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Kick my butt!
Kick my butt!
For those of you that know me...kick me in the butt. You know my Mama is dying and I have been caring for her for almost a year by myself as all our family lives in OKlahoma. Today she told me she is going back to OK to die as she has her Mom and siblings all there to care for her and it is getting harder and harder for me to do it alone or even with a sitter. she is still up all night and I have to work the next day. I am a single Mom too. I know this is probably best for everyone involved as she will have TONS of family support there, but I will miss her so much!!! I went AF after she was diagnosed. I am SO scared of messing up when she leaves. I want to stay AF!!!! I feel so much better. I look better! I am having bad cravings today, I know it is just stress. wanting to drink the stress away, which will only cause more stress. I KNOW ALL THIS!!!! Tell me it is going to be OK and how stupid drinking would be. I am remembering the last time I drink...OMG...two bottles after months AF , thought I would die. I DO NOT WANT THAT LIFE ANYMORE.Tags: None
Kick my butt!
Hi i will kick your are a strong woman who has done so so much...remember you went AF for you and thats how you have to stay....please think about what you have your kids need you, you need you....oh and i might need you one strong sweetheart.......
Jacqui xxxMwo,s worst speller....
Kick my butt!
Oh Luvuall, that's so hard. So painful. I would be wanting to drink too. But you KNOW that drinking may take the feelings away for a short time, but it will not resolve them and will make matters SO very much worse. For everyone, but especially for you.
Stay close. Keep talking. We are all here for you and will help you :l :l .
much love, wonder xx
Kick my butt!
Hi luvuall
Life sounds really hard for you right now
Remember and write down all the things
that you hate about having alcohol in your
life! You say that you don't want alcohol
in your life and you have a choice. You
have control. Have the confidence to say
no.You choose no to that way of life. It
sounds like your life is about to change
but your family still needs you to be you.
It will be so much easier without the stress
of drinking too. Take care. Be strong!
:l Pan
Kick my butt!
It is 5:20PM where I live, BAD time of day for us all it seems when you struggle...I KNOW this will pass...just have to make it through the next 2 hrs or so. Then I will be just fine. OH I HATE THIS MONSTER in my life. Why is it a struggle??? Even after months. My kids need me to be strong, I must do this...I must!!!
Kick my butt!
yes this is the witching hour if you're twitchy LUVUALL! And I so know what you mean about getting past a certain time and then you're home free. So..... 2 hours, eh? Okay, how 'bout a few jokes....... so a priest and a rabbi walk into a bar, um, I mean a healthfood store .........
hang in there!! Just think of how you'll feel in the morning. REALLY think. Remember how crappy that feels? BLAH!!!!!!!! NO AL!!! IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!!
wonder xx
Kick my butt!
Hey, Luv,
Sometimes when you have been a caregiver, it is a real loss to give up that role, even when it will make your life easier. I would imagine that you are having quite a mix of feelings about this change in your situation.
Drinking is just a distraction. How about trying to sit down with yourself and just letting all of your feelings just come. Some of them may surprise you.
Don't drink. It will just take that much longer to deal with it, honey.
You're a wonderful, strong woman. I have a lot of faith in you.
Hugs, :l
KathyAF as of August 5th, 2012
Kick my butt!
Thanks to you all for Mom just truned 56. She is young!!! I am making it. I will make it. I have been sitting here remembering all the dumb things I have done drunk and how much pain I feel emotionally and physically the next day. You are ALL correct..not worth it at all.
KATE...thanks for the kick! You are always a good inspiration.
Kick my butt!
Hey! Luv,
Don't give in, stay strong. My Mom was my best friend and I was her caregiver, as well. Losing her was very hard for me. Don't make the mistake I did, killing the pain with alcohol doesn't work she has been gone for over 7 years and the alcohol is killing me now. Haven't been succesful staying AF, but, keep trying. You have been successful, so keep up the good work!!! Alcohol is not the answer!!
Kick my butt!
Hi Luv You All,
I am so surprised that you have been AF all this time taking care of your MOM for almost a year. Usually it is the other way around. It is a lot of stress taking care of a parent (it's a totally reserve role for us). I don't know how old your mom is, but you did say her Mom is out in OK. Wow ! good for Grandma !! But to me, this is now the time to TAKE CARE OF YOU !
I will pray for YOUray: and your MOM :l
Miss October :blinkylove: