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slipped up as it was my birthday agh!!!

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    slipped up as it was my birthday agh!!!

    oh gee, i was doing so well and managed to go 15 days af, which for me is well good,then my 34th birthday came up yesterday and i went out for a meal with my family and friends.
    i even had a couple of vinos before i went out!!
    i managed to polish off 2 bottles of my favourite dry white in the end!!!
    cant remember going to bed and feel awful today!! got a corker of a hangover and feel like crap.
    in fact its half one now and im still not dressed!! agh am i forgiven as it was my birthday????
    im back on the wagon as of now but boy, i havent had a hangover for ages andf its the pits eh???
    am i forgiven??
    lv lakota xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    slipped up as it was my birthday agh!!!

    No judgement here love, if you can forgive yourself that is all that matters ...... :l

    Drink lots of water today, and :goodjob: on your AF days, get straight back on the wagon ....... you will feel so much better tomorrow ......

    Love & Hugs, BB xx


      slipped up as it was my birthday agh!!!

      Forgiving yourself and moving on is all that matters. Happy belated birthday.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        slipped up as it was my birthday agh!!!


        Firstly, Happy Birthday!

        Secondly, as the wise BB has said, you have to forgive yourself, and simply get right back on that wagon.
        15 days AF. SUPERB! You should be SO proud of yourself.
        My hurdle for some reason is day three. SO you are doing 5 times better than I am!

        Be good to yourself...lots of water, and TLC...and definately AF.

        much love and hugs,
        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


          slipped up as it was my birthday agh!!!

          :bday7: :bday7: Happy birthday Lakota!! I probably would've done the same .... no guilt birthday day .. and I am awed by your 15 days .. i pray I will get to that soon!!!
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            slipped up as it was my birthday agh!!!

            oops, meant to say, "no guilt birthday girl"!
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              slipped up as it was my birthday agh!!!

              Happy Birthday Lakota!

              Actually, I thought this thread was called, "slipped up as it was my birthday again!".... but hey, it's really your first birthday for this year, n'est ce pas?

              Of course we forgive you... for this birthday :H I'll remember if you have another birthday next month!

              Much love, :h
              P.S. Does anyone sell t-shirts that say, "HANGOVERS SUCK"?

              Tampa, FL


                slipped up as it was my birthday agh!!!

                You haven`t committed a crime`ve just learned a valuable lesson.
                All the best to you for staying on track from here on in.

                Much love,

                Starlight Impress x

