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Seeking Salvation

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    Seeking Salvation

    Hello everyone,

    I desperately need some help. My drinking is far too much, and far to often. Last night I drank so much I passed out. I don't remember going to bed, but it was late. I woke up this morning shaking, I threw up and I have the worst headache in my life.

    I'm going through some terrible personal problems and the drinking is making it all worse. I'm so ashamed of myself.

    I am hoping that by coming here I can get the help I need.

    Thank you all for listening.

    Seeking Salvation

    Hi Soul,

    I'm sorry to hear that you feel desperate, but you came to a great place. Most of us have been there, done that. If you have a couple minutes, feel free to read our posts~ you'll find people that are as desperate as you, and others that were desperate, but have found their way "OUT"... you can, too.

    Come back, Soul. We don't bite! :l

    Tampa, FL


      Seeking Salvation

      Hello and welcome DS, you have come to the right place, most of the people on this site
      have been where you are at times, myself included. You have a difficult task ahead, but
      you can do it with the help and support of the people here.
      Have you got the MWO book ? you will find what you need to know in it.
      Keep reading and posting. Best of luck.


        Seeking Salvation

        Damaged NOT be ashamed...I have been in your situation many times...there are others who have

        you have friends here and help. we are here for you to off load! use this place to do that my friend. Bella xx


          Seeking Salvation

          Paula.... in the UK, when two people say the same thing at the same time, do you yell "JINX!"?
          The jinx'ed person can't talk until someone else says their name.

          Well, JINX! :H

          P.S.... okay, PAULA. :H

          Tampa, FL


            Seeking Salvation

            Hi soul! Been there. This is a great place. Drink a ton of water and try to walk around outside a little today. Eat some oatmeal. :h
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Seeking Salvation

              Not Happy, we say snap , but I do like jinx. In the UK, jinxed means a bad omen I've
              had enough of those in my day.!!


                Seeking Salvation

                welcome, you are not damaged beyond repair which is the important thing. keep coming here. stick with us. this place helps!!!! drink lots of water today and rest.


                  Seeking Salvation

                  Damaged - you have come to the right place. You will have all the help and inspiration that you can handle. Read a lot of the posts. And you should post as often as you want. It really helps to get things out.

                  Good luck. We are here for you.

                  Love, Me
                  Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                    Seeking Salvation

                    Damaged Soul...
                    I was praying for you and I opened my Bible... and as I started to flip to a verse that I wanted to share with you, my eyes were drawn to a verse that I believe God wanted me to share with you...

                    "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt.... Again you will take up your dance and be joyful."

                    God does not create Damaged Souls...

                    Right now, you need to recover safely from drinking. You may need to go to the ER if you start feeling too ill. Don't be ashamed to tell them you drank to much. Drink fluids. Have some juice to keep your sugar up. They will simply put you on an IV or give you something to settle your stomach and to calm the acids. Someone said Cranberry juice is also good for your liver. Don't be afraid, we're here for you. We've been where you are at. Some of us still are...
                    Read all of what RJ writes.

                    Stay in touch...

                    You're in my prayers... God has you in the Palm of His Hand.

                    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                      Seeking Salvation

                      Hi DS, my heart goes out to you!!! You really did find a great place here for support, inspiration and good information. I have really been where you are (have been when you wrote your post) and am well on my way feeling way, way much better (have been sober for over 110 days now with the help of people from this site!!!) despite personal problems. Keep reading, please see a physician to get more help if needed, come here and post and chat often. Things can get much, much better! Take good care, j
                      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                        Seeking Salvation

                        Soul: Hi, have been there, also starting drinking reallllly heavily while going through some awful stuff, my life pretty much blew up , so I hear you. It probably seems very very overwhelming right now, everything, so try to get a handle on the alcohol first .. baby steps..:h we are here for you!!
                        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                          Seeking Salvation


                          You should not be ashamed of having an addiction!

                          I too drink in response to personal problems but I keep on keepin on and do better and learn more every day!!!!!

                          Stick around,
                          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                          - George Jackson


                            Seeking Salvation

                            Welcome DS

                            You certainly will find help and understanding here. At one point in my life I spent more time hanging over the toilet bowl than I did walking around. Oh my goodness, I spent a long time doing that. But those days are over. They have been for several years. There is hope for all - including you.

                            Stick here with us for a while at least to get to know us. We will do everything we can to help you. Just read around the site - there is tons of information here. Post as often as you like. Download RJ's book if you want to know more. There is tons of information there on nutritional supplements, etc.

                            Just get to know us. We've all been there and all want to help.
                            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                              Seeking Salvation

                              Damaged soul, you are in the right place you have just taken the major step in your road to recovery, that is admitting that you need help, dont feel ashamed since you are not the first neither will you be the last,it has taken me over two years struggling on my own thinking that i could manage without help from anyone till i gave up and through higher power guidance am here and happy, keep writing and posting you will feel better day by day.ONE DAY AT ATIME

