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Medical confidentiality issues ???

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    Medical confidentiality issues ???

    I've seen a lot of people on this site who say they never divulge to a doctor about their drinking for fear of getting it on their records. That is a big fear of mine also ... but I HAVE divulged things to doctors and now i am really scared. (This is probably just an issue in the U.S....)
    Does anyone have any knowledge on this subject? A couple months ago, someone (maybe KateH) posted something about HIPPA laws. Say, if I try to switch jobs, is divulging that I"ve had alchohol issues going to bite me in the ass?
    I had the idea your employer, or future employer, could not possibly get access to your records. And that the only way they could become known is if they were subpoened for certain types of civil or criminal cases ..
    any knowledge welcome .. thanks !!!!:thanks:
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

    Medical confidentiality issues ???

    Your doctor has to keep this confidential. He or she cannot divulge any of your medical history to an employer or future employer.



      Medical confidentiality issues ???

      Page 3. Trust me. I've checked this information out for myself.

      - Masq
      Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
      :wings: :huggy


        Medical confidentiality issues ???

        The main thing to be concerned about with divulging to your doctors is that in the event you develop an illness due to your drinking your insurance can refuse to pay. An employer is not allowed to access your health records.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Medical confidentiality issues ???

          Except if you are in the US miltary apparently. There was someone on here last year that was discussing it and it was clear that their records were not safe.

          I find it incomprehensible that your health system would not support full disclosure to your private doctor!
          It always seems impossible until it's done....


            Medical confidentiality issues ???

            our health care system is nightmarishly f---ed up. and god knows if it will ever get fixed.
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              Medical confidentiality issues ???

              We Aussies watch TV shows about it and can't believe it's true!

              Our system is really great - All people get treated equally - as it should be! .
              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                Medical confidentiality issues ???

                that's the catch of having health care turned into a gigantic money-making industry. GOD I live in a messed-up country. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
                :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                  Medical confidentiality issues ???

                  lushy , you keep changing your avatar .. my head is spinning (much as always)!!
                  :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                    Medical confidentiality issues ???

                    you are correct - your doctor can ONLY release your med recs if he is court ordered for some reason or other. I work at a hospital and deal with the HIPPA thing on a daily basis. If a doctor EVER released your records w/o your approval he/she could be sued. In saying that I have not told my doc about my AL problems simply because I am embarrassed and of course its the white elephant that I simply do not like talking about so I understand everyone that says they dont want to tell. Hmmmm maybe someday I will not be so afraid and will start to be honest with myself and others that can make a difference or might be able to help - just not today


                    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                      Medical confidentiality issues ???

                      Slow down Linda Blair! You have choices relative to your insurance. I suspect that you are self insured. I am. I pay a bucket load of money into an account that I spend on my visits. My visits - my money. But to have that account ( I should change "I" to "we") pay $550 a month to spend OUR money. WTF? We do get a free physical a year. but the cost is out of control. I didn't get a physical last year because I thought oh shit what if something shows up because of alcohol? Then if you change companies. All the records get requested and they can make exemptions. Yes, we'll insure you but if anything we canbalme on alcohol is excluded. And they rule the financial world. Very powerful. Very scary. I NEVER say anything. That's why I'm here. I feel safe. In a lot of ways. And I thank each and every one of you very much.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        Medical confidentiality issues ???

                        no I'm not self insured. get it thru my employer, although my employer is a very small business, and I am paying a pretty high premium (for someone getting it thru employer) for pretty bad coverage!! I got a flu shot this year and just got a bill for $39 .. yeegads
                        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                          Medical confidentiality issues ???


                          Yes, Dexter, I am the one that posted regarding HIPPA. Masq was kind enough to attach an excellent link, if you care to read this yourself.

                          HIPPA applies to everyone, regardless of who purchases the policy. NO ONE, not even your spouse can gain access to your medical records without your written permission.

                          One more point, I do have a license to sell medical and life insurance. I am not aware of any insurance company that refuses to pay for medical care due to alcoholism. In fact, many policies include payment for treatment for addiction. If you, or anyone else is concerned about coverage, you can call your insurance company anonnamously and inquire about your coverage. You might also check out your company's web site.

                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            Medical confidentiality issues ???

                            Regarding the insurance companies, I would not be too trusting. I can remember one specific incident here on the boards where a member ended up being AF but had admitted to her doc she had a problem and when she went to change jobs she was unable to get insurance because of her admission of having a drinking problem. Sadly, she has not posted lately so I do not know what the outcome was for her.
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Medical confidentiality issues ???

                              One more thing Dex...along with these great posts. If your doctor thinks you are in danger to yourself or others, medical records can be released. (to whom I'm not sure, but they can be shared).
                              This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!

