get out of control, but just the fact that I planned on staying AF and didn't tells me that I'm not as far along as I thought I was. I am stopping at two drinks and it is enough, a long way from where I used to be. I would reason, hmm, Saturday, night, keep on drinking, don't have to get up early tomorrow. When in reality I haven't been drunk since my last 30-day AF...slightly buzzed maybe, but not drunk.

              Oh well, it's back to day 1 for me too :upset:



                Semi-Annual 30-day AF

                The Kudzu will probably make you feel it more after fewer drinks. It does for me. Maybe that's a big part of the reason I've been able moderate??? Still determined to do a 30-day now, though.

                Hang in there. We can do this!


                  Semi-Annual 30-day AF

                  hi there pj and i know how you feel my first 30 days were the hardest and it was when i lost it family,my girlfriend lied to get away from me. i give up on myself. then i woke up and i was alone sick..but then i look eyes wide open and i had to make the change.was it going to be for them or me and i said for me and doing really good now.and now am going on my first 90 days on jan 27 .so you can count me in. good luck may god be with you too anyone else
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

