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Looking so old!

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    Looking so old!

    Suze - I am sooooh with you on the avocado thing!!! Sometimes I even managed to not have wine 'back then' as long as I could have an avocado!!!! (And it's the one thing Joanna Lumley has in her dressing room for after a play - the best 'treat' in the wolrd she says!! I agree!)

    Any room on the AMB for me?....!

    Satori - OK, all right....I'll go along have a lovely bum.....even if it is on fire...(dodgy that!) Wot's with this Satori and Don Bum Fettish! anyway?!?!?

    I hope the skin's picking up ladies....mine falling off today...hey ho....hormones... I adore a Dead Sea Mask.....sooooh soft and smooth after one of those! Must go get....

    And of course, plain old, lovely old Aloe gel....sooooh soothing.

    Love FMS xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      Looking so old!

      This post is making me sad. Why do we have to look perfect? We are all beautiful regardless of flaws. This is what makes us unique. I may be dry and flaky with a big bum, but so what!!!!! I want to be able to appreciate my flaws in all their glory!!!!....And someone who looks at my butt and loves all the cellulite!!!! Is that too much to ask?
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        Looking so old!

        We are all beautiful regardless of flaws.

        Luka That says it all.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Looking so old!

          Hi Liz!

          Just wanted to share a little brief experience. Whenever I have gone AF, my face puffs up and gets all weird. I found the problem to be directly linked to a lack of WATER. We dehydrate ourselves when we drink alcohol, especially in the evenings. I read an article that said to "expect" to gain four to five pounds if you stop drinking, after drinking on a regular basis. Alcohol is a diuretic. And our bodies are used to it every day. So when we stop, our bodies literally "hoard" water. It shows up in your face, and you think, "what is wrong with me?" Nothing! Its a sign of getting better!

          The more water you can drink, the quicker your face will look fantastic again. And I think all of these face treatments sound wonderful too... just drink tons of water and do all this, and you will never have time to drink again.

          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


            Looking so old!

            Hi Lizard,

            My thoughts on your puffy eyes, if you are alcohol free, could be allergies. I have allergies all year round. Just last week when I woke up, my eyes were stuck together with what I call "junk", and I have to pick it off....I know, it sounds gross. But I get the same thing in the spring. Red itchy, and sometimes just puffy eyes. I use over the counter eye drops....try visine for pretty good.

            Lukalee, you are cracking me up with this butt thing tonight :H Also we don't have to be perfect, but we have to feel good about ourselves.....and whether it's losing weight, or trying to make our skin clearer.....that's a good thing.....
            Miss October :blinkylove:


              Looking so old!

              wow yep i know wot u mean from the choccie cravings i get!! but i was worried bout all the eating i was doing and some kind soul on here said " dont worry bout the calories, at least your not getting them from the wine!!"
              slowly my cravings cut down, but hey if u cant give yrself a lil treat then what can u do???
              keep it up
              lv lakotaxxxxxxxxx

