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mental health diagnosis

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    mental health diagnosis

    iwas 20 days alcohol free and i thought that was pretty good really having a healthly diet gym . got my buisness going again etc
    anyway still had my problems im sure we all do ...
    im no two diffrent types of meds now for depression . anxiety i had a appt fopr group psychotherapy i thought he the threapist was quite patronising meaning after 40 years of life its funny how they sum u up in 45 mins
    anyway ,, now im diagonsed with anxiety aviodant personality disorder
    well i think i do my best . its just a label . but its on my file and people with personlaity disorders are just vunreable thats how i flet
    anyhow the psych rang me up and told me not to worry .. im just entrenched in this system
    aslo on call with my mother 24/7 who has cancer etc
    anyhow i fell off the wagon other nite .. i kicked myself for it but what is done is done .. yet it made me have the taste again ie booze ..
    dont pick up the firstdrink aa says and they are right
    but ill get back on track
    i think a lot of my hurt stems from childhood and my girlfriend who took her life many years ago
    but tommrow is another day i will get better

    mental health diagnosis

    Nice to see you again, Jay.

    Mental Health evaluations and the labels they place on us are just that 'labels'. The most important thing is to get help for any disorder.

    Hey, I was diagnosed with Bi-polar in the summer. At first I thought WTF? Then it made sense given my pattern of behaviour. I am now on meds and have my manic moments once every 3 months as opposed to once a month. (I chart it).

    As long as you get help, things will get better. I suffered from depression for years, sought out professional help a couple of times. I was never happy about what they had to say about me either in less than an hour. ULTIMATELY, what they did say was pretty true. Only years later I am starting to deal with it.

    Sorry to hear about your mom. You have done well with 20 days and slipped, no biggie. Just get back onto the saddle again. It is a great feeling to be well and healthy. It will also help you with your depression and give you strength for your caring for your mom.


      mental health diagnosis

      J, I am struggling in this with you as are many of us. I don't have much to say as I am not strong enough myself yet to advise but I know, that just knowing I am not on my own in this helps me. I too suffer with depression and anxiety and my experience of counciling has been very negative. I have lost 2 close friends to suicide, you don't come through that unscarred. Remember you did 20 days AF! thats 20 days that would have been 20 more drinking days. Thats what I tell myself. I have 29 sober days that I never would have got if I hadn't come here. keep trying
      Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


        mental health diagnosis

        Jay love, I am hurting for you at the minute, I know that you don't come here unless you are really bad .........

        When I first 'met' you here 15 months ago you were in a much worse state than you are now ..... you couldn't have strung together 20 days AF ........

        Now I have met you for real, and have seen the lovely man who cares for his mum and puts other people before himself ........

        You have done 20 days AF ...... that is amazing ...........

        So you slipped ............ so what .............

        You can't change the past but you can structure your future, so do that for yourself .........

        Love & Hugs,


          mental health diagnosis

          Jay - Hello from me too.....20 days is great....and you can do it again.

          You have got so much on your plate...and as BB has said, you are amazing in being so there for your Mum... Be there a bit for yourself as well? You're worth it.

          Beastly labels....that's all they are...more there for the secretaries than the medics. (my cousin is a psychiatrist and tells me things...) and for the NHS 'targets'...just make sure you're getting to feel better and getting the support you need.

          Something tells me that you are having to cope with life rather on your own....? Missing loved ones....I am sorry; it makes things very tough and the bottle so tempting. I hope I am wrong and you have friends to call on... We're here. Not perfect but use us!

          Hey....a slip...a'll be ok....put it behind you and on you go. Don't beat yourself up.

          Thinking of you.
          FMS x
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            mental health diagnosis

            Jay~ nice to meet you- I'm glad you are back.

            Do you have Chicquita bananas in the UK? Well, on every bunch of bananas in the US, you'll find little stickers pasted on their foreheads.... good old labels. Some of them are funny; some are simply factual (produce # 4011).... but they are all labels, affixed by non-partisan workers in a far away country. :banana:
            You've come back to the CRAZY bunch, my friend, and crazy can be considered a compliment or an insult- often used to describe silly behavior by loved ones :crazymonkey: ,or maniacs driving down the highway at ungodly speeds. :racer:

            The good news about bananas is that once the skin is peeled back, the label is discarded, never to be seen again. And the inside fruit is often sweet and carefree~ it never saw the label! I'm not trying to discredit the recently affixed labels found on your forehead, Jay~ just want you to know that they've been pasted on our heads, too.

            (Yes! We have no bananas! :banana:We have no bananas today!)

            Tampa, FL


              mental health diagnosis


              A label doesn't change who you are it's just a label. I do understand your feelings though, pisses me off too! I have anxiety,depression, a history of anorexia, and I guess now I'm an alcoholic.......Geez isn't life rich?

              You gained sobriety, you can gain it back anytime you choose!

              Take Care,

              Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
              - George Jackson


                mental health diagnosis

                I'm sorry your counseling isn't off to such a great start. I had never heard that diagnosis so I looked it up. It totally fit me when I was younger! And I thought I was just depressed. But it is just a label for the health care system so they can process the paperwork. What is important is that you were doing great and now are trying to get back there again. I hope you are doing better soon.


                  mental health diagnosis

                  You have no idea how glad I am that you shared this post. I looked this disorder up... after all these years, this perfectly explains my ex-husband, his personality and his behavior to a T... and his drinking. I never understood him. Now I understand it... Maybe it will help.
                  Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                    mental health diagnosis


                    Yep jay42, tis a label and we are more than that. So many of us are high functioning. So the label is not accurate. WOW 20 days well done. :goodjob:
                    Don?t forget that please.
                    Yep you will get better, because we want to get better.
                    We can do it.
                    Victory to us all.


                      mental health diagnosis

                      I agree with Louise. Healthcare must have a diagnosis. I was in special education and hated for the kiddies to be tagged with a label but they had to be to so they could be placed with teachers like me and to get funding etc. Now I'm in healthcare and a diagnosis is required for the processing and reimbursement. Aside from my hatred of insurance companies, I think you should be very proud of 20 days. I'm trying for 20 hours.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        mental health diagnosis

                        i d just like to thank everyone for thier support . 6 days again af free its just day by day the craving is still there but i try to occupy my time with other things , its so easy to just drink and say wtf but iprefer not too .
                        best wishes


                          mental health diagnosis

                          :happy: :happy: Yay for you Jay ... yes, can only be one day at a time for many/most of us.
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

