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I am finally being a drama queen

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    I am finally being a drama queen


    The fact that Star is not upset with you says it all. Anyone who is continuing to criticize you probably is not aware of all of the facts. I am sure you are aware that you have many supporters here and many who are thankful for the support you have given them. I can imagine you are hurt by the comments but why not do as I know you would advise others - realize that sometimes others will strike out, don't take it to heart and move on. Lots of people here need help and I am sure you will be diving right back in to offer yours.



      I am finally being a drama queen

      Thanks Ducky ......

      I cant believe that I let people that I have never met hurt me so much ...


        I am finally being a drama queen

        i know i'm very new here, but i've been lurking & reading extensively since mid-December.
        what i know:
        we are all healing here. sometimes that includes acting-out: saying or doing things we regret later.
        BB did & she was forgiven. others did before her & others will yet. in fact others have in this very thread.

        if you feel hurt, consider the source & proceed accordingly.
        i have the utmost respect for BB, Star & so many others here.

        Thank You All.

        Be who you are & say how you feel. Because those who mind don't matter & those who matter don't mind. Theodor Geisel (aka, Dr Suess)


          I am finally being a drama queen

          I'm sorry. I haven't gone away. I just feel nervous. Remeber what it was like to be new?
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            I am finally being a drama queen


            Don't know exactly what happened to start it all, but can say that you've been a great support for me and many here AND that things are in general quite weird in the world right now. Just breathe deep, let it pass, and know that you are deeply appreciated by many. Don't make any judgments. Let it pass. Know you're cared for and appreciated. Blow the rest off.

            Honestly, I really don't understand what's happening right now, but my best advice is to not take anything too hard right now. Just know that you are really appreciated by many:h Don't know why, but people are just down right nasty right now. (Myself included.)

            Much love,



              I am finally being a drama queen

              yes greeneyes, i'm still pretty new, but stick around, we want to look at your cute toes.
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                I am finally being a drama queen

                I'm with you green eyes, I too am coming less and less to this site. People are becoming somewhat judgemental and critical and sometimes, downright mean. Sorry Betty to jump in on your thread. You made a comment to me recently about finding myself and at first I was put off, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I can't imagine why anyone would single you out, you have been very supportive to others. I'm not comfortable with the way this site has been going since the holiday...has actually ruffled some of my feathers.
                Posting while under the influence can be bad for your health!


                  I am finally being a drama queen

                  Lovely betty

                  Oh Betty
                  I don't post much but I do feel compelled to tell
                  you that you are the most gorgeous lady! I've
                  only ever seen you post loving and helpful posts.
                  I wish all these people would just leave this alone.
                  Know in YOUR heart who you are and many people
                  here who know you support you fully. I for one
                  do so. Hugs to you dear lady.:l


                    I am finally being a drama queen

                    I'm too new to know the details of whatever happened but BB you were one of the first to make me feel welcome on this site, and you've put up some very encouraging posts on some of my threads.

                    Apparently the person with whom you acted a little out of character has forgiven you and you're still freinds, so who gives a flying f*ck what anyone other than you two think?

                    Also, the amount of help you must've provided to others since you've been here is unfathomable. All that good you've done and you're going to let just a couple people make you focus on this one incident?

                    Don't do that.


                      I am finally being a drama queen

                      Boob you are not being judged. You are fine. Internet is hard sometimes and words come across more harsh then they are meant. The one's we meet here are our power and and our strength not ones to bring us down, we have our family and friends to do that for us.

                      Lots of us hurt and can't express why and sometimes we post and it seems very uncaring. That is not the case. Look beyond that and know we are all here to grow, learn and ultimately come to the same goal to ...find peace in our lives.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        I am finally being a drama queen

                        tkeene, I'm not coming less and less. I just got here. I'm just new and nervous. I don't even have my stuff (book, CDs & kudzu) yet. I tell you what, though. I was reading the 5 words at a time story and was howling. That was better than drinking. I had to quit reading because I have to go take care of some things but I'll continue it. It is quite a reflection of this community in that it is really hilarious and then touching and reflective and sobering. I'm happy to be here. I'll probably be one who says something snarky on a bad day and I think I'll be forgiven. It happens. Hang around. You and I are here for a reason, right?
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          I am finally being a drama queen

                          Thank you dexterhead. Your picture thing and name makes me laugh because I call my cat kittyhead.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            I am finally being a drama queen

                            that's hilarious greeneyes. !! my cat's name is dexter and when he was a wee lad I called him "Kittenhead." hence the name!
                            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                              I am finally being a drama queen

                              Betty Boop, I've been coming here since November 2007 and I see you on here posting so often with so much help, advice, and encouragement. I don't know exactly what happened, but I see that Star is okay with whatever happened, and that should be good enough for everyone else. Please don't feel bad...I, for one, really appreciate the time and effort you give to this site, and I truly believe you have nothing but the best of intentions for everyone. This site would suffer without you. I'm sorry you're's a great big hug for you! ((((..)))


                                I am finally being a drama queen

                                BB, I ran into a Miss Priss (or Mister, hard to tell gender sometimes) who oh-so-cordially invited me to "find another site" after I merely stated what I thought was a frank opinion, targeted at no one; I just rolled my eyes and decided that this particular person would simply be DEAD to me, that I would never reply to any post made by him/her. Simply not worth bothering with the grumpies, malcontents, and easily-offendeds---there are too many jolly joyous folk who don't get their knickers in a twist over nothing, and who are happy to accept members as they are. Just make a list of those who have annoyed or hurt you, and quit interacting! Leaves you more time to better befriend those who think you are just peachy as you are. Me among them!
                                Jane Jane

