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    Hi all.

    I almost don't want to post...but i am. Its because i"m going over-board with the wine...and i want to carry on. The switch is turned on full pelt and i know its wrong.

    I should stop now but ive got the taste. Ewan is asleep and has been for hours. Should i wake him . Never wake a sleeping baby. I'm enjoying the freedom. Weve had friends round. Drinking friends. They have gone now but i'm still drinking.. Help i know I'm the only one who can do that.!!!!! Just checking in really. Hope youre all okay today.


    Bella xxx


    Hi Bella, do you feel like chatting instead of waking the baby?



      Awww, Bella. How difficult this is for you. I am so sorry.

      Ewan will awaken and you absolutely must not be drunk when he does. He relies on you, Bella, not to fall or stagger or drop him.

      Please stop now, okay? Drink some tea or coffee and lots of water.

      You can do this, I know you can. :l

      AF April 9, 2016



        Bella, Love ....... Give what is left to your hubby and ask him to hide it from you ...........

        Then go and take a bath or lie down, try to relax.......

        Remind yourself that tomorrow morning will be horrendous if you carry on ...... you will be panicky and scared and will feel unable to cope ........

        Keep us informed ......

        Love ya, BB xx



          Bella its me again, (well obviously you can see that!!!!).

          I just found your post from the morning after when you drank too much ....... this is what you said.......

          hello. I'm okay this morning. I woke up in a panic about the day ahead. My husband is off for the day and it is just me and the baby. Too much alcohol really screws with my mental state. I was worried i could not cope today. I hope i can. I'm trying to talk to my self and calm myself a bit. Its all fine. I drank too much last night and feel desperatly guilty...its killing me in my head. But, today is a new day. No more binging. I think, last night i got excited that i was let off night feeds and just let my hair down too much! I have to be so careful with my drinking.....thankyou to all of you who were there for me last night.....I needed nice people and thats what you are. Love to you. Bella xxx

          Don't let yourself feel like this agai tomorrow morning Bella ....:l :l :l




            I know it's EXTREMELY hard to do, once the switch has been flipped (i've posted for you before and we have a lot in common girly!).

            Come one. We can give this a try. The panicky and scared feeling that will come tomorrow ain't worth it! You know that, I know that, but we still do it. I don't know what to say to help except listen to your friends on here, and TRY!

            K, x



              While i was reading your replies i ...cookoo ..yes i can do chat i i get a chance (with my husband not looking!!!)

              BB....i hate i'm only joking but its because you are always right.!!!XXXXXXXX

              DB...F i'm just a bad mother i guess..

              And Kpuk....I know we are similar and o know we have to give this a try but i'm still drinking.

              Iam A BIG PLONKER WITH NO BRAIN. thought i was intelligent but OBVIOUSLY NOT. x



                Bella, I'll meet you in chat.




                  Nooooo!! I did not mean to imply you are a bad mommy. NEVER!!!

                  You are a mommy who has a drinking issue. There are so many here and we are all great mommies.

                  I just wanted to let you know that you must stop now so you can be alert when Ewan wakes up. That is all.

                  I am so sorry if it came across any other way.

                  Many apologies. Please?? I was just trying to help.

                  AF April 9, 2016



                    Bella we have all felt like bad mothers/fathers at some time, Cindi that was not what you implied, you said what you did to help. I personally have felt like the worst parent in the
                    world, but that is what alcohol does to you. Bella I remember when you were pregnant
                    and you stopped drinking, that is a good mother. Please try to stop drinking now, for your
                    little boy needs you.
                    Love Paula.x



                      Bella~ you're not in chat right now.... did you toss that wine out yet, dear?

                      Nah, don't hide it- don't give it to your husband to store- toss it. I'm with Cindy/DB. Think of it this way: eventually, it's gonna go down the drain, but it's either gonna go right to the drain :flush:, or through your body, where it will f#ck with your brain.

                      And for the record, beautiful Bella, you aren't a bad mom with a blonker brain. You're reaching out for help.... one side of you doesn't like the answers that we're giving to you, but deep down, you want the help. :heart: We are here, nudging~ just like sisters do for each other. :groupluv:

                      So, toss the bloody stuff away and fill your glass with water. Cool, refreshing water- let water starts it magic. Let water get the poison out.
                      Much love,

                      Tampa, FL

