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It is a sign!

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    It is a sign!

    I was just looking at the members online list and it said

    Satori, Bald headed old guy, Believe, Betty Boop

    It must be a sign - Betty - What is your wisdom for today???????
    I'm already a believer BTW!!!! :H

    (Have a great weekend everyone! )



    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

    It is a sign!

    Lol with your most impressive AF streak Satori, you're the one making a believer out of me! DAMN I hope to get there soon!


      It is a sign!

      Hope you're right about the sign, Satori.

      Just looked at the online list and it says:

      Victory Waves.

      Fingers crossed.
      Enough is enough


        It is a sign!

        hey am here to o ..but here nor there and everywhere have great night guys
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          It is a sign!

          LMAO Satori! I'm anxious to hear what Betty wanted to tell you. :H


            It is a sign!

            That is FREAKIN' hysterical!

            You have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY too much time on your hands, Satori!


            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              It is a sign!

              Common Betty--The suspense is killing me!


                It is a sign!

                I seem to be Finding My Self, a garden girl (with) green eyes and a hart.......

                Wow! That's me! This poota's got eyes!!!! This is spooooky!

                Com'on BB!! Tell all.....!

                And Waves, keep victorious!

                Satori's waiting.........
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  It is a sign!

                  Talking of signs.....

                  I've been 4 days AF til last nite (drank moderately thank you very much), but yesterday afternoon, I was really craving a beer. I was parked up outside school waiting to pick my daughter up. My friend/neighbour had already parked in front of me and gone to wait at the school gates. I was waiting in the car coz it was cold....

                  I was trying to talk myself into not drinking as soon as I got back home. I looked up, saw my neighbours licence plate, last 3 letters MWO. "My Way Out".

                  I'm not superstitious, I'm not into signs, but that hit me good and proper. I did drink - later with my husband, but moderately. It was just weird, wanted to share it....

                  K, x


                    It is a sign!

                    How about: Lukalee, Aroundtwit, askforhelp.
                    Goal 1: Today
                    Goal 2: Tomorrow


                      It is a sign!

                      Taking about signs the most users ever online was 337, 6-27-007. Thats on my birthday.
                      just notice!!

                      family is everything to me


                        It is a sign!

                        LOL just signed on after a very sober 40th birthday party and this cracked me up.......

                        I just have to say ............ Don't give in to the beast called AL .........

                        It may be boring but it's very true ..........

                        Love & Hugs, BB xx

