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I can't beleive it

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    I can't beleive it

    Today is day 14 AF for me. This ties my longest AF streak in the last 10 years (since I really started drinking heavy). I'm really excited, feel great, and the weight is coming off since I have the diet dialed in without alcohols interference.

    Of course my excitment is tempered by the fat that I have to count AF days in the first place, I wish I could just be "normal" and have AF be the norm. Oh well I guess, things are what they are.

    The kudzu works great, but I've drawn a TON of strength and inspiration from everyone on this board.....thanks y'all for helping reach what is an important milestone for me personally. :thanks:

    Tomorrow being day 15 will be pretty much uncharted territory for me....but I have my sights set on 30 days now for the next milestone.

    Take care everyone.

    I can't beleive it

    congratulations! Are you just using the Kudzu? Did you go through any WD? Keep up the great work.
    "You never know what you can do until you have to do it."
    Betty Ford


      I can't beleive it

      Congrats, Believe! No matter that you have to count the days-

      It's not the # of days that's inspirational but your attitude! Shout it from the top of the mountain, and we can inspire to be like you. :flower:

      To believe in yourself and to follow your dreams, to have goals in life and a drive to succeed, and to surround yourself with the things and the people that make you happy - this is success!:l ~Sasha Azevedo

      P.S. GO PACK GO!

      Tampa, FL


        I can't beleive it

        Believe - that is so awesome!!! Congrats! Feels great, doesn't it?!?!? I'm so proud of you.

        As for counting days, it helped me to see them marked on my calender every day. Kinda pushed my motivation because I never wanted to have to write anything other than "AF". Some people count forever. Some can't bear the thought of counting. But now that I'm over my 3 week hump (think day 24?), I have learned that I can relax on the counting. You'll get there to. You know the date you stopped and if you ever want to go back and count the days you can. The fact that you didn't drink is what matters. Good for you.

        You are an inspiration to all. Stay strong my friend. You'll hit day 30 before you know it,....but whose counting :H .

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          I can't beleive it

          Congratulations, Believe. Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


            I can't beleive it

            Great job Believe!!!!
            Goal 1: Today
            Goal 2: Tomorrow


              I can't beleive it

              Fran15;257995 wrote: congratulations! Are you just using the Kudzu? Did you go through any WD? Keep up the great work.
              Yep just kudzu. Assuming WD means withdrawls I'm not sure if I had those or maybe side effects from the kudzu? For about the first week I had insomnia, nightmares (when I did sleep) and night sweats. During the day it was pretty much just a depressed, kinda detached feeling.
              All that passed though, but I was willing to put up with it for however long cause it beat the side effects of heavy drinking all the time, know what I mean? Now I feel great, sleep great, the whole bit.


                I can't beleive it

                Oh BTW thanks again all for your support and encouragement.

                Thankful what an excellent point you make regarding counting the days. Maybe I should make the point at which I stop counting days, the point at which AF IS the norm an upcoming milestone. I mean why not? it was never my intention to stop permanantly, I just wanted to stop for a while to cut some weight. I wasn't prepared however for just how good this feels. When drinking there may be a breif window during which I can tell myself I feel good, but I pay a huge price for it. Now I feel good all day everyday.....and I'm not so sure I want to give this up! I feel like I hit the lotto

                Lol Not happy hour I'm a die hard Cowboys fan. As such I think we got robbed last week and am grudgingly rooting for your pack I would love to see you guys in the NFC playoffs next year though....playing in TX agains the 'Boys of course! Haha good luck today though!

                Its all good...


                  I can't beleive it

                  Congrats Believe on Day 14. :good: :thumbs:

