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Fighting my demon again

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    Fighting my demon again

    It seems quite a while since I got rat faced with booze but the night before last I really pushed the boat out (I won't bore you with the details), a crude reminder that I am not in control of my drinking. Just so weird how drink rears its ugly head when one least expects it. Luckily I managed to disguise my state to most of my friends except my best friend who had to half drag, carry me to my bed! The humiliation and defeat can't win. I believe this year is a new beginning and I also know this weakness of mine is a battle I need to face full on, and successfully for the first time in my life. So its back to the drawing board and all the help I can muster from here and the angels.
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    Fighting my demon again

    Elizabeth, please don't be so down on yourself for one slip... it seems you were doing so well, right? Remember that part and not just the slip. Here's to a healthy year for you...
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Fighting my demon again

      Its lovely to see you back.
      Dont beat yourself up. You came here
      and said honestly what you had done.
      That takes guts! Now you can go forward
      and start a new day. I wish you all the
      best.:l Pan


        Fighting my demon again

        Hi Elizabeth-
        Hope you are feeling better now. I think it would be near impossible (impossible) to find one person here who can't relate to your story. Be gentle with yourself. Please let us know how you are if you can-

        We are here for you - big hugs :l

        wonder xx


          Fighting my demon again

          Very nice to see you, Elizabeth!

          Many of us have decided to make 2008 our year to finally kick this thing to the curb. I hope you stay here and in communication. I read your posts last year and the struggles with your family, and I was so sad to read them. You are a very strong woman. You can do this!

          I will be proud to know you....


          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            Fighting my demon again

            You are strong. :l

            Hope this year is better than last year.

            Love to you.
            Enough is enough


              Fighting my demon again

              I am here for you.
              :l rudemama


                Fighting my demon again

                Thanks you all. I think last year was a rough/tough year for many and I am reminding myself that I have these slips come rain or shine. Its time to grab the bull by the horns. Easier said than done.... the booze demon pitches up from now where and before you know it WHAM. I've got to really sus myself out and go dry for enough time for my spirit to beat this. Too much to lose.

                I'm not really into taking prescriptions so trusting that my commitment along with work load and starting at the gym, along with meditation to my spirit guide will help ME DO THIS. This difficult path that we are all traveling was placed before us all for different reasons. Figuring why is not my mission, I just a want and need to get it right this time. My spirit guide must be very frustrated!
                A BushBaby with Attitude


                  Fighting my demon again

                  Elizabeth, you have had a tough year but yes, you are right, damn booze hits when things are going right AND wrong. Keep posting, we LUV your posts, you speak to a deep place hon.


                    Fighting my demon again

                    Hi Elizabeth,
                    A new year..... a new start......we are all here for you.....I'm sure you will get it right this time can do this, just keep on posting.

                    family is everything to me

