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The Inn Reunion.

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    The Inn Reunion.

    Hello - lost Innmate here!

    I so understand that The Inn had served its purpose as it was, Rob......but am thinking that there are a few of us old Innmates wandering around a bit lost just offence to anyone else's thread!! (And thank you again Rob and Hannah for all your work with The Inn.)

    So thought I would just post this as a 'catch up post' if anyone else is feeling a bit like me....?! And I'd love to hear how everyone else is doing...!

    I've been madly packing up my studio at last....finally, 18 months after I closed its doors to 'Jo Public', I am getting out.....I have spent more than the value of the stock in rent over this time....hmmmm. Er, trouble with letting go....?!?! Who? Me?! It is really strange....lots of stuff in there I painted whilst being, shall we say, a little was there that me'n Al started our 'affair'... So I am glad to be rid of that stuff.... And I am being helped in the 'exit' by my ex which is also 'interesting'.... Doing so many things without (and gladly so!!) Al that he might well have accompanied me in before....(Al being Al and not the ex!!!!) And to get the remaining stuff into my garage I am making space by sorting through stuff from childhood and old relationships etc....All very 'emotive'! I shall be glad when it is done!

    I hope everyone else is doing well....2008 still feels like a good year....and spring is coming...eventually! We had bumble bees in the garden this weekend.....sorry for those dug in up to their ears in snow and cold!!!

    Hope to 'catch up'.....anyone there!?

    Love and hugs :l

    Finding My Self.....still.....!...somewhere!!! :h
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

    The Inn Reunion.

    Hi FMS!

    I've been missing the inn too sniff sniff :upset: . And remain so grateful to Rob and Hannah for all their love and hard work. So thank you for starting this thread. A little reunion sounds just peachy to me!

    Cleaning up and out is so cathartic. I hope you feel good about clearing away those bad vibes. I've been spiffing up my house and cleaning stuff out and it feels really good. I too feel that 2008 will be a good year and that Spring will bring all KINDS of new life! Yay!!!

    Any other innies out there?

    love, wonder xx


      The Inn Reunion.

      Hi, my little lost-Mates!

      I was feeling the same way... whaaaa!

      I talked to ROB and Hannah and I think we will start something after Hannah gets her move done Feb 1st. The other threads are awesome, but I think we really liked our daily check in.

      Maybe in the meantime we could have a daily thread - the lost innmates!! hahahah

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        The Inn Reunion.

        Sounds good, MM! Yup! Here's to the lost innmates! The Inn becomes The Wanderer's Return!

        In the meantime, thoughts, love and luck to Hannah for her loads of snow!! Eeeek! Good luck, love!!!! was your day off!?! Hope it was a lovely 'Rob Day'!!
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          The Inn Reunion.

          Helloooooo? Anyone there?......Um, I'm rather boldly 'bumping' this....cos I miss my buddies!!!! And I don't want this to fall off the end of the New Posts until it's had a chance for those in exile to see it!!!!!!!!!!

          Hope that's ok!

          FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            The Inn Reunion.

            Hi FMS,

            I am still around - altho' hopping in and out as very, very busy right now.

            I didn't use the INN too much (no disrespect to Rob and Hannah here) coz it was a bit too "girly / fantasy" for my taste (I know, boring old fart etc etc?)

            But I agree - it is good to have SOME sort of "base" for us "old timers" to hang out in.

            Perhaps we need some sort of "class of 2007" area where we can keep in touch.

            Not sure.

            Anyway - nice to see you all!

            See you later



            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              The Inn Reunion.

              gday, lost is the right word at the mo, sorting some crap,out at but doing ok, forced to shut down my business, winding that down this week and starting a new job in two weeks. am staying positive though. hope everyone else is ok

              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                The Inn Reunion.

                Hi The Man!!!!

                Hope your busy is good busy as in enjoyable and not too stressful!!

                Good to hear from you - thanks for 'checking in'!!! And, help! Of course you're not a boring old fart! Girly places must be the pits for guys!!!

                It was always lovely to have 'guy input' ( ) !!!!

                We'll have to make sure there's an oily, manly, mountaineering, surf-dude sort of part to the new place for you chaps!!

                Happy busy-ness!!

                Huggy things (bet they're not too girly!?!??!? :H )

                FMS xx
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  The Inn Reunion.

                  Great idea, Finding! :l

                  I've been wandering the board like a lost soul too......:H

        's a bit spring-like here too.....saw a crocus yesterday morning and the birds are singing like mad. A flowering cherry in a nearby garden is in blossom....I do find that just a bit weird in January :bonkers:

                  My news is that I did a tiny attempt at moderating......apparently successfully! I did give myself a fighting chance by telling Finding in advance that I planned to have a glass of wine on a lunch date with a girl friend...and she gave me some good advice and 'rules' (thanks, FMS) I had one glass, it was nice - but not worth going back to drinking it all the time! No other plans to I feel that was a good experience.

                  Hope all my Innie pals are well and happy


                  Suze x
                  Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

