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Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

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    Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

    Very impressive girlfriend, I'm soooo proud of you, you deserve the very best, and looks like you are reaching out and taking it by the horns! I think the moon is in some kinda funk, I've felt PMSish for the past few days, and I have no parts to PMS with! Anyway, way to go!
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


      Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

      Well done Bootsie, just came across this and am very happy for you .

      Sober since 30/06/10


        Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

        The Boots done good!
        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


          Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

          Thats brilliant Boots

          Well done

          Love Twit x


            Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

            30 Days+!!!!

            Brilliant, just brilliant.

            So Bootcamps really do work for Barbies!

            health and happiness to you
            Stand firm and Stay funny honey!
            :h Anna:h

            (oh my gosh I feel a new dream board coming on! see you later!)
            Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


              Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

              ahahahahahaah.. you know what dream board is indeed coming up and i think there will be party hats with no booze on that board. lmao.. oh well thank you all. i've been up late working on a few consulting gigs and i just reached the board. i wanted to say as magic pointed out was feeling these moody blues then realized uh duhhhh. well on to like 30 plus days and realized you haven't been this sober this long in what 8 whatever years to feel feelings like really be able to feel them. oh so that is what they feel like. hummmm. and i was reading through this great book by christina northrup last nite as the wisdom of menapause and well she talked about the pelvic region in one piece as well i've had many issues health wise lately. and i was blown away by what she wrote there regarding the life issues section.... i will have to write you all later on each region and what it relates to. but she really hit it... fybroids and pelvic power region is about a woman owning her power, her boundaries and coming to face her issues around money, career and stifling her creativity..... saying yes to the all the no's she's been stifling. and then the heavy bleeding is about look to see where you are leaching out as they say to dead end relationships. giving your life force away......... depleting yourself. oh my well, besides the obvious physical part i was so struck by this.. and how it so much is up in my face right now. i really feel that so many woman drink or start heavily drinking in this well mena or periomena as a response to coping. well, i was unaware of it but if i look back i started up casually back drinking at 40 and then it just got progressive and well i just wouldn't deal with what i'm now looking at.... what is my life all about and what is the tapestry i really want to create.... how many lives and my life can i heal touch inspire move.... i wonder if anyone else ponders these but i know the booze was my coping mechanism for justing saying i can't deal with these issues and questions. and even though i felt so successful business wise i still had given it all away and really not much left to show for it. ah the boundary thing. and it became so acutely obvious to me even with good boundaries how simply i had been so trained and committed to service that i forgot the one person that needed it most. it was me... how about serving my wants, needs and real desires. not the masking one that the booze offers but how about the aching ones underneath all of that. i was so struck that northrup and others never speak about alcohol and the relationship i feel it has to this coming around the corner time. perhaps it is because they don't have that proclivity as i do to know how pervasive it is. i just am struck by the wisdom and purity that exists within us each that somehow goes tunneled down underneath all of that sadness, grief, missed time and everything else that the mr. al takes away. and i'm also struck that in facing that piece too although necessary it is well a sidestep to the real pleasure, love underneath it all. that self love that one and only underneath it all that at least i for one have neglected on so many levels there are just simply not enough words to describe. ah i'll be truncated. lmao... oh that's just in chat. sorry. so, i'm just leaving this happy posting by all of you beautiful people thinking how blessed to be here because through you i have found a journey to come back to know myself. terrifying, solidly grounding, confronting, but oh so worthy of the journey and always praying that my self disclosure and discovery is of some comfort to you or at least well at times funny...and uplifting... loving you all.
              and my new distinction in love is: in that self discovery.. it is really easy for me to say. because love for me has a new realm as that i love who i am so much when i am in the presence of you.... thank you


                Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

                Oh Bootsie! You say such good things! And still another 'good on you' from me for 30 PLUS days!! "pelvic power region is about a woman owning her power, her boundaries and coming to face her issues around money, career and stifling her creativity..... saying yes to the all the no's she's been stifling". No one can find anything (TG or yet - I hope not!) physiological in my pelvic pain....but I, too , think it is a 'phase' that will pass- my job to attend to what it is 'saying' to me and learn from it...and here you come with your words....fabulous (and shall check out this lady's book!)

