In the Fall I started a thread about how I was worried about the winter coming and my not being able to deal with winter because I get depressed then I drink heavily and make a disgusting emotional mess of myself.
Well I felt it a bit right before thanksgiving, then I started taking omega 3 and Gaba along with the L-glutamine, antioxidants and vitamins and minerals. I also seriously cut down on booze.
Was AF for 12 straight days in the late fall, and after that, I have maybe 8 glasses of wine a week not all on the same night. always with some type of snack or company.
I have noticed that I haven't been this positive in who knows how long, 20 years? maybe more.
I feel really wonderful and happy, I also have a little extra money every month, must be from staying away from those nasty bars.
I keep coming back here to remind myself of how bad it was in March 2007 and the previous 6 years.
I still drink , but no way am I going to miss a night at the gym or wake up feeling like hell because of booze.
AF or moderation is very possible. I am sticking around to help and support and to give back to MWO, which helped me get to this point.
I also send my love and thanks to all of you who have shared your stories. and to thank RJ for making this place for us to heal and support each other.
I also welcome all newbies with open arms. it is not easy, it takes time and patience.