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Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

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    Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

    Oh dear.....good luck with the thing....
    Jacqui xxx
    Mwo,s worst speller....


      Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

      You'll be able to hang a lot of clothes on that thing....
      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

        Thats it im getting a headache...shot me im stupid...but what is this thing...a pink thing equipment...plug in computer????????...did i miss something in my years with AL .........
        Jacqui xxx
        Mwo,s worst speller....


          Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

          When I first read this title I thought you had been up to your old tricks again at the tanning studio!! I had visions of this pretty young pink Star slowly spit roasting until you turned red again like a lobster!!! Never mind seems equally just as funny reading about your ineptness and short comings with a pink eliptical trainer. Have fun my dear anyway with it I'm certainly getting a good laugh out of it!!!!ROFLMAO

          I'm actually starting back at the gym myself tomorrow after a 3 week break due to illness and it's amazing how bad you can feel stopping exercising for such a long period. I was only just starting to build up some stamina and all!!!.

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

            STOP right there hip!!!!!!!! :H

            "your ineptness and shortcomings" way.........faulty computer is not of my doing. The only ineptness and shortcomings I see in all of this, are those of the negligent quality controller who passed this heap of junk as functioning...........I "just know" it had to be a man!!!:eeew:

            Btw.......any chance you could slide the computer off the top of one of the elipticals when you`re at the gym to check how the wires are connected please??? Nah.......didn`t think so!!! :H

            Starlight Impress x


              Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

              LOL Star.... that's a good one...

              As for me, my new workout is I bought a paddle. I make sure the neighbors arent outside or watching, and I sit by the pool in my sweats and just paddle away. Man it works your abs and arms! I just home I dont ever get caught doing

              Good luck! Hope Hippie can figure this all out next time he goes to the gym to try and rectify his manhood.

              If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

                I think it's mad because it is a piece of EXERCISE equipment and someone painted it PINK!
                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

                  Hey Star... this will help you to feel better about your elliptical adventure. Here's mine...

                  When I got mine, first I had to get the thing down 4 flights of stairs by myself.

                  I got half-way done and discovered that some washers were missing.

                  I went to two hardware stores looking for missing washers, neither had them.

                  I had the manufacturer send me the washers.

                  Washers in hand, I resumed to find that two of the screws won't screw in all the way.

                  The wires that hook up the computer got stuck way inside the metal thing and I spent about 45 minutes with a bent-up clothes hanger in my hand, the metal thing between my legs and a flashlight in my mouth, getting the wire where I could reach it.

                  I finally got it all put together! Then read the last line of the instructions, "Place protective something beneath the elliptical to protect carpet."

                  I tried it out and it was all wobbly, so I set my electic screwdriver to work again, but alas, it was dead.

                  When I finally got it all tightened up, I got on again and realized I put one of the arms on backwards.

                  But at least it was all assembled.
                  And THAT was 23 days after I got the damn thing home.

                  A few days later I got over my anger at the MFing thing and got on and did my first workout. Those 4 mninutes 39 seconds nearly killed me.
                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                    Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

                    Star here's my story. I was briefly w/o man in life :H So I buy myself an exercise bike. I spend hours putting the damn thing together, then I get on it and the pedals are the wrong way. I didn't know if I should cry or laugh. I cats didn't help me at all, they just tried to bat the pieces around.

                    Luckily I noticed there was a big dent in something. I load the damn thing in my convertible, top down. It was raining a little........get to Sears, I lug it in and point to floor model and say I want that!~ Explain the dent, dared them with my eyes to say anything about the pedals being on backwards.

                    Then I took the floor model home, in my wet convertible. Never use the bike now tho!

                    I sympathize, but have to agree w/meditation mama. A PINK ONE!:eeks: What were u thinking?


                      Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

                      OMG, you are kidding. Throw it in the trash...LOL


                        Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

                        hey star, sorry about your problems.i haven't ben on the boards for a hapy to see your still've beat bigger problems than this , hang in there!!


                          Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

                          I am so sorry star why pink??? was it on sale?
                          we should send you a hot trainer who will assemble the damn thing for you and then show you a few stretches.
                          will that chill you out ?????
                          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                            Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

                            Well look at the bright side Starlight. Ellipticals are awsome for low-impact calorie burning. Once you get that thing to gether and start using it, you'll be rewarded!


                              Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

                              It could only happen to you, Star...

                              You have to get someone...ahem, a look at your malfunctioning equipment...

                              I'm sure there's an easy explanation.......a woman put it together!


                                Pretty in pink just made me see red!!!!

                                Too far Don!!!! :H .........I am one lady who doesn`t have any "malfunctioning equipment", save for the offending elliptical. Although, you ARE correct........I do indeed have to find me a man. lol

                                The reason for it being pink is perfectly logical........technically it belongs to my teenager, as was purchased for her.

                                Starlight Impress x

