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OK - not booze but not good!!

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    OK - not booze but not good!!

    Um, I need a kick up the bum with my food intake here please!!!

    I am getting really tired and put a lot of it down to being 'a woman of a certain age'....

    But this morning I was thinking about what I am eating....well, faced what I am eating - ir not! I just don't 'do' food.....I find it scary, unpleasant, boring, hate to eat alone.....loads and loads of 'food ishoos' from my childhood.....

    But.....this isn't good is it....?

    Monday -
    8am Coffee and squirty cream with 2 biscuits. ('Home' coffee is de-caff though and I like it really watery!)
    9am Coffee and squirty cream with small (2 desertspoonfulls!) bowl of muesli and goat's yoghurt.
    10am Coffee and squirty cream and two biscuits.
    1030am Coffee and squirty cream with handful of chocolate raisins.
    4.30pm 'Proper coffee' and cheese panini in favourite cafe with spiritual book. (My sanctuary - relaxed here!)
    6pm Fizzy water and nibbles.
    (Out at choir 7-9)
    10pm Beef casserole and baked spud with two veg (home made though!) (With TV as a necessity to not be 'alone'.)
    Midnight - water and......a biscuit!!!

    Um....being brave here as (a) I know many (although kind) suggestions will 'wind me up' as the thought of lettuce leaves and things turn my stomach! In summer yes, but not now! (b) And fancy! Who, like me, can spot the same old 'addiction tendencies'!?!?!? Alcohol used to 'soothe' my tum from its terror and now it's the cream/frothy milk....not the's seems to be anything I perceive as 'comfort food'.....anything else is really, really scary....I find it almost impossible to swallow - drinking helped that, but sod that now!

    This might just open a right can of worms for me but really the 'new comfort intake' might be better than alcohol but the 'behaviour' and trigger are still there and the diet is pretty bad for me.....

    Bit scared but got
    to get more 'real fuel' in to me......and although I've lost loads of weight it's not the best 'diet' to do it on, eh?!?!? (Doing the vitamins etc but I think I need 'real fuel'!)

    Grateful for that hand/boost/(gentle!) kick/load of ideas on what this is about?


    Finding My Self. xx

    (Dog, that was hard to type!!!!)
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

    OK - not booze but not good!!

    i think your diet looks fine. bit more fruit and veg (do as I say not as I do, -I'm not great with my fruit intake) and cut one of the squirties,
    Honour Thyself


      OK - not booze but not good!!

      Oh Finding...I've got SO much to say on this one!:H But I'm just on my way out so will have to catch up later this afternoon....

      But I will say that I think you would feel better with some adjustments to that diet.....and if you need 'creamy' for comfort then you really should get some home-made smoothies in there! Made with milk/yoghurt/fruit you will up your fruit intake immediately and you could maybe cut down on some of the coffee?

      I am SO into food ishoos for us ladies of that certain age.....will be back with more later!


      Suze x
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        OK - not booze but not good!!

        H FMS!

        As per usual, I completely relate to your post! I live alone and don't "get into" cooking with the exception of the bare minimum and an occassional pot of homeade soup. And in the winter, my eating changes dramatically. I happily chew on fresh fruit and salads (with anything and everything) all summer, but in the winter I just want hot melty bready cheesy potato-ey comfort foods too. I manage to eat alot of steamed veggies and quinoa/brown rice, tofu, beans - cuz it's all quick and easy. But I agree, you're not doing badly at all! A couple of suggestions for "fueling" to try based on my reading and experience:

        I don't like to eat first thing in the morning. Thing is, if you eat breakfast, you get your metabolism going and your energy will stay more stable throughout the day. Lean protein or a whole grain complex carb like oatmeal is a good idea. If you don't want to prepare breakfast, maybe think of things that you can have handy to eat in the morning that are energy friendly . I know you know this, but refined grains/carbs/ sugars spike your blood sugar temporarily, but then make you sleepy when you crash soon after. Lean protein will keep you feeling full and energized longer without the ups and down.

