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Kick my butt!

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    Kick my butt!

    Good Job, Luvuall....

    Drinking never helps.....drinking never helps...



      Kick my butt!


      I have to agree with Don. Drinking never helps,

      Hell it only hurts. AL is vile, AL steals our souls. Period.

      Wow. I cannot believe I just said that, but he does. He takes away what we should be doing and replaces "oblivion" which "in the moment" is nice but in the long run causes pain to ourselves and our loved ones.

      Our souls are here to make life good for ourselves, our families, others we touch and God. In reverse order.

      LUV, you can do this. You can handle this. I know you can. Mama knows what she wants and you can't be there, you have others (your children) to take care of. You have made peace with Billy (I was there that drunken day, I know...) and you have made peace with his mama. Now you MUST carry on with the rest of your life, your children and yourself.

      DO NOT drink to overcome the stress, let the stress be a simple part of your life.

      I, too, am dealing with stress from family issues and will do it sober because drunk I will not do it right. Sober, no guarantees, but drunk, no way....

      I LUV YOU THIS MUCH!!! You are one of the first people I saw here and I know what you mean. I do. I love you THIS MUCH!! :h


      ps. Call me anytime, I will answer. If you forgot my #, pm me and I will send it.
      AF April 9, 2016


        Kick my butt!

        hey girlie. so glad i just saw this before jumping into my jammies for beddie by time. honey you are strong in your heart. you and i know alcohol makes it a bilion times worse not better. this too shall pass it is a trigger for something worse not better. we have a beautiful sober life and we are happy to have it. we i know this is true of me... i know bear would say this. i know i have plenty of sober in me but if i ever drank again i don't know if i have another drunk in me. meaning if i went that path i don't know i could get sober again. better to just not take that first drink and fuck it all up. so stay with it sister. and call me anytime you ahve my number. swear to you anytime you can call me. you know we've leaned on each other plenty. and i'm here. i'm just studying all weekend. so you call me. really please you call me.
        love you


          Kick my butt!

          I made it through THANK YOU ALL!!!! I just stayed ion here until i went to bed. oday is Sunday, cant buy booze here on Sunday...they dont sale it anywhere!!!! So, today..i am safe too. Prayed a lot lastnight. I will not let this trigger me into a downward spiral. I feel like this is my true test. I have to learn to deal with stress again. I HAVE to!!! It is part of life. Can't stay drunk forever.


            Kick my butt!

            Well done Luv I was thinking of you last night so am so pleased to see your post and that you are feeling more positive today
            Jacqui xxx
            Mwo,s worst speller....


              Kick my butt!

              jambo luv, you took a step of not drinking first for yourself since without you, no mama, no kids and no any other person so first dont drink just for yourself. again stop keeping your mama in your hands so that she can protect and prevent you from drinking what about the much better care you said she can get from the rest of the familly, dont you want her to have that? am sure you do so let her go and you face your cravings however hard they hit you, you are not alone we are here for you, remember dont pick the first drink.


                Kick my butt!

                You are right Maasai...time to grow-up. Mama has filled so much of my time, I am nervous with all the time I will have free once she leaves. I WILL DO THIS!!! I have to. I have to. I can not go back to last year. OH MY GOD, I will not go back to that life. I can't. I buried myself here on this site when I got sobber. If I have to do that again, I will!

