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Newbie yet oldie

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    Newbie yet oldie

    Hiya. I have just posted this on new comers . but theoretically I am not and as I used to post here most often I thought i would reiterate. I hope everyone is ok. XXXXXXX
    Hello, I have been visiting this board since July 2006. Although it was under a different name of Bambino ( many may recoil in shock). I found this place extremely forgiving and at times ruthless, but - needs must. and I needed to be taken down a peg or several hundred ! I see that there are still a lot of the old stalwarts here ( pardon the expression !) I have now not taken a drink since April 2007, now then this is an ambiguous term for me ' not taken a drink '. By that I mean I have not been dependent on alcohol since this date. But I have on sevaeral occasions 'tested' myself by bringing home 2 bottles of wine, downing them, and finding out if I will copy this behaviour the next day. It didn't happen...
    Anyway, I was just giving a bit of background. I have not taken a 'test' drink ( gosh I love these inverted commas don't I ? ! for 8 months now, and although my shyness at being able to cope in a social situation kicks in often, it is bearable. BUT ..... I am 15 months pregnant and have seen my baby whose brain heart and stomach is perfect and it's legs are like Peter Crouch's ( for those who are Liverpool FC fans ) wahay.... After all that misery, by being shackled to that bastard who sucks your life away - not even before your eyes, because you don't even notice it. There is HOPE HOPE HOPE . please - I am not preaching I would have dismissed myself last year. the year before, but now I say... just hang on... your time is waiting for you.
    I wish you All The Best.

    Newbie yet oldie

    Pear/Liz: thank you ...don't know you from before, but your post gives me some hope.
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      Newbie yet oldie

      ok, I have to ask...15 months pregnant?
      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


        Newbie yet oldie

        Yeah, I wondered the same thing too BHOG.


          Newbie yet oldie

          Whales have a gestation period of 21 months, so who's to say..

          Just playing with you, Pearl... Welcome!
          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            Newbie yet oldie

            Whales have a gestation period of 21 months, so who's to say..

            Just playing with you, Pearl... Welcome
            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              Newbie yet oldie

              great post shows there is hope for us all......sorry after 15 months that is going to be one big
              Jacqui xxx
              Mwo,s worst speller....


                Newbie yet oldie

                How are you "testing yourself" drinking 2 bottles of wine? Lizzie, I don't get it?

