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Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

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    Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

    Cindy,goldens are known for the teeth thing. I'd come into the kitchen and garbage would be all over his bed. I'd point and say "who did that?" His daddy would just look away. Young one would pull lips back and nod head. It was too funny.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

      Hi Miss October

      I have two dogs, a golden retriever and a Jack Russell. Both love lots of exercise. The JR is aggressive and a pain in the butt at times but can also be a sweetie. Not great around other dogs but in fairness he was attacked by two German shepards when he was a pup. Still has a chip on his shoulder over it!! The goldie is nearly 5 and still a pup, digs and steals. She loves to go into bedrooms (where she's not allowed) and steals socks, underwear, anything she can fit into her mouth. She does shed but is well worth the clean up. Good luck whatever you decide.



        Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

        Here's a picture of Susie....We rescued her from the pound when she was 10 months old. She just turned 7 years and is the best dog on the planet. She never does anything wrong, loves everyone, and is "our daughter".... I'm convinced they know when they have been rescued....unconditional love.. She is a Shepherd/ Sheltie mix Attached files [img]/converted_files/418441=3020-attachment.jpg[/img]


          Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

          I'm a dog lover...I have a gorgeous chocolate labrador.......X


            Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

            Thank you All you Doggie Lovers !

            Hi Everyone,

            Wow !! The response was great. Since so many of you responded, it's a little much to respond to each and everyone one of you, so forgive me for not mentioning any names. But I do thank you all so much !!

            All I can say is I just got a lesson in "Doggie 101". Thanks for letting me know some other options in looking for a dog. Never even thought about a rescue dog or going to an Animal Shelter. We will have to check into that also, and we do plan on doing more research before we make a decision. Just like I learned that a "pure bread" tends to have more problems than a mutt. I would never have thought that.

            We are not in a big hurry, because we not planning on getting one until the summer, since I cannot see leaving a puppie alone in a house when we are all off to school and work for at least 8 hours. My house would be in shambles.......oh and my leather couch and chair....

            A few of you did mention how Labs do shed a lot. I'll have to keep that in mind about the olive oil and omega 3's, and the daily brushing. The shedding is a concern because both my boys have asthma, and I do worry about that. One place the dog will not be allowed is in the bedrooms....I guess doors will have to be shut since someone did mention that their dog goes to the bedroom (and not allowed) to scout out undies :H

            I did read that Labs are prone to Hip problems, so running on the hard surface would not be good. We will just have to take her for a walk every day and let her run around the yard. I'll just drag my husband out with me for a run. He doesn't mind........the best thing he likes about running is when he is finished :H Actually, today we went out for a 3 mile run and it was nice....and at least he did'nt need a leash

            So everyone, thanks so much for sharing with me the knowledge and information you all have on dogs, especially your own. And also I enjoyed seeing pictures of your own dogs. I will be reading this thread over and over again before we decide. When we do, I'll let you all know.
            Miss October :blinkylove:


              Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

              Miss O....the dog will not be allowed in the bedroom?......

              good luck with that...



                Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

                Didn't know this until recently , but goldens are prone to cancer. Lost 3 out of 4 to it at different ages. There's a little white terrier dogie that is good for people w/ allergies. A westie maybe? Cute little thing. Google or ask your MD or call a local vet or American Kennel Assoc.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

                  This is Pua, a beagle. She is just the cutest thing. I don't think I'd start with a puppy again. Even my own babies was not my most favorite parenting time. Her yearly check -up with meds (no insurance for pets) is about $250.00. Kids love having a pet and say they will be responsible but ultimately it's the moms that do most of the care giving. I remember worrying about leaving her home alone all day so i called in sick. She slept for 8 hours. Hubby was not keen on having her indoors, and where we live we don't have to worry about cold weather but on some stormy night she sleeps in the garage or on special occasions (like after a bath) in the kitchen. Our son made a very cool dog house in wood shop. Never did get the potty training down. She just pees when and where she wants. i guess the green carpet looks like green grass. I've heard that Beagles are hard to train in this area but there are experts out there. Um... does everyone out there do the anal sac thing? I leave it up to the vet on her annual exam and feel guilty because It seems like it should be done more often because of their comments, such "my goodness!" Good luck in your adoption!


