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How do you forgive yourself????

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    How do you forgive yourself????

    When you know better, and you are trying...and you slip. And then you realize that you hurt people terribly(again), and its a wonder you even made it through the night. And you dont remember a damn thing. And I knew better!!!!! Than to take that sip....

    How in the hell do you forgive yourself? Even after the hangover when you still feel yourself.
    This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!

    How do you forgive yourself????

    Hi looking.

    You forgive yourself by trying all the harder next time. Now, go can do it.

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress x


      How do you forgive yourself????

      Thank you Starlight....:upset:
      This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


        How do you forgive yourself????

        Looking - keep looking for that is there.....

        And forgive yourself because you are here, asking....and trying....and slipping and trying and doing and tripping and getting up again and doing it all over again.....

        That is something that needs pride and not many don't even try....forgive yourself for what you're doing is experimenting to find your levels and boundaries and triggers and coping tools...and that's hard work and you're doing it. Never forget that and just keep step at a time.

        Big hug....on we go...all with you.

        Love FMS xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          How do you forgive yourself????

          Great post, Finding
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            How do you forgive yourself????

            Finding...yes, you are right. We are here. We are looking, searching, trying and doing it. We are facing our demons. We will slip....we are lost finding our way out. Thank you so much for your post.
            This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


              How do you forgive yourself????

              My heart is beating so fast I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. The drunkeness, is gone. Now all that is left is shame. To hell with the shame. Just keep reaching....for today.
              This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


                How do you forgive yourself????

                When you know better, you do better.

                Here's to knowing better. Heaven knows I'm at a loss.
                Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


                  How do you forgive yourself????

                  Looking - let it go, hun. As you stated, you know better. So you know you have to let go of the guilt that's not letting you forgive yourself. When you can come here and admit you slipped, you are still progressing in a positive way. So on that note, you've got a lot to still be pleased with yourself about.

                  As you know, drink a lot of water. It will help slow that racing heart.

                  Take care. Tomorrow is another day and I'm sure you will come back stronger than ever.

                  Love, Me
                  Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                    How do you forgive yourself????

                    Momma Hope,
                    Well, this is an easy one,and deep down, you know the answer: what happens if your son screws up, and then afterwards, comes to you and says, "Mom, I'm really sorry. I didn't think about what I was doing. I won't do it again." Do you forgive him?

                    Or: Do you tell him that he doesn't SOUND like he's sorry! Do you REFUSE his apology, tell him he's a FAILURE, tell him you are SICK & TIRED of this attitude and he BETTER change it RIGHT now, buster, or you'll GIVE HIM something to be sorry about????

                    Do you forgive? :h
                    DO YOU FORGIVE?

                    I remember a quite urgent, adorable message, something like, "Friday! 5th night! Busy! Son! Craft! Urge!" as opposed to
                    "Help! Desperate!!! NEED Babysitter! Happy hours ends in 30 minutes! TWO 4 ONE on beers!!!"

                    So, this is easy: just as you would forgive your son, you look inside and say,
                    "Honey, OF COURSE I forgive you. I LOVE YOU. Did you learn something from your mistake? What are you going to do, so it won't happen again? Will you promise me, because I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Now, give me a hug
                    ." :l

                    This is the part where you wipe away your tears, brush the dirt off of your knees, tie your shoes
                    , get back up, and stay on the journey.:heart:.... (Just double knot the f*cking laces so you don't trip on the damn things again, okay Mrs. Hope?)

                    Time to be gentle with yourself, so that in 21 AF days, you can look back and pat yourself on the back for keeping with it.
                    Much love, and one giggle~

                    Tampa, FL


                      How do you forgive yourself????

                      That's lovley Patty! Lovely...

                      I hope you're doing OK...Hope...LFH...Looking...? The heart will slow - water and gentleness and keep breathing deep and slow....the panic will pass...

                      FMS xx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        How do you forgive yourself????

                        Hi looking. You know this is no simple goal we're trying to accomplish here..its a big deal. And its not like we can just declare victory once and for all over this monster thats crept into our lives, each day is another step along the way. No more no less. Just keep at it, even if you do slip up. Sooner or later you'll gain a little traction...make a little progress...maybe slip up again but keep at it and next thing you know you'll be moving foward again.

                        You may not win each battle but you can win the war. You can. just pick yourself up and come out swinging for the next round.

                        I hope this makes sense, i just got done working a 12 hour shift and I'm so tired I'm not thinking clearly...I just wanted you to know I'm rooting for you and I think you can do it.

                        Maybe if we beat this we can find something better than just plain ol forgiveness, maybe we can find something like out & out redemption.

                        Just keep at it. Take care.


                          How do you forgive yourself????

                          Hi Looking! Are you feeling better today ? we've all been there .. it's hell.
                          Patty: you are going to be our new MWO therapist!!!! your posts are amazing!!!
                          Looking ,am thinking of you and hope you are well :h
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                            How do you forgive yourself????

                            Thanks, Dex :h

                            Tampa, FL


                              How do you forgive yourself????

                              Patty, that was an excellent response. In your analogy of forgiving the son, I can see the obvious logic and answer to self forgiveness. What if the problem stems from not loving one self? Is it safe to say we don't fully love ourselves if we abuse ourselves the way we do? How does one begin to love themselves if they have lost their way. We always hear that you can not love others if you don't love thyself. Is that true? Is that just an old adage we assume is fact? I'm not trying to derail the thread or challenge you. It's just something that I'm throwing out there as a possibility of the root of our problems. We are all clearly the sensitive type, and maybe along the way we let things beat us down, and we feel accountable for things beyond our control. We should love ourselves. Life is an amazing gift. And we are amazing creatures. What's not to love? Are we afraid to love ourselves fully because we feel we don't deserve to. Are we afraid to fall into the depths of complete egomania and risk becoming something we fear? Lookingforhope, you're not alone, and you are loved. Patty is right. Love yourself, and stop hurting yourself. When you do that, everything will fall into place. Maybe I'm completely off on this. I really have no clue, but can probably get some great insight. There are so many great minds on here. Knowledge is a huge weapon in this ongoing fight.
                              where does this go?

