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Morning has Broken.....
Morning has Broken.....
If we stop...truly would our new day start ! The end of our addiction and the misery that follows. Morning has broken.... a new life ! IAD?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. SeussTags: None
Morning has Broken.....
For me, it's day 2 with no hangover, and AL is losing a round for a change. This very good morning has broken, even though it is still cold and very dark outside here in central US at 5:00 A.M.
Iowegian"uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"
Morning has Broken.....
Every day truely offers a new beginning; however, we must be willing to wake up, look around, and see positives in our world-view. If all we can see of ourselves are the negatives, we can not move forward in any meaningful manner. This is one of the biggest issues I have, when I first wake up in the morning I am confronted by what I veiw as my many failures; and from there it is a quick trip down negative memeory lane as to why i will not succeed in this or any other endavour, at this or any future time.
All of this having been said, I am now in day 16/17? of being A/F. so why do I have such a hard time giving myself credit for my success here?
Just thoughts..
BHOGWar isn't working. Let's try Peace!
Morning has Broken.....
bald headed old guy;261135 wrote:
Just thoughts..
These mental reveries are as you said - just thoughts - they are fleeting and insubstantial firings of neurons - they are NOT you!
YOU are the blank canvas across which these thoughts are projected.
I am not going to get into the classic Buddhist position on the inherent non -existence even of that blank canvas right now - I will leave that for another time!
You are inherently perfect just the way you are - and as a blank canvas have the potential to be whatever you wish.
So - no more thinking about the past - it is gone -
No more worrying about the future either - you have very little control over that either.
Live for RIGHT NOW - pay attention to everything you experience and do the right thing and make the right decisions for right now and the future will take care of itself.
Have a great weekend
Satori"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"