        And speaking of keeping energy and metabolism running steady all day - some say several small "meals" throughout the day are best. Again - for me the challenge is what to have on hand that I like that doesn't require alot of prep. Nuts, fruit, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, veggie sticks..... others may have ideas (I hope).

        Somewhere down the line - maybe when the weather is more friendly, you could try cutting out sugar/wheat/dairy for a week or two just to see how this effects you. Many of us (me included) are very effected by these mucous-producing foods which create an internal environement very friendly to bacteria, candida, and other ills. When I keep these things mostly OUT of my diet, my energy level and mental clarity are much improved.

        I'm not sure what's available in your community, but every so often I sometimes go to the healthfood store and get a fresh green veggie juice. Combos of stuff like kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, wheatgrass and I like to have fresh ginger tossed in. This feels like drinking life itself! and I catch up on my greens. (I have a juicer at home, but I'm not in a home juicing mindset right now, especially in winter). Carrots can make it more palatable, but they are starchy and break down into sugar like other root veggies, so when I'm juicin' I go mostly green for maximum POW!

        I agree with Suze - smoothies are another delicious way to get nutrients in, and in the form of something that tastes like a milkshake! I'm mostly a berries, yogurt, soy protein powder kind of girl in this area.

        As for why we are like this? Let me know when you have an answer! Even non-addicted people struggle to feed themselves the way they "know they should". For myself, I am down to one cup of regular coffee in the morning. I am a lifelong anxiety-ridden insomniac. I KNOW that even that one cup in the morning impacts my sleep, but I can't seem to CUT THE CORD once and for all and give it up. This is just one example of where my awareness and my actions don't jive. There are many.........:yuk:

        Having said all this! You are right - compared to drowning in alcohol, these "ishoos" are small potatoes (excuse the pun. mashed please.) . But they effect us deeply nonetheless on a day to day basis. It's no fun being sober just to feel like crap all the time.

        Can't wait to hear more from you Suze - I know you're an encyclopedia on this subject! I hope MOW weighs in too - another food braniac! We're lucky to have them here.
        Great topic FMS!
        love wonder xx


          OK - not booze but not good!!

          Oh my........ that's a very long post :blush:

          Would also like to hear about supplements for the ladies.

          My must have's, separate from mutli vitamin and any MWO supps are:

          B complex with extra C
          Omega 3 fish oil
          Calcium with D
          CoQ10 enzyme
          Sublingual B-12
          Evening Primrose Oil
          Flaxseed oil and soy protein (which go into food)

          Others come and go, but those are the staples.



            OK - not booze but not good!!

            OMG, FMS! I was babbling earlier this morning on Mary's daily thread and it was mostly about food issues!! I never see food issues mentioned and I felt guilty posting about it when it's a thread for alcohol. Thank you for putting this out there. I can't believe days of all days, it's being mentioned by someone else. Great minds, eh? lol

            My problem is that it's hard not to eat what the other 5 people in the house our eating. Most of them very fussy and not into anything new (unless you want to bring a new liqour in the house - they'll drinking anything whether they like it or not). Get them to try a new food, forget it. And there is not enough in the monthly budget to eat my own foods. Kinda sucks. So I try to get creative, but my biggest
            problem is not eating in the first place. I rarely get hungrey and of course, when I do, I may not make the healthiest chioces. I've proven to myself that the more I eat, the more I lose weight and even that does not motivate me. A looong time ago, my Dr (haven't been in yrs) told me to take the 1 meal I eat a day and try to make 5 snacks out of it. That's not actually possible. I guess anything is possible, but you see the point. I do try to keep SlimFast shakes on hand, not to skip meals, but to at least get the vitamins in my body as they act as meal replacements. But even then, I sometimes don't even want to drink one because they can be too filling sometimes.

