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Bad Day

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    Bad Day


    I am having one of those days. I was late for work because our tempertures are -40C:egad: and the bus I usually take stopped at every bus stop it is normally express. A co-worker that hasn't been working at my place of employment for very long made a snide comment.

    I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but I am really in a crabby mood right now. I am just tired of these people with these I am so great attitudes. Grrrr....:durn: It doesn't help that I am tired and just finished off antibotics for a chest infection now I feel a sore throat coming on.

    I don't want to sound whiny or anything I just had to vent.


    Bad Day

    Jacy, Big BB hugs for you ...........

    Vent here anytime, thats what friends are for ..........

    Temp -40??? Brrrrr ..........

    Take care ....


      Bad Day

      Hey Jacy

      They say it never rains it pours. Hope you feel better.

      Make sure you have some "me" time.

      Take care.


        Bad Day

        Jacy: Your commute into work sounds horrendous as does the weather! As for the co-worker, "Take it from where it's coming from". Store his/her negaive comment in your mental file. Don't go out of your way to please this person or help him unless your job depends on it. What a jerk! I hope your day got better. - Reenie
        September 23, 2011


          Bad Day

          Thanks so much BB, Lotus & Reenie...

          Hugs to you all. I felt a little better reading your posts. I have been feeling blue all day. I really needed that support. I wanted to have a drink so bad today, I stopped at the store after work to pick up a few things and passed the liquor store. It was so hard not stop, but I just kept going saying positive things to myself.

          I thought that by day 26 things would be so much easier. The weekend was tough too and I managed to get through it. Usually when I am back at work I can keep my mind off of it, but not today.

          My supervisor has been on leave for medical reasons. She was supposed to come back today, but she is due back tomorrow. She is the type of person who has to always be in control and she has little compassion for most of us employees. She has been gone for 6 weeks and it has been so relaxing. It is just a matter of getting used to having her back and adjusting to it again.

          I am really going to need MWO for support and I really appreciate all you guys for being here for me.

          I am going to try to relax tonight and I hope tomorrow will be a better day.




            Bad Day

            Poor Jacy - what a terrible day. I can see why you would be tempted to drink. But what a great success story that you said no - you walked by that liquor store and didn't buy anything. It was a crappy day but a wonderful day also - an AF day even though you were tempted.

            Give yourself a nice reward. A nice hot bubble bath sounds like it is in order. That's what I like after a bad day. Then into bed with a good book.

            Hope things go better tomorrow.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              Bad Day

              Hi, I'm with Mags on this one. A warm scented bubble bath always put me back in order, along with some hot chocolate.
              Enlightened by MWO


                Bad Day

                Hi Jacy .. yes, I know, work-related issues can suck!! and damn,do I wish I was on day 26 .. so let's trade places we are all on your side !!
                :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                  Bad Day

                  Thanks for all the support....

                  I didn't have a hot bubble bath last night I just was not int the mood. I did have a nice soothing hot chocolate. Then went to bed depressed and miserable. :upset:

                  Once again I was late for work today. This damn freezing cold weather seems to have affected us all from getting place to place on time it doesn't seem to be letting up at all this week. It does appear I probably will be late everyday. My supervisor was back from medical leave and I was just waiting to for her to give it to me. She didn't say anything about me being late. She just asked how things went in her absence.:wow:

                  I feel a little better today I actually laughed a few times with some of my co-workers. Ahh how nice it is to laugh.....:H



                    Bad Day

                    -40 jeeez that will put anyone in a terrible mood.
                    hang in there honey. so glad you laughed.

                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      Bad Day

                      How true, someone told me that you need to something that makes you laugh every day ............

                      Hang in there Jacy .........


                        Bad Day

                        I am the QUEEN of whine lately. You vent any time you want. Then I won't feel so bad about doing it too.


                          Bad Day


                          I had a better day today. It has been rough this past weekend had a lot of cravings maybe because I am getting close to that 30 day mark. I try to change my thinking to other things. Yesterday I had to self talk myself why I am going AF in the first place. I came up with a lot reasons so that helped get through the evening even though I was miserable.

                          You all have been great with your support it has really helped me stay strong.

                          :heart: to you all


