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Gonna try this

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    Gonna try this

    I'm not sure about this but I think the kudzu that has helped me through 3 weeks of AF is starting to lose effectiveness. I'm getting some pretty heavy twinges of cravings from time to time. So tonight I'm going to try to go with out it and see what happens. I still have a bunch left in case things get too bad....but on the other hand if I can drop the training wheels for a while that would be good too. I think that staying AF crutch-free, as well as things like not counting days (still working on that one, I plan to stop counting when I hit 30 days) are steps towards being an actual non-drinker (or at least ex-drinker).

    Moderating would eb nice but I know for a fact that I'm not modding material. One drink and my ass will be off this wagon for sure. DOn't want that!

    Anyone else use kudzu to stop? If so any advice for length of use etc?

    If not wish me luck, I'm gonna drop the crutches here and take a few steps on my own...

    Gonna try this

    I have used kudzu and l-glut combination. I am now finding the Amino Acid's from MWO to be effective. I think a combo of all 3 does help with cravings.

