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Exhausted..but need to exercise

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    Exhausted..but need to exercise

    This ques might sound stupid and maybe it belongs in health and fitness, but here it goes. How does one get motivated to excercise when your constantly exhausted? And please do not tell me if I exercise, I'll have more energy. I know that. I need to know how to get started in the first place. I live in crime filled neighborhood, so it's scary to go for a walk even if it's just ten minutes.

    Appreciate any help here. Thanks!

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

    Exhausted..but need to exercise

    why are you so tired? depression? alcohol withdrawal?


      Exhausted..but need to exercise

      I am in the same boat as you. Know I need to exercise, weather has been horrible here so I use that as an excuse. I did get the exercise hypnotherapy CDs from here in hopes they will motivate my subconcious to get my butt moving, because the other hypno CDs help me to cut back on the drinking a lot (when I am consistent with them) so I am hopeful.

      Are you tired constantly? If so, you should have a doctor do some blood work. Otherwise, is there a time in the day when you do have some energy and you could turn on some music and dance around your house, or buy some resistance bands and do some strength training in your house? I know for me I have to exercise first thing in the morning after my cup of coffee or you can forget it.

      Good luck!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Exhausted..but need to exercise

        Hi, Nancy & Lushy. Thanks for such quick responses.

        No Nancy, I don't think it's depression although I feel I suffered with that for years due to AL. Mentally I'm really happy with my progress so far. And it can't be AL withdrawals, I'm on day 35 AF.

        Just feel so drained. I've even doubled up my multi-vitamin and fish oil and drinking a lot of water. I just can't get myself to move. Maybe it's just sitting on my ass for so long, but it's hitting me hard this week.

        Lushy, that morning suggestion right after coffee might help. Just my dad has Dr appts next 2 mornings and I have no choice but to go. I should get to bed now. Already stressing about having to leave the house so early tomorrow.

        Thanks again.

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          Exhausted..but need to exercise

          Do you have a friend to exercise with. That solves 2 problems. You can help motivate each other and it is safer.


            Exhausted..but need to exercise

            Well it is wintertime so i suppose it could be a seasonal thing?

            35 days AF is wonderful! Congratulations!

            I don't know if lethargy problems persist that long after going without alcohol but common sense seems to indicate they would not. I think maybe someone else on this site is better suited to answer that question. Maybe you should do a search as I know this has been covered.

            I do wonder, now that you got that far, are there things on your mind that you are now facing, making you preoccupied and hard to get moving?

            I find it hard to get moving when I am stressed.

            But hey, if it isn't broken why fix it?
            why do you want to get moving? to lose weight?
            35 days AF is really something to be happy about!


              Exhausted..but need to exercise

              Hi thankful; good question, I'm not sure I could answer it for you, but I think you should begin by making differences with daily chores. Take the stairs, not the elevator. Decrease your caloric intake. Small steps can lead to big gains, and in a few weeks you should feel a difference and want to work out more. good luck


                Exhausted..but need to exercise

                Hi Thankful,
                I am 16 days sober again, but prior to slipping, I had been 5 months sober and can honestly say that I did not feel any of the anticipated physical benefits of quitting drinking in all those 5 mths. I think most people begin to feel the benefits in a matter of weeks, although it takes considerably longer to return to optimum health.

                Like yourself, I am exhausted........totally drained, and find it difficult to do much around here. Despite this, I am unable to sleep. My doc tried me on a couple of different antidepressants before Christmas, but I came off them as they didn`t agree with me. I am loathe to just opt for yet another depression med, as I have now reached the stage where I am wondering if I`m depressed because I am tired, or if I`m tired because I`m depressed.

                I think lushy hit the nail on the head for you.........I had blood tests done this morning and now await the results. I think we ought to rule out the possibility that some underlying, physical ailment is causing our tiredness, before we label our condition as depression.

                I can also relate to you being too tired to exercise........I also feel like this, despite knowing that exercise would boost my energy levels.......very much a catch-22 situation, I`m afraid.

                Hope this helps.

                Starlight Impress x


                  Exhausted..but need to exercise


                  I cannot agree more with Star and others.

                  I would definitely go to the doctor. Do not let them just put you on anti-Ds without a checkup first.

                  Simple blood tests can determine if there may be a thyroid issue involved, or low iron, or a myriad of other things.

                  If those are ruled out, then perhaps depression is a possibility.

                  btw, Good on you, too, Star, for getting the tests. I would have thought the doctors would have done those a long time ago??

