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Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

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    Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

    Patty, boo-hoo for the golden. that's almost like living at the dog pound.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

      Oh yes...that poor retriever.....that's gross cruelty in my opinion. How can they do that?:upset:

      Honestly, what other species imprisons, degrades and causes suffering to other creatures other than us humans? Roll on global warming I say! Let's get rid of our obnoxious lot!

      Suze x
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

        I love my Golden Retreiver.
        Gabby :flower:


          Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

          Most of my very best friends honestly have fur and four legs... We have a chocolate lab and a black lab... Goldens are an amazing sweet breed, however a fair bit of work grooming.. Which is fun too.... Best of luck in your decision making... I agree with those that suggest checking out the animal shelter first of all...

          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


            Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

            Hi all you doggie lovers !

            Ok, first things first.....Chief, should we bet on that ? You are way too funny !! NO dogs in the bedrooms.......I know that's where they want to be, and probably give you that sad puppy face, but kids with asthma cannot have a dog in their rooms. As for my room....NO. I'll keep you posted on the outcome when and if we get one :H

            Suze, I appreciate everything you had to say, and your obvious love for dogs. No offense taken. I know leaving a dog for 8 hours alone is not a good thing. That's why we wanted to start in the summer when the kids are home from school for almost 3 months. After that, we would have to figure something else out. And I agree on a good diet too. I feed my family only the best quality food.....I would do the same for the dog. I don't care about $$ when it comes that.

            My husband is here with me and he is saying, "sweetie" I will come home for lunch and take the dog out.......and I'm sitting here thinking of the price of gas. He works about 25 miles from home......he too is a dog lover (of big dogs).

            I totally agree dogs need a loving family, which we definitely would be. The dog would get exercise at least twice a day, and on weekends more. And a caged dog I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THAT. That is way too cruel.

            Doggie 101 Lesson - just now learned we have to get two dogs instead of just one.

            But everyone, thanks for your post. This has been an enjoyable thread. Right now my 12 year old son is on the internet looking at cutest and most adorable puppies. Now my husband has taken over the computer (I'm on my work laptop) and is looking for dogs.....they are addicted to searching for a dog
            Miss October :blinkylove:


              Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

              Super Bowl Tickets

              Good Morning all you doggie lovers,

              I thought this was so fitting.....this morning I'm driving to work and on the radio they said some guy had delivered by FedEx to his door Super Bowl tickets. He left a note for the delivery man to leave them under the mat. He did not. He put them through the mail slot in his front door, and the guys black labrador retriever chewed them up. The guy paid $1800 for the tickets.........oops...... I guess his dog did not want him to go to the super bowl without him :H

              Just thought I would share that. Have a great day everyone
              Miss October :blinkylove:


                Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

                OMG!!! I just got finished posting in another thread about how "over protective" I am with out sweet little Cooper!! (12# miniature dachsund)......He is our :h ! He's barking out the window at squirrels right now!!! :H

                My oldest son (26) was raised with a black lab and it was wonderful for him to have such a companion and playmate...he was my only child until he was 24!!! That dog would go with me on my runs/walks and stay just far enough between me and other dogs...just enough to let them know NOT to mess with me...but he never would leave the path we were on to confront a dog. He stayed with me and the other dogs just seemed to know NOT to bother me!
                He was an outside dog and the times we brought him inside, he did shed some...but never enough to be a bother. The joy that my son got from having that big 'ole sweet dog laying beside him in front of the fireplace was worth the little bit of vacuming I would have to do the next day!!!
                Good luck on your decision!!! Since getting Cooper three years ago for my two stepsons, I can't seem to resist ANY dog that I'm around! I just want to love them all!! :happyheart:


                  Any Dog Lovers Out There ?

                  Hi dog lovers!
                  Me too!
                  I grew up with german shepards, beagle/basset mixes, cairn terriers, dobermans, german-huskey-collie mixes etc. I love them all - purebreds and mutts. I have had to switch to standard poodles for temperment, lack of shedding and absence of allergens. They are amazing dogs and my husband and I and our children are crazy about them. At first I thought I couldn't stand poodles. I kept taking these tests and they pointed to the fact that I did. I finally talked to my vet about my preferences and he suggested I might like standard poodles and I said that I hated poodles and he said no, you really don't. You just think you do. My husband now wouldn't live with any other breed of dog and he was more prejudiced than I was. We've gotten all of our standard poodles "used" from owners who wanted to place them after breeding them or deciding to wait to breed them and not getting to it. Just a thought.
                  Good luck and happy unconditional love to all dog lovers!

