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FULL MOON - stand firm!!

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    FULL MOON - stand firm!!

    Tonight is a massively strong full moon - possibly what has been upsetting some of us here for a couple of days....we've posted about them before....just hang in there and know it will pass.....

    Booze WONT help!!!! And we don't really want it - just don't like 'doing-life-all-wobbly' !! But we can and will!!

    We're just going to feel a bit 'sensitive' about stuff for about another 24 hours...hang in there with me?

    I feel WEIR - OOWWLL - D!!!!

    Howly hugs
    FMS xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

    FULL MOON - stand firm!!

    Finding My Self,
    howly hugs....too cute.

    I am personally back to day one today, but WILL remain AF for the rest of January.
    I am sick of this ride, and want OFF.
    I think I am going to start a journal, and see if things like pms, and moon phases really will affect moods/craving, etc. Sheesh, don't I have enough trigger for you, AL??

    much love and hugs,
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      FULL MOON - stand firm!!


      This is the meditation i received in reference to this moon. This moon is considered the Wolf Moon. All Full Moons have specific names and meanings. Anyway, it is a little on the WOO-WOO side, but interesting reading..

      The January Full Moon is usually in Cancer, shedding her light on family and home, the base from which we pursue our Capricorn New Year’s goals. This archetype is reinforced by the name, the Wolf Moon, alluding to a creature whose pack is decisive to its emotional and physical survival. This January, however, the Wolf Moon takes place in Leo, inviting us not only to honor our roots and dear ones, but to apply creative intent to manifest the pack we desire, and release whatever has not been supportive in them.

      Programs from our families of origin go deep, and may seem to take a lifetime or longer to heal. However, the kernel of creative divinity within is a player whose role in our lives should not be underestimated. Furthermore, we are receiving help from spiritual dimensions to fulfill a purpose of beauty and freedom in this lifetime. The New Moon in Capricorn that began the current cycle opened a portal to heal victim programs. Now, at her fullness, Luna helps us recover our creative role in choosing to keep only affirmative aspects of our family experience, and direct the power of intent to manifest a more circle.

      Altar-ations for the Wolf Moon in Leo
      The following elements may be integrated into your prayer space and/or personal attire before beginning your ceremony:

      Candles, garments and other decorations in warm colors, such as bright pink, orange or soft red
      Carnations or your favorite flowers in these same shades
      An evergreen branch or sprig
      Amber, blood agate, rose quartz
      Apple cider or clove infusion (boil cloves in water)
      Sandalwood or lavender incense
      Ceremony for the Wolf Moon in Leo
      Light your incense, saying something like:
      Angels of Courage, of Freedom and of Spiritual Family, this is an offering for you. I invite you accompany me (us) and all created beings to release toxic family programs and ties, and attract and generate a circle of true support that reflects the divine plan of our existence.

      Light your candle, saying something like:
      I turn on the light of awareness that I was created to be happy and victorious, and I choose to start and. I accept only those family programs and dynamics that enforce my happiness and victory, and release the rest as I manifest a circle of constructive, trustworthy, enriching dear ones, who assist me in my highest expression, emotions and work, as I assist them.

      Describe in writing one or more programs absorbed from or dynamics within your family of origin that you find disempowering, focusing on those that relate to your own identity, how they make you feel about yourself.

      Write one or more blessings that you feel you receive/d from your family of origin.

      List one or more fears you have of closeness to your biological family.

      List one or more fears you have of closeness to people in general.

      Describe one or more things that you like about your extended family.
      Repeat words like those that follow during five minutes or more:
      I give thanks for the good that has come through my family and other close relations, and I declare myself free from the rest.

      Describe your ideal spiritual family, the intimate circle you would like to attract, experience and create.

      Repeat words like those that follow during at least five minutes:
      My (our) intention has been clarified, opening a powerful, magnetic channel that is now drawing appropriate, healthy, happy relationships to me, connections that support my healing, my success and my highest work. I love and give thanks for the good relationships in my past and present.

      My (our) vision is blessing the entire planet as it heals from limiting programs now.

      There are forces of good at work on the subtle planes; each lunation opens doors to connect with them. By invoking angelic helpers and clarifying our intentions for personal and planetary healing, we can enter into moonbeams of grace. For lasting results, its advisable to read over your written reflections and repeat words like those suggested above during several minutes each day. Do this from now through the upcoming New Moon, or beyond as intuition dictates. Enrich them with your own inspiration and whatever additional tools may happen to appear on your path as part of the response—that is even now flowing from all corners of the Universe—to your intent for an empowering family circle.
      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        FULL MOON - stand firm!!

        Thanks, I needed this right now!!!
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          FULL MOON - stand firm!!

          Lukalee - you can do this without that beer!!! Let's just howl together!! Ready??.....Hoowwll!!