                  Best of luck to you both!!


                  ps YEA!! on 35 days AF. Keep it up. I can only imagine that while drinking you simply didn't care/know that you felt like crap.
                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Exhausted..but need to exercise

                    Hello there, once you have found out that there isn't anything medically needing to be attended to, I'd like to invite you to come and join us on the "focus on fitness" thread... We have a workout partner thread and we all motivate eachother... I'd love to have you come and join us !!! that might help to motivate you... I wish you continued sobriety.. wow !!! You are doing sooooo amazing with all those AF day !!! You Rock

                    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                      Exhausted..but need to exercise

                      PS, that goes for all of you guys !!! Come and join us !!! We have a non pressured good old time

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        Exhausted..but need to exercise

                        Thankful, good on you for your 35 days! Don't be so hard on yourself about the whole fatigue thingamajig.... you are still very early in your sobriety, and for some, it just takes a bit longer for the body to recuperate.

                        I felt tired until about 4-5 weeks. Then my body woke up one morning and I was filled with energy. I did walk a lot back when I first quit drinking no matter how I felt only because my husband was working out of town and he had our only car at the time. So I had to go out and walk to the store etc... I think this may of helped me in healing faster?

                        You will start to feel better soon, this I know. Like I said, sometimes it just takes a little extra time depending how much you drank, and how long you drank for.


                          Exhausted..but need to exercise

                          This quote is from "ThankfuL"

                          This ques might sound stupid and maybe it belongs in health and fitness, but here it goes. How does one get motivated to excercise when your constantly exhausted? And please do not tell me if I exercise, I'll have more energy. I know that. I need to know how to get started in the first place. I live in crime filled neighborhood, so it's scary to go for a walk even if it's just ten minutes.

                          Hi Thankful, I'm so sorry to tell you, but that is exactly what you need...EXERCISE...It should not matter how tired you young or old you are......YOU NEED TO MOVE......Exercise is so good not only for your BODY, but for your BRAIN !! And you will NEVER no that until you try it ! (well maybe you have, and I just should close my mouth).

                          Ok, you did mention you are in a "Crime filled Neighborhood"...That could be a big problem. Can you afford to buy a treadmill, or can you afford to join a gym....that would really help...because then you could be motivated by other members. If you can't do any of that, buy some kind of DVD you can watch on TV and exercise at home.

                          I have worked out with weights and run since I was in my early 20's. And you know what ...I am now way passed that age (not giving away my age in this post), so now when I start to run on the treadmill....yes, I am tired.... sometimes I say, I am not going to last 10 minutes; I start out at about an 11 minute mile and work my way up to an 8 minute I end up running 30 to 40 minutes. Once I get going....I get going and feel so much better.....and the longer I run, the better I feel. My next goal is 50 minutes. Sure wish my drinking goal was set this high

                          Exhaustion is caused from alcohol withdrawl, too much alcohol, abstinence from alcohol, lack of sleep, does not matter....
                          what we need to do is keep moving....we need to push ourselves to the limit. You will feel so much least for awhile....we need it every day....just like the chubby person trying to lose weight and is too tired because they are too heavy to move....they need to start slowly, but they still need to move....walk....and walk some more (sorry, not to offend anyone) JUST NEVER GIVE UP, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR GOAL IS

                          You may want to go on the exercise thread, because there are members who work out together and get each other motivated....:baaah:

                          And 35 days Alcohol Free.....Congratulations
                 wonder you are exhausted.....Total Abstinence takes a BIG toll on your body and brain......
                          but keep on moving and don't stop.....that is what you need especially now.......all of us....get going....and drink plenty of water...

                          Whew, I am exhausted from typing this post. I'm getting ready for bed....I'll get moving again in the morning
                          Miss October :blinkylove:


                            Exhausted..but need to exercise

                            hi thankful, i too have been not motivated at all to do any exercise, im lucky i have a dog so i do go on long walks every day, but i needed more.
                            for my birthday i got a keep fit dvd that i do at home and i really enjot it. at first it was hard and my whole body ached like crazy but the more i did it the more i wanted to do it!!
                            my hubby is a fitness trainer and he says the best time to do any exercise is about 2-3pm in this perod your muscles are warmed up and not too tired, first thing in the morn is bad as is in the evening too, so the peak time is 2-3pm!!
                            i have foung that about an hr after luch is best for me, and its good cos then i go for a walk to help loosen up tight muscles from the training.
                            hope this helps, but i know totally how you feel, took me years to get my ass into gear but it really helps me sleep better at night too.
                            cliche i know but it really does give u more energy!!
                            good luck lv lakota xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                            ps also take vitamins and supps after your evening meal, you get the max benefit rather than first thing in morn, ( i should know im an ex gastro nurse lol)


                              Exhausted..but need to exercise

                              I know how you feel. The 35 days is terrific! If you are afraid to walk alone in your neighborhood an excellent indoor exercise is jumping rope. And it is cheap. Gets your heart rate up and burns alot of calories. It also makes you look great (an added bonus). Give it a try and let us know how you are doing.
                              Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

