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Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

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    Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

    Thankful had 30 Days AF on Friday! She almost slipped under the radar..............

    Congratulations Thankful!!! What a steady positive voice you have been here. I'm in awe of how you jumped on MWO and were able to grab the AF bull by the horns so quickly.

    Congratulations on this TREMENDOUS achievement!!!! Way to Go!!!

    Look forward to hearing more about your journey-
    love, wonder xx

    Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

    Great job Thankful!


      Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

      HIP HIP....................HURRAY
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

        Fantastic Job, Thankful!!

        How do you feel compared to 31 days ago? Care to share? Must be a little better....



          Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!


          That is just great.....!


          FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

            Great job Thankful! Very proud of you!


              Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

              Wow, I still get floored by how amazingly supportive you people are.

              Thank you Wonder, Memarcie, Luka, Don, FMS and Soccermom. You all are very thoughtful.

              "How do you feel compared to 31 days ago? Care to share? Must be a little better...."

              Don, I feel awesome. Through the good and bad, it's awesome. A month ago I was a desparate, pathetic mess and I have to admit I didn't have a lot of faith in this site then. I could not afford to follow the program, so I already thought I would fail because I had no book/cds, supps. But I started taking a multi-vitamin again (it was a start) and came here everyday. My day 3 was very hard for me and some very special people on here got me through it. From that day on, I just said screw it! I want my life back. I want to find the old me. Not there yet, but I'm still searching. I liked her a lot better.

              Still having some very emotional days, but it's still better than the days of drinking. If someone told me I'd be sober a month ago, I would have told them no way. I prayed for years to have the strength to slow down. Prayers were answered Dec 27th when I found this site. My intention was to mod after my 30 days, but I'm too scared to try. Not ready yet. Still learning what my triggers are, but that is a very good thing. I may never be ready to mod. This feels too good to risk screwing up. I think I was more successful by telling everyone what I was doing and I told them about this site. It made me very accountable, because I did not want to disappoint people who were supporting me. I think my sister and brother still secretly hope I fail, because the more I succeed the worse they look. So that actually adds to the determination, you know what I mean? Anyway, it's a strugle but it's worth it!

              Thank you to everyone who inspires me each and everyday. I could never have done it without you fantastic, loving and caring people. I love you all. Thank you RJ, I think I love you best!!

              Love, Me
              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

                Congratulations, Thankful!

                So sorry I missed this.. wasn't around much this weekend....

                What a wonderful repy! You sound really, really good. I am so happy for you.

                Keep enjoying your successes and count yoru blessings...


                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

                  Congrats Thankful.

                  Good job.


                    Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

                    Thankful;262414 wrote: I think my sister and brother still secretly hope I fail, because the more I succeed the worse they look l
                    I have these would-be saboteurs in my family too! And I am finally beginning to be able to not only live well despite their views, but I genuinely don't value anymore what they think of me one way or the other. I feel sympathy for how miserable and stuck they are, and sad that we can't have closer, healthier relaltionships. It takes two! Well, that about sums up 20 years of therapy .

                    Your story brought tears to my eyes Thankful. What a turnaround. Grateful I was here to share it with you!
                    wonder xx


                      Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

                      Congratulations !!! Wooo Hooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

                        Thankful, A huge Well Done from me ........


                          Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

                          :goodjob: Thankful, congratulations! Keep strong!
                          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                            Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

                            A bit late, but congratulations on your 30 days AF!!!

                            AF since 9 May 2012
                            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                              Thankful has 30 Days AF !!!!

                              BIG congrats on 30days!

                              * * I love Determinator * *

