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I'm flattered this morning

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    I'm flattered this morning

    BB, you are right. It is flattering. Someone was so taken by you that they used up their time and mental energy to tell you how they felt. That makes you pretty special!! Hope you didn't find it to offensive. Have a nice rest of the day. :-)


      I'm flattered this morning

      There is always going to be someone out there at the ready to feed the negativity in life.

      Don't let it pollute your brain.

      * * I love Determinator * *


        I'm flattered this morning


        Not to worry.
        I personally enjoy all your posts, whether they are supporting and uplifting, helping someone, or just about you in general.

        Foot note...I imagine RJ could capture the newest commers IP Addy and perhaps ID them to another persons "real name". Just a thought.
        love and hugs,
        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


          I'm flattered this morning

          All I can say is it wasn't me.... I have better things to do, if that is what you are thinking. Because of the disagreement on the other thread a week ago or so....


            I'm flattered this morning

            Yeah BB I think if they doit again you should put their ID out there for all to see. If they persist maybe the mods could ip ban them for harassment.


              I'm flattered this morning


              It sounds to me, like others have said, that they are jealous, hey I am jealous but would NEVER write vile and mean things..................just sit here and envy and look forward to hearing about all your adventures, Orlando,FL, right!?? Or am I confused w/ another member??

              Anyway, let them waste their energy, save yours for your holiday, you'll need it for all the walking!!!!!

              Love you girlie,:h :h

              PS: I LOVE
              your posts and advise!!!

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                I'm flattered this morning

                I think it's really hard to get nasty PMs. I have had a few myself and it made me really upset.

                Sometimes the PMS are way off the mark-- completely unfair-- as was the case with bluesky. Sometimes they are just harsh but have a grain of truth.

                I also think it's possible that drink is behind some of the nasty PMs. Must be hard when they get so personal, talking about your vacations etc.

                I hope you don't take it to heart Betty as you contribute a lot of positive things to this website. So many people are struggling on this website, I can't understand why people who are overwhelmingly positive would be attacked.


                  I'm flattered this morning

                  Sometimes I think ten year olds end up on here! BB sorry this happened, but u know it's all hogwash, :l


                    I'm flattered this morning

                    Tkeene, it did have a name but that person only just registered and hasn't actually posted anywhere on the boards .....

                    AFM, you have the courage to speak your mind and I respect that, of course I didn't think that it was you .........

                    Cowgal, yes its me thats off to Orlando FL, this time next week I will be on the plane .........

                    Gumby, strangely enough I didn't take offence ........ I've actually had a very nice day ...........

                    Thanks to each and everyone of you .........

                    BTW I have forwarded the said PM to RJ so that it is logged ..........

                    :l :l :l :l


                      I'm flattered this morning

                      Mr/Miss Offender - What's the big deal? If you see a post by a person that you feel doesn't click with your personality then you have the right to not post back. And in the future when you see their name again on posts - Just don't bother to read them if it's gonna upset you!! Duh! I admit, I don't think everyone here is a nice person, but hey I bet not everyone likes all of my posts either. So what? Our goal is to help each other regardless. Now you may have said things in the "heat of the moment" or under the influence, but maybe you can see now that an apology is in order. You don't have to be friends, but how would you feel being on the receiving end of a poisoned pm? Do you think that extra stress would help you stay away from alcohol?

                      BB - There was no better way to handle that situation than the way that you did. You got your point across, actually wished them well and reported it to RJ's adimistrators. Well, done.

                      Can't we all just get along?? :groupluv: :H

                      Love, Me
                      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                        I'm flattered this morning

                        We all Loves Ya BB !!!... Tell us ALL about you and what is happening in your life
                        I just love your attitude and how you have put this crap into perspective... xxx

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          I'm flattered this morning

                          BB & All.
                          Hey, I thought this board, and indeed this whole site, were set up so we could find comfort and support...people to cheer us on when we were down, and to laugh with us when we are happy, to give us strength when we feel weak, and yes, to join with us in celebration when things go right!
                          So, BB, from my somewhat new and naive vantage point, you keep on posting your positives! I know I am going to continue to post mine!
                          Hugs & such,
                          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                            I'm flattered this morning

                            I've thought a bit more about this and here's my take on it. I'm sure that ALL of us have done things that we are ashamed of while drinking. I'd guess that this person was drunk and PM'd things they are embarrassed about now.

                            We all have been there and done that, hopefully it is not someone who is just mean and rude while sober. However those people do exist in the world including at MWO.

                            Hugs to everyone. :l


                              I'm flattered this morning

                              Hey BB...

                              We all have to share the good in our lives as well as the bad. I haven't read your post about these new things, but I would have to say we all deserve some joys of comfort in our lives.




                                I'm flattered this morning

                                we all love you Betty! You are the kindest person and i have always admired your strength. Love, Bella xxx

