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Well here we go

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    Well here we go

    Today is the end of my workweek. This has been a major trigger ( I guess thats the right term) for me forever. Usually the thing I look foward to the most is getting shitted after work on my "Fridays". I managed not to drink last week, matter of fact Sunday will be day 14 which is significant to me.
    I've been having teinges of cravings latley, but I've also been cutting back pn the Kudzu, but I think I'll ramp it back up for my days off. I want so bad to be able to post my 14th day Sunday...and beyond!
    Lol this has to get easier at some point...

    Well here we go

    Go Believe !!!! You can most definitely make it to Sunday (and beyond)! Fridays are the worst, no matter what day they fall on. HANG IN THERE !!! Tomorrow you will breathe that deep deep sigh of relief, and be so glad you are still with it!

    I would keep up the kudzu dose if you can and the l-glut, if you have it. And you've heard I'm sure.........
    Don't let yourself get too hungry or tired. Drink tons of water. Distract yourself with things you like to do - movies, hot baths, eating something delicious. And post your booty off!!

    See you here Sunday (and beyond ! ) . Keep us in the loop-


      Well here we go

      Hi Believe: You are doing such a great job. It's nice to read how well you are doing. I agree with Wonderworld, distract yourself. Keep yourself busy. Friday evenings are a big trigger for lots of people. Dont succumb. Where will it get you? NOTHING. You will end up with a nasty headache and guilt. Think how good you will feel come Monday when you start your work week. You will feel healthy, clear minded and will have a strong sense of pride. We are all rooting for you. Hang tough. You can do this! - Reenie
      September 23, 2011


        Well here we go

        Believe, I love your sign-on name. You chose it for a reason. Think about it.

        Keep up the fantastic work!! You've climbed too high to slip back down now.

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          Well here we go

          Thanks for your support! I'm happy to report that I came home w/o stopping at the liquor store, didn't drink any beer at work or anything. I'm going to bed soon ( I get up at 0300 for work) and I guess that'll make another AF day!
          Seriously you people on this board make it so much easier...


            Well here we go

            You can do this and you are worth the effort. Good job.

            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

