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My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

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    My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

    I'd like to tell you all about my creepy, loser, live-in lover, Al.

    For many years, Al was just a casual friend. I'd see him maybe a couple nights a week, just for fun. We didn't have a serious relationship. But when I went through some really bad things in my life, Al moved in. Being with Al numbed the pain of what I was going through. But now our relationship has definitely become toxic. I'm seeing him for what he is ...and it's not a pretty picture :H

    Al is big and ugly. He has a big ham face like Dick Cheney much back hair as a grizzly ... and four or five greasy strands of hair that he combs over like Donald Trump. Also, he has four or five nasty kinky hairs growing out of his chin. His teeth are brown .. he has bad breath ... he scratches himself, burps and farts a lot. Every day he dresses in a dirty undershirt that shows off a couple of ugly tattoos he got in prison, and some dirty jeans.

    Al doesn't work .. he prefers to lounge on the couch. Al is stupid .. he thinks reading books is a waste of time. And he steals from me ALMOST EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Money is constantly disappearing from my wallet. I am going broke from supporting Al!!

    Al never cleans the bathroom or does the dishes. He lets the garbage pile up. He encourages me to have crappy dietary habits, when I used to be healthy eater. He encourages me not to exercise the way I used to; he'll plead, "hurry and come home!" Al never hits me .. i think he is just too lazy. But he makes me feel bad about myself, almost every single day, and sometimes he makes me feel sick. Al very much sabotages my self-esteem. I spend so much time hanging out with him that I never get anything done and I start hating myself for wasting my potential. But Al always says, "Just hang around with me a little longer, and you'll feel better." So, I usually do. I know he doesn't care for me .. he is just using me!

    I kicked him out 3 times this month! But after a couple happy days, I end up inviting him back. He has some strange ability to change my perception, depending on what hour of the day it is. What is magical about this creepy, putrid loser????? When I go to work in the morning, every day I think, "I'm going to get rid of that stupid, worthless Al. He is disgusting and causes me nothing but trouble." But ever so oddly ... by late afternoon I am missing him!!!! I forget what he really looks like and smells like. I start envisioning him as a handsome, charming man, witty with a self-effacing sense of humor, who makes me feel good about myself, who looks sort of like a cross between Colin Firth and Johnny Depp. I get home, I invite him back, and I am so happy to see my lover Al!!!! The next couple hours between us are sexy and romantic. But later in the evening, Al's charms begin to lessen for me ... I begin hating him again ... and again, next morning, I swear I will never let him into my apartment again!

    So, that's the story of my lover Al (who I am pretty sure is cheating and seeing several of my MWO friends too!). I am getting closer to really giving Al the boot! Please give me strength!
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

    My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

    Bravo!!!!! AL is a dick. Kick him in the nuts!!!!
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow


      My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

      So..........divorce the son of a bitch, dexter!!!! already know you and Al have irreconcilable differences.

      Love and strength to you.

      Starlight Impress x


        My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

        He is a sick, ugly, stinky, fat, lazy bastard... he is only good for a few hours.. so what the hell good is that! You're worth so much more, DEX - Kick that creep out once and for all!

        Then you can write the story of 'How Dex Got Her Groove Back'.. I'll buy the book!
        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

          Kick the creep to the curb!!! He's a total dud!!


            My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

            thank you all.. that was amazingly cathartic writing about my disgusting relationship!!!:happy: :happy: Now I would like to beat "Al" up, but I am afraid I would cut my hands with broken glass :H
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

              I love this post. What a great comparison.

              I say kick AL where it counts!!!!


                My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

                Hey Wonderworld: Are you Marcia Brady now?:H

                Marcia, Marcia, Marcia ..!
                :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                  My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

                  Oh my STARS, Wonderworld! Where did you get my high school picture??? I looked exactly like Maureen McCormick back then, except that my hair was wavier and redder. But facially---I was her clone (or so I was told; I think my lips were prettier and fuller...(ooops, wait---you might really BE Maureen McCormick! If so, scratch that last catty comment...

                  Also if so...did you really have sex with Barry Williams on the set? And did you and Eve Peach (or whatever "Jan Brady's" real name was) get along? And did you want to slap that little corkscrew-curled whiner baby sister actress?

                  And did all you kids know back then that "Daddy Brady" was as gay as a goose?

                  WW, either 'fess up or change that avatar...
                  Jane Jane


                    My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

                    Man Dex this AL of yours gets around!

                    I am cheating on my husband and family with AL also! He really needs to go. He is a horrible, disgusting, money, emotional steeling bastard that needs to GO!

                    GO BYE AL...............wish he would stay out of my mind. When I ask him to go he stays away for awhile then I mourn for him and he comes back.

                    Please go AL, PLEASE.

                    "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


                      My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

                      Jane Jane,

                      :H :H

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

                        Wonder and Jane: Oh, my nose!! :H

                        "Peter" is on a reality show with his wife, some bimbo model 30 years younger
                        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                          My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

                          Kick him to the curve...he's not going to change and no one deserves to be treated like that.


                            My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

                            Loved your post dexter! How very, very, very true! Kick him out - you don't need an arse to rob you of your life! He is pretty sleezy!

                            For those of you who would like to read something else inspirational, and true, such as this thread - you should check out the one by katesm. It is called Voddy - and you can find it in Longterm Abstainers. It is a sticky right at the top. For me it was very helpful to keep my mind on staying AF.

                            I think we need more threads such as this to remind us just what Al really does to our lives to keep us motivated! Great thread dexterhead!


                              My deadbeat live-in lover, Al

                              I know.. he is a pig. ! Plus, he keeps leaving tons of bottles lying around:H
                              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

