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What exactly do you have to do?

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    What exactly do you have to do?

    I believe in guardian angels, arch angels and more than ever God. I believe in listening and learning, I believe in faith. I believe in a place beyound this world and I thank God for that.

    Still ..... I hit my head against a brick wall. The more I abstain, be it booze or cigs the more s... I get thrown in my direction.

    I started this year not smoking, drinking... going to the gym.... BUT OH NO....lets screw me up. Lets make sure that Elizabeth is totally and utterly screwed.

    My Mac died the other day with 3 months graphic work (believe me I did not even cry I was so shocked), my health is buggered and quite frankly who gives a dam. Everyone seems to think I am so independent that I don't need support.

    Everything is buggered and there is no point in giving a dam anymore.
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    What exactly do you have to do?

    darn honey you need a big hug and understanding. hope the worse is over
    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


      What exactly do you have to do?

      Elizabeth, I hear you. I have felt the same way (and still do often). But you Do have belief, you have faith in God and angels and therefore you MUST believe that things will get better. When things are at their worst, that's the one thing I have used to pull me through--- THINGS HAVE GOT TO GET BETTER (they can't get worse, after all!). At some point they always do get better.

      So you just hang on. And remember what you believe in .... and maybe get some guidance from your angels? And KNOW that things will get better. (And maybe you can let people you are close to know that you need a little care? It's easy to fall into that independent persona trap. I've been there and it all fell apart the day I ended up almost overdosing, hospitalised-- don't let it take that to admit you need and want support).
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        What exactly do you have to do?

        I know you give a damn; don't throw that towel in yet.
        People think you are independent because you are strong. Some people do not see the difference. You may need to be the one to educate them by reaching out to others. Tear down the walls and ask for help.
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          What exactly do you have to do?

          I just read my post; please ignore the yet in the first sentence. Don't EVER throw in the towel!!!!!
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            What exactly do you have to do?

            ...then she is diagnosed with terminal caner. omg, NO I AM SINGLE MOM OF 2. Taking care of Mom and i have a very BIG career...just killl. me....we will make it girl, we willl


              What exactly do you have to do?

              You are Magic and never forget it mate. You are very, very special.
              A BushBaby with Attitude


                What exactly do you have to do?

                hi there..elizabeth..i know what you mean i felt the same way but i know there is a god. and he or she will be there for us when we truely need take it easy and it will get better and have a great and peaceful night.
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  What exactly do you have to do?

                  Dear Elizabeth,

                  God (the Universe, Divine Spirit) is banging hard at your door!
                  You must answer it!

                  Once we set ourselves upon a path, the Universe (God) takes notice. And in it's divine wisdom knows exactly what we need to make progress in the traverse - that is, the questions we need to address to further our growth. And it's not going to just toss the answers at us, for that does us no good whatsoever. The questions in which we must search for answers come to us as challenges we must face. And never EVER are challenges presented to us that we cannot cope with, questions we cannot answer.

                  The very fact that you are being presented with such immense challenges is undeniable evidence of the progress you have made thus far, and of the faith that the Universe or God has in your capacity to continue to progress.

                  Do not wither, do not be small in the face of these challenges to your life, to your resolve. Within these are the openings to the answer to your question (rephrased in the first person) "What do I have to do?"

                  You are asking the right question, absolutely and kudos to you! But you must ask it of your angels, your god, your truest Self. Even if the asking seems like agony, dive into the agony. If the answers that come seem impossible, dive into the impossible.

                  Congratulations to you that you are faced - yet again - with such grand challenges. It is evidence of your worth. Live up to it.
                  Live up to it.

                  You know what you must do. Now, roll up your sleeves, prepare to get dirty and bleed sweat and sweat blood, and get to work to bring forth the glory and grace that is inside you.

                  Jump off the cliff blindly and have faith that you will invent the water on the way down.
                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                    What exactly do you have to do?

                    That was beautiful, MOW.
                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      What exactly do you have to do?

                      wowee mow
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        What exactly do you have to do?

                        Elizabeth;264580 wrote: I believe in guardian angels, arch angels and more than ever God. I believe in listening and learning, I believe in faith. I believe in a place beyound this world and I thank God for that.

                        Still ..... I hit my head against a brick wall. The more I abstain, be it booze or cigs the more s... I get thrown in my direction.

                        I started this year not smoking, drinking... going to the gym.... BUT OH NO....lets screw me up. Lets make sure that Elizabeth is totally and utterly screwed.

                        My Mac died the other day with 3 months graphic work (believe me I did not even cry I was so shocked), my health is buggered and quite frankly who gives a dam. Everyone seems to think I am so independent that I don't need support.

                        Everything is buggered and there is no point in giving a dam anymore.

                        I have followed your posts for the last year or so and I need to respond to this post especially.

                        The trials and tribulations you are encountering right now have absolutely nothing to do with you giving up the booze and the cigs. You would have faced them either way.

                        I think it is MUCH better to face them without the drugs. So, GOD has reached down and helped you. Yes??

                        I am also sorry about the Mac and losing your graphics. Sigh. I am a computer person and lost lots of stuff in December. Still trying to get reports and advice back to clients from prior to Dec. (not as exciting as graphics but it is what I do)

                        So. You are not going to have an easier life just because you gave up the booze and cigs, you are going to have the same life. However, God and your Angels are letting you deal with them sober, NOT DRUNK, and that IS a blessing.

                        Here is praying that your life eases up a bit and that you truly "feel" the LOVE of GOD.

                        Your friend in Alabama,
                        AF April 9, 2016


                          What exactly do you have to do?

                          Indeed good readin', fellow Southern Sister MOW...I'd only add a quote from one of my favorite books of all time, *Cold Sassy Tree* by Olive Ann Burns. In it, a young boy asks his salty old grandfather, after a near-fatal accident on a railroad track: "Grandpa, d'you reckon it was God's will that I didn't get run over by that train?"

                          "Naw, son. What God give you was a brain, and hit's His will that you use it, partic'lar when a train's comin'."
                          Jane Jane


                            What exactly do you have to do?

                            Thanks you guys. I've got to read the signs better. Got to figure things out. Wow MOW, I'm speechless thanks.:l
                            A BushBaby with Attitude


                              What exactly do you have to do?

                              Some great "new" thinking going on here! I'm impressed with all.
                              Been working on it myself from another site called

                              There are some sheets you can print out to help.
                              Love you all
                              Nancy "Belle"
                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10

