Hey Dex...Great Post...expecially because I was having one of those stupid thoughts about actually inviting the bastard over tonight for "one" glass of wine. (Friday night and everything...) Thanks for reminding me what a pig he is!!!! I think I'll go for the Croft cocktail (cranberry, club soda and lime) instead! PS Love the dancing cat!!!! - True
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My deadbeat live-in lover, Al
My deadbeat live-in lover, Al
Hey Dex...Great Post...expecially because I was having one of those stupid thoughts about actually inviting the bastard over tonight for "one" glass of wine. (Friday night and everything...) Thanks for reminding me what a pig he is!!!! I think I'll go for the Croft cocktail (cranberry, club soda and lime) instead! PS Love the dancing cat!!!! - TrueIt's personal, myself and I, we've got some straightening out to do. And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket but I've got to get a move on with my life.
It's time to be a big girl now....
My deadbeat live-in lover, Al
I dont know how to post a Thread or to Reply
Shit I need help:notes:Theme2be
" Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales
My deadbeat live-in lover, Al
Hi Melsdaughter: i'm sorry, sounds like you are hurting. you did reply on this thread. To post a new thread, get out of this thread, go to one of the forums, like "Just Starting Out" or "Need Help ASAP." Up at the top left, there's a button thingie for "New Thread." please let us know how you're doing:h :h:boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!
My deadbeat live-in lover, Al
Dexterhead, you cannot possibly be Cher, because I AM. But...hmmmmm...as she probably has multiple personalities, maybe we both are her. Or she is us both. Awwww...you can be Cher. I think I'll be Grace Kelly. But NO! She's dead! Well, I'll think about who I really am and get back to you.
Britney? Are you online with us? I am sorry I said you were swamp trash. That was unkind of me. But...you know? Get a grip, girlie! Your little boys are sure cute...Jane Jane
My deadbeat live-in lover, Al
Dexterhead, is this a cry for help? Are you trying to tell us that you are a SLUT? Be somebody else, okay? Let's see...I'll be Gwyneth Paltrow and you can be Renee Zellweger. They both seem like nice women.Jane Jane
My deadbeat live-in lover, Al
hi dexterhead, we all have a soul mate. funny thing is that at different times we need different soul mates because our needs change as we change. don't be that mad at al. at the time you needed him he came into your life, now in my opinion, you have to set him free. if he realizes he is the problem he will change, and if he is the deadwood you think he is he will just drift away with the stream like any other deadwood would. Let's imagine he makes a turn for the better after you set him free, what a bonus but you will never know if you do not let him go. :new: danny
My deadbeat live-in lover, Al
Oh Dexterhead, my new bestest friend4ever, okay, you be Julia Roberts and I'll be Kyra Sedgwick, and we can recreate our roles in one of the best movies ever made (apologies to Cecil B. DeMille*Something to Talk About*!!! I LOVVVVE that movie, because the Robert DuVall character reminds me SO much of my dear old daddy (tough talker but heart of pure gold) and Mother looked a little like Gena Rowlands, only thinner at that age.
I take it back. You are not a SLUT. But Britney Spears still is.Jane Jane
My deadbeat live-in lover, Al
Welcome to you danny! Very interesting post-- different way of looking at things and good advice.
jane jane-- please stop. Your posts are making me laugh so hard I get hiccups. I may have to get a court order on you.
And Dexter-- that damn cat! I love her, but... I am getting verrry sleeepy... yawn...Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005