            Women our age grew up with "don't eat". "You don't want to get fat". Now science is proving all the past fads to be false. Most of all, I hate that the general public look at overweight people as fat slobs who have no self control and assume they eat like pigs! Ok, some do, but not everybody. I want to scream, MY WEIGHT IS FROM NOT EATING YOU SELF RIGHTGOUS A@#HOLES!!!!!! Oh and that pesky, too many beers thing I was doing. :dunno: Oh that felt sooo good to get out! Whew.

            Issues!! You want to talk issues!!! Oh...this post is too long as it is.

            Love, Me
            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


              OK - not booze but not good!!

              Morning, FMS!

              I know you THINK you may have a horrible diet, but really - you are not doing too bad if that is normal. A few adjustments and you will be fine. Taking alcohol out is such a big deal and your body is so thankful, and like you said, you have lost from that. I will give you my two cents, but don't be too hard on your your self, SELF...

              1. You have to start your day with real food, not a biscuit... so have your yogurt and musli first. You could also stand to have a bit of protein in here, like some Turkey bacon or Turkey sausage - just 2 slices or links. protein will balance this out and help to keep you fuled longer so you won't be hungry.

              Here is my quick breakfast - I make it every Sunday so I have it ready for the week...

              I use a 6-muffin tin and spray it with non-stick spray. Then I mix organic Egg Whites, Turkey Sausage, Spinach (or whatever you want, I mix it up each week with the veggie part), and pour it into the tins. Then I cook for 20 min. on 350. I store them for th eweek in the refrigerator. Then each morning I take one out, slice it up, put it in half a whloe wheat pita with some low-fat cheese and wam it up (I use the microwave for 45 sec. as I am always in a hurry with DD). Anyway, This si a great comb and I change it every week - Great protein, good fat, and veggies. Only abot 200 calories.

              2. Stay away from Sugar in the mornings. That will just start yoru day off on the wrong shoe. The sugar spikes your blood then you are on a up and down rollercoaster ride all day - needing coffee, etc..

              3. Try to find Yogurt Rasins.. better for you, but still get the sweet!

              4. Instead of Pannini, try a fresh sandwich, not a grilled one. Too much butter and Cheese - way too much fat there!! Whole Wheat and Fresh Veggies and Good Meats..

              5. I know what you mean about the comfort food!! But you shouldn't eat so late at night. At least that kind of a meal. Can you eat before Chior practice? You shouldn't eat big meals after 7:30pm. Then, remember yor serving sizes.. So a cup of a casserole, the baked potato is fine, but easy on the toppings (I like cottage cheese instead of butter and sour cream). LOAD UP ON THE VEGGIES!!

              6. midnight snacking is just kind of a no-no in general... sorry..

              Anyway.. I hope my input helps.



              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                OK - not booze but not good!!

                I heartily second MM--your diet isn't all that bad, but all those biscuits are a no-no!! Sorry... In the carbs category, it's fruits, veggies and whole grains that you have to eat. Proteins and good fats are what keep you feeling full and contented. They're saying now that sweet potatoes are better than white potatoes, and I enjoy them with a little butter and sour cream (sorry MM). I don't use real butter anymore bec. of the saturated fat, but instead, Smart Balance, which tastes pretty good to me. I start my day with a glass and a half of chocolate ovaltine and all of my vitamins and supplements. I have switched over to green tea from coffee, but before that, I used to mix my coffee half regular and half decaf. I still love coffee, but I'm too lazy to make it. (Honestly!)

                For lunch, I'll sometimes have an Atkins bar (lots of protein and fiber, but unfortunately, a fair amount of saturated fat too) if I don't have time to get or make a salad with some protein on it.

                If I don't have time to make a good dinner, I will graze and eat some nuts, a salad, some fruit (I love clementines at this time of the year or apples and peanut butter). I don't like salads much in the winter either, but I try to eat them periodically at least.

                I also will sometimes make a casserole of lentil dal or chili, or a stew (easy on the potatoes, though!) that will get me through the week for dinner so I don't have to worry about "grazing" at night.