                    Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

                    If your boys have asthma you do NOT want a dog that sheds. All dogs that require "haircuts" do not shed, ex. Poodle, Bichon Frise, Old English Sheepdog, Portugeese Water Dog, etc.

                    All dogs have their strengths and weaknesses but the last thing you want to deal with is giving up a dog because of allergies/shedding, etc.
                    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                    - George Jackson


                      Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

                      Ask me anything... and be specific... I can not only tell you on the breed but the breeder... you tell me the size and the desire to the of research... I can let you know to the mutts detail on DNA.... so far... there is no such thing as a mutt. retrive a dog is fine... but I had a friend that did that and bads news storys happen to ... but we don't hear about those.
                      Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                        Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

                        I am hesitant to post on this thread....because I don't want to hurt or offend anyone....but I would say to anyone considering a dog as a pet to think very carefully whether you can give the dog what it needs (not just what you want from the dog)

                        I have had dogs for most of my life and I love them with a very deep and fierce love! They are time consuming, cost money and you must consider them as part of your pack if you want to give them a good, contented life. This means good food, the right exercise,good vet care and most of all......your TIME!!!! They are pack animals and want to be with you.....I'm sorry to say but I think leaving a dog alone for 8 hours is WAY too long. I work with a rescue and we will not rehome to anyone who plans to leave the dog alone for more than 4 hours unless there are permanent arrangements for someone to visit the dog to walk/feed/play with it during that time. Your dog needs you! And also they really need more than one walk a nature they are animals that move around together in a pack.....most of the 'destructive in the house' problems are caused by lack of exercise...especially when people get working breeds and shut them up all day in an apartment! In this country (UK) I have seen more collies than I can remember ending up in rescue because they were taken into a home where everyone was out all day and the dog went mad with boredom and wrecked the house. Many were beaten for their 'naughtiness' that life with the normal working life of a collie on a sheep farm!

                        I could wax on for hours about this .......but, as I said, I don't want anyone to feel hurt. It's just my view that dogs are the most wonderful, special, glorious creatures....and I have seen far too much of what humans do to them through ignorance as well as cruelty.

                        Off the soapbox now!

                        Suze x
                        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                          Any Dog Lovers Out There ?


                          If there is a good yard and you get two or more dogs, it can be okay for them to be alone during the day. I have found that in the past, at least.

                          I do agree that it is unfair to leave a dog alone all day by themselves. They need company. My dog actually plays with my cat. It gets so darn loud sometimes but they both love it.

                          Currently, they are curled up together on Poulan's bed. It is a cute sight.


                          ps As for exercise, luckily Poulan loves to fetch so we wear him out chasing tennis balls.
                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

                            Hi i love dogs... most dogs do shed a lot of hair..... i have a cavalier king charles spaniel they are good family dogs...... have to hoover up everyday...... but could not do without her.

                            family is everything to me


                              Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

                              You're right Suze. I actually have two dogs, because when we just had one, he was so nervous... when we first got him from the shelter, we put him in a cage at night, but he cried and scratched.... so my daughter snuck him out and put him under the cover.... and he's been there ever since. We got the second dog, Lucy, so he would have company during the day. We used to put them in the cage during the day, but since the two of them normally stay out of trouble, they roam the house now (trouble is when they find my daughte's panties on the floor.... but hey! I tell her to keep them picked up, because they are TREATS for my dogs!)

                              On the other hand, my friend got a golden retriever three years ago. He's only allowed in the house for a couple of hours a day because he sheds "too much and he's too big".

                              DUH!!! He's not 8 feet tall- he's a beautiful normal size retriever. NO BIG SURPRISE HERE if you did research. And the saddest part is that he lives in a cage that's just big enough for him to stand up. All day.
                              He has a wonderful disposition and should be a pet, not a prisoner. :upset:

                              P.S. The dog on the left in my new avatar is Joker, a rat terrier/basenji mix. The upside down dog is Lucy~ it's how she sleeps in the sun.... :heart: simple pleasures...

                              Tampa, FL


                                Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

                                I stop home on lunch to let Casey out or just to say hi. Now that she's getting older she doesn't even get out of bed sometimes when I come home. She'll look up and wag at me and then go back to sleep.

                                They can be expensive. Casey just had an ear infection last week and it cost $160 for the vet visit and meds.