                "i just am struck by the wisdom and purity that exists within us each that somehow goes tunneled down underneath all of that sadness, grief, missed time and everything else that the mr. al takes away." Those words are just lovely....just wondering? Did you mean,"then mr. al takes away..." instead of "the"?? coz whilst I now know just how much Mr. Al took away, I am sad that I reached a place where I thought Mr. Al to be my only 'friend' because all that 'lost and missed time' had 'beaten me'...which it had....the sadness, grief etc was there long before the was the denial of that
                that got me into trouble, not really Mr. Al! He just came along later and made it worse.

                But to have Found My Self was (almost?!) worth it all! And found everyone here, too!

                But how sad it is that so many women (and more coming and younger) struggle with this...

                And yet, I do hope women can work together with our pain is around NOT having menfolk around or, if I did at times, the things I did then - they don't always derserve the slagging off we give is US (me) who give our power away, they rarely 'steal' it....

                Here's to happy pelvis's - pelves?!??

                Thanks Bootise!

                Love Finding My Self - still and joyfully!!

                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

                  PELVIC POWER. yes you are correct. i am going to reword that for me. it isn't that mr. al (alcohol) robbed me of anything. it is that my propensity simply took that path that i never intended and didn't really needed to take and instead of really facing what was at hand and looking at what was at hand i well went hand in hand with my fake friend al. so i'll read to you a bit from the pelvic section. she just starts on each area but well only glimpses it really which is why im pondering it much deeper. and funny enough giving power away and really power doesn't have to do with men or women but collectively even a thing. it has to do with ourselves or i should come back to me as i don't feel comfortable speaking for anyone else. where did i leave off and not respect, take care of, nurture me..... so in this chapter she speaks of women having to renegotiate their boundaries and behavior patterns around sex, power and money. all of these issues of health have to do of course with this second chakra region which governs the pelvic region. challanges such as unresolved stress about money, work are the underlying reasons why so many develop problems with their pelvic organs, and this ranges into urinary incontinence as well. it is fueled by the emotional imbalance at a cellular level.
                  this hormonal imblance is characterized by a relative excess of estorgen not enough progesterone and often too much insulin (ALCOHOL) which leads to overproduction of androgen. stress of all kinds,, emotional, physical and nutritional leaeds to over production of cortisol and adrenaline (ALCOHOL)
                  ah the pelvic region. this pelvic region has us examine our and let's say my evaluation of the rising need to undergo individuation. i should say that louder INDIVIDUATION. and to transform the relationship struggles that tend to make themselves known in the organs of the second emotional center: the genitals, lower bowel, lower back and bladder. time to reclaim the pelvic power by shoring up our boundaries and by assuming more dominion over our creative energy.

                  so as i read that i am going to sit with it.... there is much that comes up that is deeper for me then the beginning she brought up..... but this is a good start. hope that gives you a place to look to


                    Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

                    Boots - thank you.....that is a good thing to sit with indeed! I am joining you.

                    Thank you so much for typing it out....I've got her website up too....thanks.

                    Love and hugs
                    FMS xx
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

                      yes well as i said, has me thinking and well pondering deep in my newly found and blessed sober self but even if i wasn't sober i'd still be pondering as well it is the now that i'm in i'm 47 and i've been here for say 8 years or more and well i so want myself back in a way i've never had her. i so so so want her...... i miss the her i've never really allowed to be here and i want to spend time living in the now not the lost years. not more lost years. but how can i be better to her (me) now...... okay shower up and get on out there to work.. smiles girlie


                        Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

                        Thank you Bootcamp and Finding. Reclaiming power that we gave away. I just took a really deep breath. Good discussion.
                        I went to CN's website too. May have to get that book.
                        Thanks again.


                          Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

                          So beautiful Bootsie. I almost missed this.

                          :yougo: :yougo: :yougo:
                          cosmic cheerleaders cheering you on!

                          Love you -
                          WW xx


                            Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

                            PELVIC POWER...... after walking the entire day with my new great friend client a brilliant woman attorney. i thought all day today about our discussion. i just today felt so radiantly beautiful inside and out. funny enough my client who i had known say 5 minutes and i became instantly best buddies like we'd known each other forever. and we walked for 6 hours the entire downtown area. it was a treasured allowing my woman come out and just be who she is all of me...... i fell in love with me today.... and tonight when i walked by all that wine at the bar... i just said yes, i'd like a hot tea and a cranberry juice as that is what this pelvic power babe wants. so now to dive in this week and feel what all those feelings are......
                            RECLAMATION AND INDIVIDUATION. love you all....


                              Bootcampbarbie has 30 Days AF !!!!

                              Booties congrats on 30days AF.

                              family is everything to me