                I don't know if any of this helps, but I hope it might give you some ideas, FMS.

                Anyway, good luck. Watching the kind of carbs I eat has helped me a lot!



                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  OK - not booze but not good!!

                  Hi back again! I've just read your post again and think I would make the following comments....

                  I think there are two areas that you could improve your nutrition....firstly, what you actually eat, and secondly, the timing of when you eat.

                  The last bit is easiest....I think your timing is way out of whack for optimum digestion and for even mood and energy. Everything seems to work better if lunch is the main meal of the day (you didn't even have lunch!).....your main meal was at'll spend all night trying to digest that and feel tired in the morning! Eat the largest meal mid-day and then diminish it from there so that your last intake of the day is before 7-7.30. Then your body can repair overnight instead of dealing with food. Make the last meal of the day the lightest one. Have a good breakfast and allow yourself small snacks in the morning and afternoon.

                  Now....the vexed question of what to eat. Nobody's diet is perfect and I don't think it helps to say that anyone's diet is point in loading up guilt.....we can all aim to improve our nutrition to give us more energy and more ability to cope with life and feel good. From what you say you eat I would make two points..... Firstly I would cut down on the coffee (even though it's decaf) and biscuits. Secondly I would try to get more veg and fruit into the diet and more protein and a variation on wheat for your starchy bits.

                  If you can't face salads or cooked veg....what about soups? Easy peasy ones with veg and can drink them from a cup to avoid that 'sitting alone at a table' thing and they are very comforting. With one soup a day and some smoothies as I mentioned earlier you could increase your fruit and veg intake greatly without finding yourself having to prepare 'meals'. (let me know if you want some easy peasy recipes)

                  I won't suggest anything said you didn't want that! :H

                  To answer your question.....being honest.....that day's diet?, it wasn't that good!:H But a few little tweaks could make a whole big difference!

                  There are some other things that you would benefit from.....good fats for example....but let's start with small steps!

                  And remember - you are a gorgeous person, whatever you eat!


                  Suze xx
                  Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                    OK - not booze but not good!!

                    Oh guys - you are just the best.....thanks so much for all your words.....they really help..something to think aobut when I get past all the 'putting it in my mouth and swallowing it' stuff!!!

                    Er, off to drumming now - on a Hot Cross Bun, sorry! - but not such a late eat tonight..... (and I had soup for lunch!)

                    Will be back later as I really appreciate your input.... Suze, was it you ages ago with the yog/vanilla smoothie thingy????!

                    Love FMS xx (Finding My Stomach - oooh, no! Too scary yet!)
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      OK - not booze but not good!!

                      is squirty cream a processed food or real cream. Winter makes one crave breads and carbs.
                      it's a seasonal thing. If you begin to crave greens in the spring then you will be fine.
                      are the buiscuits like muffins in America?
                      your diet doesn't sound too bad except for that late meal in the evening.
                      soup is another good suggestion.
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        OK - not booze but not good!!

                        I am very much like you FMS. I have a problem just thinking about food. I make food for my family and sit at the table and watch them eat it, even though it usually repulses me.

                        One thing I've started doing is taking the "all one" in the morning in a yoghurt drink. I shake it up as fast as I can and then down it. I figure that at least gets something into to me to start the day-- the supps in "all one", plus the yoghurt drink (which also masks the "all-one" taste much better than juice).

                        Also, I can do instant soups-- easy to make (if you know how to boil water) and easy to sip. OK, no real nutrition, but better than nothing.

                        Another hint is salad bars. I can't be bothered to make a salad at home for myself (I'll do it if my husband is home), but they do have a salad bar at the cafeteria where I work and even though it's not terribly appealing, at least it's all cut up and ready. I can't say I enjoy it, but it is doable. I also buy smoothies sometimes. I don't like them very much, but they slide down.

