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I'm flattered this morning

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    I'm flattered this morning

    BB, I once got a nasty PM too. It was pretty early on in my MWO "career" and it really shook me. I sent it to RJ and I told everyone what it said. I got a lot of support that made it not seem so awful after all.

    I realized that some people are just nasty. That's how they get their kicks. It is a power trip. Think how pathetic it must be to know that the only power you have in the world is to make someone feel bad.

    Think how much better it is to be you, BB, with the power to make people feel good. And you do it all the time. Please don't change a thing. We'd all be missing out on a lot.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      I'm flattered this morning

      Hi Betty,

      I am a bit of a lurker, and not much of a writer, but as you know I love to hear about your trips etc, I know that you have a heart of gold........and hey it's real cool to have a stalker!!........

      Take it all with a pinch of salt because if someone wants to make snide comments, but they don't have the conviction to stand behind them publically.......then quite frankly my dear they don't deserve your head space!!.......

      Got that off my chest didn't I.....!!!!!!!!!

      W x


        I'm flattered this morning

        BB, you have my support.... Everyone has "off days", but not everyone can apologise for them, you did, in a post no less.
        As for the posts about cars and holidays, I for one love to read about what's happening in other peoples lives, it's always interesting seeing what other people are doing.....

        Maybe this person posting the nasty PM, was having a bad day, maybe there's a little jealousy, maybe the person was embarrased to post the PM under their own name so created a new ID, maybe it is a new member, who knows..... Just hope whoever it is can realise, Betty is not nasty.
        TIGGER1 :l

        Formerly Mr Boop


          I'm flattered this morning

          Hey Betty, I luckily have never had anything like that sent to me. I would be horrified and really hurt.
          I like your posts and the wonderful contribution that you make to the boards.

          Sober since 30/06/10


            I'm flattered this morning

            Well I want to know where your going on vacation and about your new car. I must of missed the post!! BTW I'm going to VEGAS!!! in June!!! LOL


              I'm flattered this morning

              mya;262789 wrote: Well I want to know where your going on vacation and about your new car. I must of missed the post!! BTW I'm going to VEGAS!!! in June!!! LOL
              Mya, We are going to Orlando, Florida, next week .....the strange thing is that I haven't posted much about it .......... But VEGAS is where we want to go next so you must tell me all about it ......

              The car post is in the guys group, we were looking to buy a mercedes clk, but the only one we could find is lilac and Mr B didn't like so I posted a pic for opinions ........

              Anyway, thanks once again to everyone for responding ............


                I'm flattered this morning

                I, too, remember getting a really nasty PM when I was new. It really hurt my feelings. I actually like this member now. Funny. Don't let it bother you. We know you are a good person, and this person obviously has some jelousy and anger issues and isn't worth your time.


                  I'm flattered this morning

                  Accountable for Me;262799 wrote: I, too, remember getting a really nasty PM when I was new. It really hurt my feelings. I actually like this member now. Funny. Don't let it bother you. We know you are a good person, and this person obviously has some jelousy and anger issues and isn't worth your time.
                  AFM, you will never realise how much your post just meant to me ...

                  Thanks :l :l :l


                    I'm flattered this morning

                    I felt compelled to share, because I really do like you, even though we had a tiff on another thread I didn't want for you to think I didn't care, because I do.


                      I'm flattered this morning

                      I love your new lavender car. Am I jealous? yes. Am I envious? of course. Am I angry? Not at all. Good for you!!! Just invite me for a Sunday drive along the coast.!

                      p.s. what color did you agree on?


                        I'm flattered this morning

                        hulagirl;262826 wrote: I love your new lavender car. Am I jealous? yes. Am I envious? of course. Am I angry? Not at all. Good for you!!! Just invite me for a Sunday drive along the coast.!

                        p.s. what color did you agree on?
                        We havent bought one yet but as soon as we do we will let you all know ........

                        Thanks again all ........ I now feel all warm and fuzzy .......

                        BB xx


                          I'm flattered this morning


                          If someone doesn't want to hear what you have to say they don't need to read it, pretty simple. Obviously this person is jealous of the "popular girl", a BB "wannabe". Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, we all love you!

                          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                          - George Jackson


                            I'm flattered this morning

                            yeah, defo jealousy and also agree with meditation mama, weird
                            Honour Thyself


                              I'm flattered this morning


                              Just now saw this, but as you know, I've been attacked here too for things having absolutely nothing to do with why we are here. I for one absolutely love the diversity of people, lifestyles and have always felt this is a safe place to come and share all about ourselves.

                              I for one have never figured out why having nice cars and being financially in a place to take fun vacations makes you a bad person? Uncaring? Wicked? Evil? Could someone please explain this?? My friends in real life vary as much as the weather. I have a friend who stayed with us a while back for an extended period because she had no where to go, and I thoroughly loved having her here and walking through that struggle with her, and I also have friends who have mutliple houses who fly all over the world depending on their mood. But they are GREAT people and would give you the shirt off their back. She teaches blind and handicapped people how to snow ski when she is at her home in Colorado, and when she comes here, she is volunteering her time to help rebuild the Humane Society which burned down last year and organize fund raisers for donations.

                              I am just saying all that to say that if you are being attacked because of the possessions you have and the trips you take, someone had judged you from an outward appearance rather than your heart, and has "assumed" that since you have money that you must be a snob. They are locked into pre-programmed judging, and its a real pity for them b/c they are probably missing out on the opportunity to have wonderful friends in their life because they wont let them in because they have a nice car.

                              Betty, I am so happy for you -- I hope you get that car, and I'm so excited for your upcoming vacation! You deserve it and so does your precious little girl! I also am still hoping I can work out to drive down and meet you. I LOVE vacations and we are heading to Vegas as well in March for a week... wanna come? Say yes so we can both piss this person off!!

                              Love ya girl!
                              If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                                I'm flattered this morning

                                I've been on the other end of nasty posts, where I was openly slammed (fortunately a long time ago), and it is not pleasant. BB, you're doing a great job of rising above it, and I applaud you for this. Keep your head up--this person is unhappy and has to live with themselves. You have lots of friends who will support you through thick and thin.

                                Unfortunately, we are subject to some of the not-so-nice things that happen in groups, including jealousy and envy, both blatant and subtle. Fortunately MWO is better than a lot of groups when it comes to this sort of crap.

                                Keep up the good work, Boopsters! :l


                                AF as of August 5th, 2012

