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Looking so old!

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    Looking so old!

    Lizard...don't forget that your body needs good fats too.....and alcohol will have prevented you from utilising well any good fats you were eating when you were drinking.

    Use good quality olive oil in salads and cooking, and eat avocados and nuts/seeds......nature's natural moisturisers to make your body good from the inside out !

    Suze x
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


      Looking so old!

      slightlysuze;260327 wrote: Lizard...don't forget that your body needs good fats too.....
      Suze x wouldn't be referring to CHOCOLATE here at all in any way would you



      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        Looking so old!

        I have a sneaking suspicion that it is being old that is making me look old!



        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


          Looking so old!

          Touche Satori! I have that feeling too......about me, that is!!! Not you! Your bum still looks really young according to the recent pics!!!! :H (Edit: OMG - I have just seen that youhave tricked us you naughty man.....Beckham's?? :upset: !!)

          Thing is, even if AF does, menopause doesn't do a thing for skin in my case.....nobody said puberty would come back to haunt me!!! Yup, acne????? Damn it! And, worst of all....old-age-poor-eyesight means that when I put my glasses on I can see what everyone else has been looking at for this morning's case, flaring eczema!! Aaaagh! (No, this make-up's obviously no good either!)

          Hey ho....the body's only where we live so I'm going on working on the inside bit...

          Finding My Self - in there somewhere! xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Looking so old!


            My hubby told me I look awful this morning. Awful.

            I don't blame him. He is getting so tired of this shit.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Looking so old!

              After my binges my skin would start to peel. Due to the dehydration it was inevitable that my chin and around my eyebrows would become sooo dry. Then I would start to break out. My skin looked and felt horrific. It took a whole week for the breakouts (just the toxins trying to get out) and the dry skin to heal. I used to think: if my skin looks this horrible-imagine my insides! Your skin is your biggest organ!
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Looking so old!

                Finding My Self;260368 wrote: Your bum still looks really young according to the recent pics!!!! :H (Edit: OMG - I have just seen that youhave tricked us you naughty man.....Beckham's?? :upset: !!)

                Finding My Self - in there somewhere! xx
                No FMS it's OK I was only being modest - that gorgeous, fit, toned, athletic bum in the pic I posted WAS all mine! :H

                Pity about all the other bits really!



                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                  Looking so old!

                  I have some tips for you Lizard!

                  oh my gosh do i hear you on the pallid,grey skinuch: !sometimes i have looked in the mirror after a big night of booze and thought,"oh my god,i look as old as my mom!" ANd you just don't even want to have to leave your house,you feel like people are silently looking at you thinking (ooh,look at that alcoholic... )Ok,here are some of my favorite (non-professional ) tricks:

                  1.)If you are having a hard time w/ the water,try some gatorade or water w/ lemon and a litle pink sugar in it!I know it sounds funny,but it is reallly yummy and it will help re-hydrate you and also help w/ alcohol sugar cravings!I know you already know this ,but your soda is further dehydrating you w/ the caffiene and the aspartame can also make you feel funky and poisened (well,too much of it anyway).

                  2.)O.K....Now,this one will REALLY sound weird,but just goes to show you that I am not messing around when i say I HEAR ya w/ the crappy skin,girl:H !!sometimes i take not a full one ,but like a 1/4 of a 500 mg niacin tablet.NOT the flush free kind.this is because it actually gives your cheeks that little "I just had a roll in the hay and i'm still glowing from it" appearance.

                  3.)there are some awesome over the counter products that you can make work just as well as professional services IF you use them right.glycolics,microderms,awesome moisture masks etc. that would amaze you how cheap and easy they are. i use to spend so much $ on pro. services until i figured out all of these little secrets.Was even going to go to Esthetitian school!All of my girlfriends call me before they buy prducts,because they know that i am little- miss- experimenter -girl,I have literally tried everything!Let me know if you want any more info on this stuff.

                  What I am trying to tell you is that you can literally get your face glowing in a matter of hours w/ these things.Granted,yes,it is a little more work than just having naturally healthy ybeautiful skin,but hey,we'll take what we can get sometimes I guess,eh ?

                  I have lots of other things i do to w/ makeup tips (bronzers,cream blush tricks,etc....)...feel free to ask me if you want me to elaborate!I don't mind at all!Hubby is going to work right now and stealing the laptop,so no more time now.....hopw this helps and REMEMBER...slap on some good moisurizer,a little bronzer and a SMILE (even if you don't feel like it) and you will look 20 x's more beautiful than you know!I promise:h :new:



                    Looking so old!

                    I look dreadful too at the moment. black eyes, pale skin, clamouring for sugar boost. Hope it goes quickly. If I put anything on my skin it goes dry and patch too!

                    Will hang on in and wait for the magic to happen. I don't think I look old cos i am old! (Or there is no hope.)
                    Enough is enough


                      Looking so old!

                      Thanks guys for all you advise
                      Still not touched a drop but my body is falling apart, it's so depressing! I woke up this morning with huge swollen eyes, I wondered why I couldn't see to either side of me properly and when I looked in the mirror was horrified to find all the skin around my eyes all swollen! They're going down a bit now but what the hell is that all about!!! I'm actually managing to get some really good nights sleep too so you would think I'd be really refreshed etc wouldn't you. The weekend is looming but I'm still feeling really proud of myself and determined to not drink, I can't believe I'm doing it and it feels so strange on an evening being sober.


                        Looking so old!

                        you are detoxing lizard. the diet soda is probably not helping either, switch to tea and water.
                        you are probably dehydrating yourself with the diet soda.
                        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                          Looking so old!

                          satori;260334 wrote: wouldn't be referring to CHOCOLATE here at all in any way would you



                          How very dare you, young man! :H (mind you, it IS full of antioxidants, apparently )

                          I am going to start an avocado drive on this board......c'mon's one of the best things in the world to eat, it's so good for us, it's green, it's got soul, no need to cook - just unwrap and eat, the skins do good in the compost bin and soooo much avocados my friends!

                          Suze x (secret member of the Avocado Marketing Board....)
                          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                            Looking so old!

                            slightlysuze;260567 wrote:

                            I am going to start an avocado drive on this board......c'mon's one of the best things in the world to eat, it's so good for us, it's green, it's got soul, no need to cook - just unwrap and eat, the skins do good in the compost bin and soooo much avocados my friends!
                            (secret member of the Avocado Marketing Board....)
                            I love them and bananas too so will go shopping and stock up!


                              Looking so old!

                              Let me share my little beauty secret with you. Try to buy yourself a bottle of pure Hyaluronic acid, it is the be all and end all of moisturizers. I have used it for years and my skin is smooth and is never dry, even in our dreadful winter season. I am 61 and have hardly any wrinkles. I have worked as a professional in the beauty industry for 25 years and have experienced all sort of fads - this is not one of them. You can also ad a drop to your favorite day or night cream.

                              If you cannot get it in a store near you, try to find it online. It is really affordable as well.
                              Let me know how you make out.
                              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                                Looking so old!

                                Lizard;260581 wrote: I love them and bananas too so will go shopping and stock up!
                                Lizard...bananas and avocados go SO well together....just chop both and mix with a fork so you can get a piece of each in each mouthful..yum! I often have that combo for breakfast

                                Suze xx
                                Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