                        Basically, in your (and my) position, you should just eat anything (and everything) that appeals to you for the time being and keep up your supps. I think your body will take over after a while in craving healthier food. (This is what I've been told, anyway).
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          OK - not booze but not good!!

                          You guys are just great - thanks for your feedback!

                          These are my 'ramblings' which I'll dare to post in case there's anything of 'interest' (!?) to anyone.....we all seem to have differing things going on.....but you have all helped me soooh much. Thanks. It is good to get to this as I'd so hate foody stuff to lead me back to Al in any way...they are definitely linked in me.

                          Yes, I have done the 'Anti-candida' diet (no sugar no yeast) so many times....I used to promote it endlessly!! And for the first 2-3 times (18-20 years ago) it was quite amazing...but the last few times....nothing. Zip, zilch, no change.....hmmm.

                          Although I am sure the blood sugar swings from too much unrefined sugar are there for just about all of us! And Suze, I am sure you will (well, I hope you will!) let us know about the cravings for chocolate once a month....!! (Thanks! Wrote this earlier before posting later...)

                          The weird and tricky thing is (to me!) separating the difference between eating and comforting.....between food and eating....between taste and eating...between hunger and eating....all different (of course!) but all bringing up (this is sure tied in to my 'throwing up' phobia!) stuff about deserving, being me....

                          This morning after hitting 'post' I just fell apart!!!! It was weird! All about not being 'allowed' to have food.....about not being good enough for is enjoyable and that's not allowed. You MUST eat but not enjoy it. Must eat this and not that and NOW...this way and be b***** grateful and shut up and hold your fork this way and not that and go to you room if you don't behave...oh, and while we're at it...sit there and do as you're told about this food stuff while we row and shout and throw things at each other and threaten to leave - all because of this 'difficult child' of theirs......Yea! Meal time was just "fab" in our house!!!!!

                          Hmmmm! We might not make up the rules but it is amazing to realise what we 'agreed to' so early on in our 'training' isn't it!?!? Somewhere down the line I agreed to find food an issue.....and now I want to find a way to enjoy feedling my self with good and nourishing food that I am so lucky to have around me where and how I live....

                          Last year I was working with a colleague around the Chakras...and her 'homework' for me was to fill out a page with pertinent words for each of the chakras..... my sense of being for base, of play and nurture for second etc....and the second included a page each for taste/smell/touch/sight/hearing...all our senses. I could do all of them bar the Taste page which I recoiled from......I still only have a few tastes written on that page (red wine being one of the 'old' ones!!!!)

                          Blimey - so much stuff I am learning....thank you for your patience! I am sure that if I can sort out my 'ishoos' around food and eating, I will want to eat good stuff; I know that when I visit this colleague and she makes a salad with lettuce, feta apple, nuts, dressing and simple bread, I absolutley love it! But if I make it at home it is pants!!!! When I make the link between the food and the situation.....maybe a light will go on!

                          Oh, PS! Don't worry - you'd probably hate my coffee! I have about a quarter of a teaspoon in a mug so it is soooh watery! I once had a 'real' large cup of coffee and thought I was going to die from the caffeine rush!!! Ugh!!! It was horrible! And if you leave the amount of 'squirty cream' per cup on a plate for an hour or two, it disolves into about a teaspoon or less of ordinary cream...most of it is air! Perhaps I am just worried about having something I enjoy!!! The old guilt trip thing again
                          !!! Sigh!

                          Beatle, it's tough eh? I hope it gets easier for you too fun 'doing food' with a family.... thanks for your suggestions. Thanks everybody for so many different and brilliant suggestions....tomorrow, A List!!!

                          Love to everyone
                          FMS xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            OK - not booze but not good!!

                            Girl you love biscuits don't you? HA HA HA


                              OK - not booze but not good!!

                              Um...yup! When in doubt, have a biscuit! (Bit like a cat does, 'When in doubt, wash!!!')

                              You OK Luv - so thinking of you.....hang in there...hope there are lots of posts to keep you company today....we're here...
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