          MM - wow, wow, wow....well. woo hoo maybe but I cannot tell you how on the ball it is for so much in my family right 'explains' an awful lot! And as (seemingly) my 'raison d'etre' this life is to 'sort family issues' wonder I am 'reacting' a bit to this one of it is how you've posted!! Thank you!!! What a star!

          I am off singing just now but will actually 'do the ideas' later as I think they'll be very, very useful!

 howl......................and, two three.....yeeeowwwlll!!

          Llove FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            FULL MOON - stand firm!!

            HOOOOOWWWWWLLLL !!!!!! I knew things were up.......

            And by the way, a friend turned me on to a site that sends really interesting free daily readings to your email. I'm not a fanatic, but the recommendation came from a highly respected source, and I've been amazed at the readings I've received this first week.
            here's the site:

            Forecasters :: Practical Solutions for an Impractical World

            they also offer more personalized and in-depth readings etc. for a fee.

            Wonder xx


              FULL MOON - stand firm!!

              Oh crikey, Finding....that moon and the GALE FORCE wind that is howling round my house at the wonder my eyes are on stalks and my brain is cracking!!! :shocked:

              Yikes.....hope it passes soon!


              Suze x
              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                FULL MOON - stand firm!!

                Heck Suze!!! Full Moon AND low pressure....I'd be ......well, no where! Gone! Weeeeeeeeeeeee!! Moon and hormones is quite enough for me today and, apparently guys, today (21st Jan) is now called Depression Day according to today's News .....the day we are all most likely to feel depressed.....UK only I trust, but does that help any dear Suze?!?!? (Ouch! I didn't duck fast enough!!!!)

                I hope the weather picks up for you tomorrow.....TG we had some sun in the middle of the day today otherwise I think I might have de-materialized!!!

                Thanks Wonder! Really interesting!

                Keep Going Keeta.....really thinking of you...just hang in there over this rough day and tomorrow is a fresh day of renewed energy....

                Luckalee....glad this info gave you a bit of a sure helps me to know that I am not totally losing it without some cause....I am ceratinly a real 'lunatic' (judging from my natal chart apparently!) and need to fill out this year's diary with the full moons (and to a certain extent the new moons).....and not take on too much around's the couple of days leading up to them that are the hardest....

                The days I am not truly hormonal and there isn't a full moon - now they're worrying!! I must be crazy on those! But, you know, there aren't many of those at all...go keep that diary as I think you'll be surprised at the cycles of moon/PMS wth craving or feeling 'wobbly'!

                Good Luck all my fellow buddies! ARRRRROOOOOOOOOH!

                (And yet, the moon is a beautiful lady....must remember that!)

                I've pasted your post inot my poota MM....lots to do on that - thanks again!

                Love FMS xx
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  FULL MOON - stand firm!!

                  strange, but I have thought about alcohol more today, not doing anything about it but it popped into my head more than usual, full moon? Better get to bed as it's getting near midnight and my hubby is working away and I'm a huge wimp and starting to feel a bit scared (looking behind me right now, scary films are now popping into my head) looks like the electric will be on all night.

                  p.s. maybe another trigger was hubby working away, would normally be on second bottle by now
                  Honour Thyself


                    FULL MOON - stand firm!!

                    DH has been very crabby and critical of me lately

                    ....Just adding insult to injury I guess, no wonder I drink more around full moons!!!!
                    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                    - George Jackson


                      FULL MOON - stand firm!!

                      Another thought, not as indepth as some, but....If the changing moons can control and move the oceans tides, can you imagine what it does to the moisture in our little bodies? Ok, my body isn't that little...years of too many beers:H .

                      But seriously, starting journals for ourselves just might lead us to a whole different dimension of health and well being. Hmmmm. This post is very thought provoking.
                      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                        FULL MOON - stand firm!!

                        It has to stop snowing before we can see the moon!
                        BHOG in snowy Salt Lake City UT
                        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                          FULL MOON - stand firm!!

                          OK Wonder!! Great link.....but the 'writer' said, and I quote,

                          "...a Full Moon in Leo, in the way it is supposed to. Leo is a big, bold, creative, joyful and colourful sign and a Leo Full Moon is a creative, colourful and playful Full Moon."

                          Well, ok, good, really pleased for it, super, how lovely......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! Was that what was called 'playful'?!??! It was like playing with a frenzied anaconda!!!!

                          No, seriousy - ineresting!! Looks like we're in for a good year! Feels good and 'she' confirms that.....happy 2008 again everyone!

                          Love FMS xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            FULL MOON - stand firm!!

                            Hooooooowwwwlllll!! It's happening here too!!


                              FULL MOON - stand firm!!

                              i quess this explains why im here after months of not needing it

