I also have been on a break from MWO. This program has given me a brand new set of wings and I have been leaving the nest, learning to fly.
For me, MWO represented a chance and a hope there was an alternative to being told I was powerless over alcohol and meetings without end. When I first came here I had dwelt in all the dark places alcohol abuse will take you, and then, finally, despair: thinking maybe this is it, this is how it is going to end, what the hell happened to me, I'm going to drink myself to death, and I can't stop it. I can remember thinking how embarrassing it would be to have people at my funeral whispering "he died from cirrohsis".
I actually found this site while surfing medical sites looking for the symptoms of cirrohsis, pancreatitis and seizures all of which I was convinced I was headed for.
I got RJ's book the next day and, like a trusting child, followed it step for step; I got the All in One, got a seven day pill box for the supplements, listened to the CDs every night, confessed to my doctor, who had no idea I was a drinker, did the Topa for twelve weeks, and didn't drink. I put forever out of my head.
I feel as though I was walking around all those years with the proverbial screw loose in my head and somehow MWO tightened it up and I'm alright now, as long as I don't drink.
Just don't drink. How could something so simple have been so hard, even impossible.
I am no longer a drinker. I just don't drink alcohol anymore. I don't even ever really think about it, even when I'm surrounded by the stuff.
There is real laughter in my house now. My self-confidence is back, my dormant plans and dreams have been re-energized and my future looks as bright as a baby's smile. I have come to understand that, for me, this journey has become more than just being sober, its about becoming the real me - a good, healthy, inspired, giving person.
I write tonight because this program gave me so much without asking for anything in return. I would like to give back hope. Perhaps someone out there is now where I was and will see a small flicker of hope that it is possible to stop drinking. I remember I wanted so desperately to stop drinking and just couldn't. That was nine and a half months ago. I joined MWO in March 2007 and alcohol last passed my lips on April 8, 2007.
While it is not possible to turn back time or undue that which is done, I have forgiven myself and started to learn to love and respect myself. Regrets live on but are fading as I feel I have been given a second chance at life, which is almost as good as turning back time.